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Walsh Weep

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About Walsh Weep

  • Birthday 03/04/2001

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. HMG offroad with ballastic shield and red dot sight where.
  2. Looking at staff from when i left and staff currently all i can say is 


  3. enjoyed playing with you
  4. Can someone update me on what gangs do feds/BW's nowadays ty


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. monster


      1 hour ago, NokiaStrong said:

      Quite the opposite. I’ve tried to do a fed 3 times on cop this month. Every time there was a senior who redeployed me. keeping the fed total cops to under 13

      Sounds like a pretty good senior.

    3. Noodles:D


      6 hours ago, John Wayne said:

      probably just freeing up the server slot for someone else.

      Lol no we weren't.

    1. Buying or selling Olympus money
    2. :bruh:
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryan


      36 minutes ago, Evann said:

      6. wait another 3 months get unpermed again

      7. Repeat step 5

  5. thermals for 7 mil
  6. i worked for mine but this man @Pledge can cheat his way up ?



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. old tb account

      old tb account

      i have 411 and im not on there :FeelsBad:

    3. Walsh Weep

      Walsh Weep

      2 hours ago, Pledge said:

      I mean, I actually have 584 arrests

      the stats are from Post-Titles you cheated

    4. Edge


      Yea fuck pledge

  7. Both from blackwaters their still for sale
  8. Did he do that on purpose?



    1. MAV


      rip twitch account

    2. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      @MAV It said Nightmare. Good meme though.

  9. Offer 2 Thermal EVG's
  10. If anyone would like to buys Stocks hmu im selling some shares 

  11. Everything has been sold within the hour, Except 2x Thermal EVG's
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