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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. PUBG w/@Bobby couldn't be funnier. 




    1. Bobby


      hahaha was a good day for sure, lotta ups and downs :bender-dance:

    2. proud


      Is that a shooting star? No, just some retards on a bike. 

      I had some good laughs lol

  2. Maybe I should stop taking my SDV to the excavation sight searching for criminals. I might lose my pension.
  3. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: The past tense of bias  (or whenever it is used as an adjective) is biased. Get it fucking right, you idiots.

    1. Pledge


      I have a secret plan to fight bias.

    2. Linka
  4. Damn it! I really wanted to see you make Deputy Chief. Oh well. You made good on your time with the SAPD. Enjoy retirement.
  5. It takes two to make a thing go wrong. @McDili
  6. Chapter 20 might even be hiding Jimmy Hoffa...
  7. "He's trying to be like Dan Bulgarian." -Adi

    1. RogueMK


      colon issue's huh? im sure peter long has some tips on that one for ya lmao xD

    2. Moose


      Why did you buy that? I'm sure your "alternative lifestyle" leads to your bowels getting snaked out often.

  8. I wonder if Drag Queens are classified in the DSM...

  9. When @Huskers transfers to Las Vegas Metropolitan PD 


  10. Too much time on my hands.



  11. Pretty sure I had to read that my Junior year in HS like five years ago. It's about the Salem Witch Trials, right?
  12. Any reason why some people's forum pages can't be posted to publicly? Like, I can write a public message on McDili's profile, but this option isn't available on another person's profile? What the fuck, over? :bigcheefface:

    1. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      i cant even make a status update

      I also cant write anything on your profile 

    2. DashTonic


      Fuzzy you gotta enable it 

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