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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Phizx

  1. Riddle #9: Teapot? IGN: Phizdicks
  2. As much as I hate your living guts, Happy Birthday you inflated hot air balloon. @Corporal_moob

    You too as well, Rusty. @Rusty

    1. Rusty


      ran out of likes thanks lad

    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Thanks Fam!









      Now get back over that wall.

  3. Maybe if you read my previous comment.....
  4. Yeah I also heard someone in my ts say the reward was gonna be the equivalent of like 40-50mil on either Olympus or asylum (whichever you choose) but then again it could just be another game of telephone.
  5. Idk why I thought you would give us the full price for a shed.. My bad.. Maybe a crate full of the gear put in a house instead of a gang shed?
  6. So I'm assuming like 20-25mil in gang funds if you dont own a gang shed ?
  7. If a rule is changed that would've kept you from being banned previously is that ban taken off your record? Just wondering while waiting out my ban

  8. 4ea78cf363a49936a7818f659af8a181.png We'll probably have stats page back by the time this ticket is looked at lol...


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grandma Gary
    3. Marty


      @Grandma Gary so if i reported a bug before the implementation of the tracker I have to re-report it on the tracker? I'm not even sure if the bug I reported still exists.

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Yeah the tracker is the way to go.  The bug reports where handled via tickets and for the longest time Poseidon was the only one able to handle them and he has a hatred for tickets that you wouldnt believe.  So until Djwolf came along the bug report section just gathered e-dust =P

  9. Phizx


    "I'ma at your favorite rapper, shoot him like I'm John Dill " -21 Savage
  10. +1. By donation goal I meant that you had to donate to get separate perks. It's demotivating to shoot someone in the back of the head and have them walk it off lol
  11. Phizx

    Gang tags

    Simple. "Hands up or die by * New Kings" or something of that sort
  12. That isn't MC, that is Sinister/ temporary gang. I had to put in other asylum players in to make it a fair combination and the roster was completely last minute. Watch the gang wars and you'll see we never had the same roster in any fight, subs came in and out like flies. That win against Nv was far from luck... The push was executed perfectly and they got straight up smacked, as for the others, y'all had it.
  13. I only mentioned Nv because I saw Rusty fluctuate between no tags/TI tags/ and Nv tags. I've never seen you get a singular kill on the server so I don't see where you're coming from with the "easily wipe" them. Nv doesn't really play on Olympus, and if they have ever wiped us, you didn't contribute anything to it.
  14. And then you would complain "OH HE WENT OUT OF THE ZONE" "OH MY GOD SUCH A SMALL AREA TOO MUCH LAG" "WHY ARE THEY ROACHING WHILE DEFENDING HELLO? 15v15 on a cartel even with only one ifrit would make it a cancer scene for both sides regardless of the location. I don't disagree that the gang wars should be at a cartel once in a while, but I disagree that cartels are the only thing that represents a gangs skill. And as for saying there were no quality gangs in that gang war, you guys lost to absence and considering you guys are "gods" they must be quality too? Supremacy is not a bad gang, neither is complexity, and to how you make it sound TI must be the best gang in all of Arma 3. You are used to cartels, so I understand where you're coming from but the gang holding the cartel usually means there's no other gang to contest... Just because MC TI and Complexity are offline doesn't make VoA the best gang for having all 3 cartels... Your arguments are quite irrational.
  15. You're looking at it wrong. How is it not a fair fight? Sides are a coin-toss and the area was voted on. Neither gangs have experience at this location and no one knows the best positioning. Usually the better gang will be able to flex their ability to fight off cartels and adjust to the new location. None of this is "one-sided" or "MCPD MCOS LOL MC HANDED WINS HAHAA" we fought just like anyone else, with the same odds as everyone else.
  16. I dont have the best memory, but it's pretty damn close to it
  17. And just to add in , there's a reason why MC has lasted so long. To add to that, there is also a reason why TI/Mayhem/Complexity/Nv whatever the fuck they name their next gang hasn't. Allow me to elaborate . MC: Has a huge player roster of over 100+ people. Has lasted 2+ years ever since Olympus was first created. Has NEVER disbanded under ANY circumstances. Has remained consistent for the most part. (Not counting the small inactivity periods from time to time). Experienced leader who has the game knowledge required to lead such a large player database, as well as maturity equipped with being a gang leader. Loyal and experienced members. TI/Mayhem/Complexity/Whatever The Fuck: Has proven to be inconsistent, hense the name "The Inactives" Young and immature children. Small roster of 20 or less. Experienced leaders but nothing near what's needed to keep a gang running. Has disbanded countless times. Relying on one-person carries rather than working as a team. (Eg: 3 Rip/Rustys perms.) Toxicity levels over 9000 Gang hoppers that have left/will leave on signs of deterioration Lets not forget, the only reason TI and Complexity split up is because of complications between Tom/Alwayz and 3Rip. Everything you've said so far ,SystemChips, is all a repeat of what either Tom/Huskers/3Rip or Rusty have stated. The bandwagon is soon for departure...
  18. You highlight Olympus Gang Wars like you've participated in anything else. You are mainly an Olympus player and that's where you originated from. Playing on the garbage cop force on asylum once in a while doesn't make you better than everyone else on Olympus. Had you guys won, the statement you've just written would be COMPLETELY different. Of course if I lost, I would look at it as a time to "have some fun on arma once again". Lets not forget how hyped all of us were when we won gang wars in Titans, was a different story before you joined those retards huh? If we were dog shit , we wouldn't have stomped the gang that stomped you and whatever was left afterwards. The chairs/wheelchair joke was way before you even bought Arma, so it's sad to see you joining the trend of the half-minded "Asylum l9j9nds". Bots don't kill half-decent players, what does that say about you guys? Told him this straight up, had to +1.
  19. Third time lucky ay? What the fuck is that Gafski xD I think it's "Third times a charm".
  21. I had a feeling I would see something this retarded some day...
  22. NOW that ladies and gents is how you're supposed to Johnson hop. Hats off to ya Pledge.
  23. Slavery will return by the time we get our stats page
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