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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. https://www.amazon.com/VG248QE-1920x1080-144Hz-Gaming-Monitor/dp/B00B2HH7G0
  2. Happy Birthday N@Ignis :P

    And Happy Birthday @Hylos, you bunny fanatic :blink:

    1. Hylos


      Thanks! Just send a snap of chewy saying happy birthday to me and my life shall be complete

  3. Congrats @hawk :pog: <3 u buddy :wub:

    1. hawk


      <3 you too and also your bunny Chewy, thanks a lot BenJI :wub:

  4. o7 man, gl on your future endeavors.
  5. BENJI

    L O L

    iM hOpINg nExT WeEkS mY wEek
  6. Happy Birthday @Pledge, and you too @Decimus you filthy farmer

  7. The fact Metro Exodus is switching from Steam to the Epic Games launcher exclusively for the next year, 2 weeks before release, and after almost a year of it being promoted on steam and able to be preordered on steam, is absolutely fucking ridiculous.

  8. Ya boy out here in that -45° degree weather

  9. @zoomzooooooom Love ya, you big dumb
  10. Taking out the motherboard battery then reinserting it might be a good thing to try
  11. If you don't do either 7 or 8 then stay away from me
  12. Asylum, lol
  13. BENJI


    Unless theres like 40 or less people on, you aren't getting 120 fps in kavala lmao
  14. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198137234098/#sort=order
  15. BENJI


    Hadi got that oil money
  16. BENJI

    WTS ENVG's

    Free speech is a myth
  17. I'd recommend getting an i7 tbh, overall Arma 3 is a more CPU intensive game. The better your CPU the better, but your graphics card does have an effect on the games performance. So getting a good graphics card will help to some extent, but it won't make the difference. But a much better CPU will.
  18. While burning do death you're also suffocating as the fire eats up all the oxygen, and... ya know.. you're literally burning to death. Would much rather drown to death than be engulfed in flames, but that's just me.
  19. BENJI

    The End

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