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Status Replies posted by BENJI

    1. Members of the APD may not be restrained or excessively tased at Federal Reserves, Blackwater, Jail, or Pharmaceutical/Bank events.


    But this happens all the time tho?

    1. BENJI


      Shouldn't be able to restrain cops at a federal event period imo

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  1. First one to comment my favorite strain of weed gets my entire bank account!!! #WeLoveAStoner

  2. Did some work on editor. Opinions of a reworked Coke Processing? :kappahd:


    Opinions of a reworked frog processing?


  3. Does anyone else always feel like their bones are hollow after taking Adderall, or is it just me?

    1. BENJI


      Don't take adderall that shits not good for you, regardless if you take it for medical reasons like ADHD/ADD.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  4. My status seems to always get locked. Probably becauseI call out issues that no one wants to deal with. 

  5. Joe Biden is a rapist and sniffs young girls hair. 

    1. BENJI


      Mans can't even finish a full sentence without slurring his words or losing track of what he's talking about, it's actually hard to watch

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. show if the person is banned on stats v2

    1. BENJI


      2 minutes ago, destruct said:

      We don't say what the administrative action is for a reason, because, people might find it unfair or whatever, and have issue with it and it causes more of a headache for staff than it's worth.

      How does that make sense when it literally tells you what you're banned for when you connect, people are going to fight against bans no matter what it is. And idk how that would cause a "headache" for staff to write a few extra lines on a report

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  7. show if the person is banned on stats v2

    1. BENJI


      @destruct I'm guessing you mean it would a bad idea technically somehow, because if privacy's the issue that would make no sense as when they connect to the server it literally shows the entire server they're banned.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  8. I'm still not proud...


  9. can you delete this shit its looks official as fuck so ive never touched it dacd86eff8a82789ab61b29a77f3fc2f.png

    1. BENJI


      You need all of them or else some programs including games will not run properly if at all, so I wouldn't screw with any of them

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. anyone know how to keep your crosshairs from shrinking then expanding? 

    1. BENJI


      Means your character is tired, redgull can help I guess. Running for awhile will cause sway also

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. epstein didnt kill himself

  12. Alt+f10 that, boomer

  13. @coopacarp You are the biggest pile of shit I have ever come across. Imagine defending a CONVICTED child predator cause he was your gang leader. SICKENING. 

    I'll say the same thing to ANYONE who defends that awful human.




  14. Quit Olympus lost virginity 3 days later coincidence?

    1. BENJI


      6 minutes ago, Hoonter said:

      Receive of course!

      Ooooooh jeeeezzuuussss

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  15. Quit Olympus lost virginity 3 days later coincidence?

    1. BENJI


      Did you lose it to a guy ya fag, did you give or receive.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  16. Omg is that KGB Josh? Cause nobody cares idiot!

  17. So one of my ram sticks and my harddrive are fucked in my computer. Gonna be an interesting next few days.

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