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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Status Replies posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. Apparently Verne Troyer Died a couple days ago RIP

  2. what would yall think about cops not being allowed to go into fed/bw to
    check for civs before the robbery has a chance to start?


  3. If Putvert thinks hes gonna win, Last time I checked America was back to back World War Champs Bring it on you skinny Russian

  4. that feel when when apd cant have coin flips because we might trick civs into them thinking its a ticket. yikes.

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Betting on a coin-flip is gambling. Gambling is illegal in most jurisdictions. Why give cops the ability to gamble if it's illegal. I get it. Just make coin-flips illegal. I'd happily ticket/arrest a guy for illegal gambling.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  5. https://gyazo.com/1147234cad8e3ce3d28599cc67b80d8d


    When you have to testify before congress, in a booster seat

  6. Sooo, Whats this drama of dominick doing some fraudulent shit??? 

  7. Statuses saying RIP Sam due to a crash started 20 minutes ago. Sam was on the forums 12 minutes ago. There’s a ghost among us 

  8. @Last says "there is no proof they're breaking rules in the video, there could have been engagement and there could have also been great RP for killing them in restraints, plus video is'nt 5 min long not so RDM is not being broken..." 

  9. Better to burn out, than to fade away...

  10. @Last says "there is no proof they're breaking rules in the video, there could have been engagement and there could have also been great RP for killing them in restraints, plus video is'nt 5 min long not so RDM is not being broken..." 

  11. another school shooting today

  12. Lol hit a kid with the truth and he cries a river about it. Grow up

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      3 minutes ago, Dαɳƚҽ said:

      Why only a mile and a half tho? I didn’t get the pleasure of running less than 2 mile runs since pre basic prep shit. 

      SEAL PST includes a 1.5 miler, but to be competitive they want to see it done in no less than 10:30 and it must be run in boots and trousers.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  13. This career Vigi sucks.  If it was used to curb tazing cops, I understand.  But as far as the rest of it goes it sucks.  Wtf someone going to do with a P07?  Then can't even use another gun even if you already own it.  Two thumbs down. 



  15. I got saturday school and need movies to watch. Any ideas?

  16. That gw was pathetic. Doesn't even feel like we won.  Not the admins fault just because of all the dumb grease balls with nothing better to do that play with booters.

  17. Bring back the bridge from pyrgos to south air. @DeadPool

  18. I hope you guys enjoyed the stream. Yes, I will be giving away a steam account. Has a copy of Arma and PUBG. A few mil on olympus. Ill let you guys know in a few days on how you can win it.

  19. If the eagles win ill give away my Steam account

  20. Reminder Civ meeting tommorrow at 4pm est in the olmypus teamspeak in the civ rep lounge. Once it gets cancer and anyone who is producing the cancer will be removed from the meeting.

  21. any physics teachers here that wants to teach me gravitational and celestial mechanics

  22. wtb a ghosthawk hmu with offers

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