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Everything posted by thomaslorddd

  1. Lab Report: My experiment with the use of third party software to enhance my gaming ability. 

    1. proud


      Hypotheses: If I buy HOGWARE Soft Ware Solutions, will I be the best?

      Conclusion: Time is of the essence.

    2. Polly
  2. If I hit 260 squat today unban?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. buckie


      @ Fuzz^  he’s improving and getting gains. Don’t knock the man down when u sit on ur ass and don’t lift shit but ur fork.

    3. proud


      son tlord gon be jacked respect the hustle

    4. iSquat405


      @ Dealer  @ buckie  Finally squatting @ Fuzz^  BW at 160😂😂 11 months in 


  3. can you pull a few strings

  4. racism ban sent me over the edge @ Fraali

  5. anyone got any devious licks

    1. Martinezzz


      yeah this thomaslord guy licked a nerf bullet off someones head

  6. hahah u skipped school to play arma
  7. msg me g
  8. yo do u want a fucking smack

  9. Thats how it works woman
  10. yo i replied to the support thing plz can u do it im broke and trying to play conquest xxxx

  11. fuck ur so hot
  12. guy was on 1% battery for a while
  13. thomaslorddd


    just use them
  14. thomaslorddd


    so sexy #queen
  15. havent really sold it to me.. How many bedrooms bathrooms - ensuite? big open plan kitchen? tell me more
  16. they're not good but when you have no idea they are there til then can shoot you once in the face they're kind of hard to combat unless you have boxes
  17. Money is too hard to make @Ryan The runs take a long time and the reality is you just leave the processor building to get shot by a gang of 8 with ghilles and mx’s. I’d say remove the redzones around processors and make it so you have to verbally initiate on land vehicles and people on foot
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