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Everything posted by evannnn

  1. jeez ur aids
  2. @i chop hatchbacks
  3. criminals dont stand a chance
  4. the highlighters cannot be stopped
  5. @swervy LETS GOOOOOO


  6. good better than sitting in kavala hitting windows key
  7. fuck off retard
  8. why am i getting 1wp for killing enemy gang members on warzone now

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. evannnn


      im getting 8 wp for killing a full gear vigi with an mk1 im not even warred with

      and 1wp for killing a kid im warred with that is also full geared

      its broken

    3. Zahzi


      1 hour ago, evannnn said:

      im getting 8 wp for killing a full gear vigi with an mk1 im not even warred with

      and 1wp for killing a kid im warred with that is also full geared

      its broken

      Do you have video and timestamps we could look at?

      We tested it and got full points for the first death, and 1 pt when on cooldown (same as it's always been).

    4. evannnn


      @Zahzi next time it happens ill clip it


  9. cartel event??

    1. silton


      12 minutes ago, Headless said:

      you remind me of Patrick star he also lived in a rock.

      under a rock* also this made me want to put my head under a 18 wheeler please dont say shit like this again thank you

    2. evannnn


      @Headless why is that lol. no cartel event has been done even in the "event month"

  10. evannnn


  11. yes lets make banks apd sided good idea
  12. cant connect

    1. monster


      Me either, wonder if its for the same reason.

  13. remove betting
  14. when is there going to be a cartel event

  15. how the fuck have you donated 1,500$ to olympus


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @SPBojo @Strikke @Grandma Gary You are all retarded, Norwegians can't make meatballs

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Oh shit my bad yall foreigners smell alike l0l

    4. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Grandma Gary At least we don't kiss girls like you do, so gay, holy shit 

  16. happy 151 year old birthday @Energyyy

    old man

  17. when are vigis gonna be lethals on warzone

    1. ChillX


      When they feel like it, so never

  18. see you in a week
  19. do a cartel event

    it is event month isnt it

  20. hahahaha
  21. @Mr GOAT how are you going to be able to tell if someone is using a ts notifier

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. John Wayne
    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      @ThatNerdyGuy The only thing you know is how to fuck up Tanking for Tua

    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      @ooooooooo Tua fucked that up, #Blow4Burrow

  22. i turned off my chat entirely, how tf do i turn it back on

    1. Lucien


      Its called stream friendly UI in the game settings, toggle it to off

  23. passenger seat is fucked when you go into new wz rebel, might be the update but you fly through walls and into the ocean

  24. battleeye client not responding fix???

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