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Everything posted by Slav

  1. Out of everything that’s been said before in this community all that was needed to cause an uproar was go after the Australians? Didn't think you lads would be SJW warriors in need of a safe space.
  2. Fuck you @Noahhh! got my own meme posting thread now. Theres this one I posted too since I’m up to a week now. Which was inspired by Noah’s stream when he got salty at bank.
  3. Daily Olympus Memes #7


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slav


      Rookbangers are the best. Especially the ones that mass RDM the APD and vigilantes in Kavala.

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      12 minutes ago, Fiend said:

      Especially the ones that mass RDM the APD and vigilantes in Kavala.

      I'll be looking into your chat history, bucko

    4. eknjack


      rebels are very scary people, I don't dare look at them never mind initiate

  4. Daily Olympus Memes #6


    1. Venomm


      an extra pushup for "meet me in support"
      +5 pushups if they say "retard, braindead" or something along those lines
      +10 if they say "just submit I know im right" and then you see their ban message in chat the next day.

    2. Monks


      +20 if they tell you your rank is gone

    3. Hunter


      +30 if they submit and they get themselves banned

  5. Slav


    Man just went from getting clowned on through squeaker wars to O7ing to coming back and donating then getting permed all within a week. o7 this time for real I imagine?
  6. Daily Olympus Memes #5

    Decided to make one for the APD this time.


  7. Everyone is giving @Ryan a hard time. All he did was try to download more RAM for the server and in the process sent a bunch of money to a Nigerian Prince.

  8. Daily Olympus Memes #4



    1. Monks


      Ong @Noahhh! Got staff and switched up on all the OG's 💯

  9. Daily Olympus Memes #3


    1. Monks


      Don't forget e rank

    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      I have  houses with 166 rockets 10 titans 

      eat shit

  10. Daily Related Olympus Memes #2

    I use the RCO...


    1. Monks


      Ong it is "acceptable" on other guns but for fuck sake use an arco on the mk1

  11. 1. Optimization. I can easily achieve 120FPS in Dayz Standalone, and it uses some parts of the Enfusion engine. So I think a performance boost is going to occur in the next title. 2. Go carts still being a thing 3. Import Altis, Tanoa, etc from Arma 3 into Arma 4 with their new engine and improved graphics/performance. 4. The ability to RDM @Noahhh! freely on any Arma 4 server. 5. more vehicles. Particularly water based vehicles. Would be cool to be able to pilot battleships and aircraft carriers like in Battlefield 1942. The addition of nuclear submarines and some other naval boats would be neat. Bohemia interactive always brought forth tons of air and land based vehicles, but naval ones are lacklustre in comparison in my opinion.
  12. Slav


    That’s just the spelling too. There is a plethora of grammar mistakes throughout his entire post.
  13. The Olympus community needs this in our lives.
  14. Introducing the best series in the forums:
    Daily Olympus Related Memes #1



  15. Slav

    Best Cod Game

    It’s a tie between Bo2 and MW2 for me in terms of gameplay. So I’ll just vote mw2 in the polls because it came out earlier but still stands the test of time.
  16. @Venoooom for Gang Wars Caster Imagine stealing BW mags when you’re this bad. The only target he’d be able to hit with them is the terrain. Lukie in top.
  17. Halloween because I get laid. I guess if you’re from Alabama you could get laid on Christmas too...
  18. Because you’re already the most corrupt staff member
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