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Status Updates posted by BENJI

  1. Mission failed, we'll get em next time

    1. DeadPool


      RIP so close to the nuke 24 and 1 

  2. Man Rip Malcolm Young

    1. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      Yeah heard it on the radio yesterday. 


  3. it almost seems like the profiling build makes my game feel laggier at certain points

  4. @Jesse Not sure if this has been reported yet but I've noticed this weird spawn at Kavala HQ where it spawns you right outside of the HQ barrier to the north, I've only experienced this spawn twice. Both times with that cop spawn thing or whatever its called enabled in the Y - Menu settings.



    1. PoptartRex


      Already reported and fixed.

      Fixed in Dev*

    2. BENJI
  5. Your getting old gary :Kappa:

  6. Do rangefinders in arma just not work anymore ? ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PoM


      Look at the Target press T

    3. Savage


      Go into your controls/ weapons/ and set Lase Range to anything. Then when you want to find out the range, look at the target and press the button you set.

    4. JAMIE


      they work as face recognition as apd

    1. Poseidon


      Been like that for quite a while :P

    2. DeadPool


      Click on it and max your volume out no balls

  7. Merry Christmas Everyone :P


  8. When it takes Bohemia 3 years to realize that they should really start focusing on 64 bit Arma 3

  9. @Rusty Happy B-Day dooooood

  10. The texture bugs lately are ridiculous mang

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SystemChips


      So true, really never got any before the last update but now ive had like 5 today

    3. DeNiaL


      I got like 6 today


    4. SPBojo



  11. What happened to the donation goal reward that was being thought of?

  12. There be some killer clowns in city...... spooooky

  13. I swear to god everytime I see something controversial posted, all I see is *LOCKED* *LOCKED**LOCKED**LOCKED**LOCKED**LOCKED**LOCKED**LOCKED**LOCKED**LOCKED**LOCKED*

  14. What the actual fuck is this new geforce experience cancer

    1. Vancey


      Im going to record a vid on how to use this shit. but first i have to figure it out.

    2. Poseidon


      Welcome to Shadowpl.... I mean Nvidia Share(tm)

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      It took me 15 minutes to set up shadowplay. 

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