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Everything posted by Bruhar

  1. o7 to this Olympus O.G May the heavens welcome another great soul my condolences to anyone close w/ him & family. #freedabesteva
  2. 833-456-4566
  3. Bruhar

    D14 4 Crater

    This is realistic fully upgraded 2900 Storage This is the only illegal drug that you don't have to pay a cartel tax.
  4. Straight across from the 100% Pharma Drop Off Listed for 10Mil
  5. Bruhar

    Wtb gear

    Wtb Mar10 Lethal DMS
  6. Happy Birthday @ Winters Chief 

  7. Looking to buy 4 Crater Gravia
  8. What in the fuck was that laugh ahahahahahah then dies.
  9. Honest to fuck The Rock is a MVP for this 


  10. SAD


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bruhar


      Having the option for denial yet the only way to be fully denied is to respawn. Wtf is the purpose of that what if you were waiting for a epi but your body is being camped.  YOU really need to take a look at this one.

    3. SPBojo


      Your retarded, medic system has always been that way. 


      Its not that hard to either just not request or not leave ur desk after requesting denial. 

    4. buckie


      Medics are the scummiest rats of the entire server that’s why they got issues with children. 

  11. Roxxy really be getting out gamed


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bruhar


      If you watch the hp I passively gen 1hp that saved me in the fight  

    3. xDRO


      I remember my first beer

    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      yo bruhar this exe u sent me is hitting p im not dying anymore

  12. Saw this and cried a little 

    Little gem if you know you know  😂

  13. TBH Idk how you knew I respawned and engaged me right away then shot me threw a house.  Was death in my house for 15mins then this sus shit 🥇 

  14. Must say it's pretty disappointing that you can make more money doing dp missions rather than actually carrying out your cop duties. $150,000 Bounty is like $30,000 

    Maybe Add titles for more cop money

    Ex. 10 Arrest - 1.5%

    50 Arrest - 5%


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Unjo


      Quote not working on phone

      "Arrest Title" should be made to increase money gain from sending people to prison. Therefore giving APD Members the initiative to process players. 


      Pretty bad idea. 

      Economy is supposed to be getting fixed rn

      Also if you need initiative to do the main job on a volunteer whitelist role perhaps cop aint for you

    3. Bruhar


      @Unjo it doesn't have to be much just worth the time. 

    4. Unjo


      JAPD have been wanting more arrest money since @Grandma Gary was born. 

      If I remember correctly its 28% solo 33% three ways and then trickles down fairly with more people.

      Whether or not is worth the time is down each arrest. 

  15. Personally I think the money split on cop shouldn't happen unless a player is lethal"ed / you search a Vehicle / a player / seizures or anything. Basically everything other than a player paying a ticket / sending a player to jail. This will there by give motive to other officers to actually do something while on duty. Along with not actually getting shit money. Also bring back the $350 for impounding cop vehicles otherwise no ones cleaning up the FED / JAIL / BW
  16. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK LMAO. When is a blackfish ever used give them the option to buy titan but you cannot use then for any means. So you have to msg a civ for a titan for any means ??????? - 1 Do you have any idea how many player reports your gonna have if you go any means and a civ brings you a titan. Retarded Civ's are going to report just because APD has the option to buy them. Retarded give P.O the option to buy an item that they cannot use unless they have certain criteria EX. Quad bike -1
  17. Medic is only good for RP & Money what action do you really get other than being a Bitch to any other Fraction you literally get told what to do in every encounter.
  18. - Banks are completely retarded for any APD Members without lethals as you cannot limit the number of rebels in the situation. As Civ's are given a height Advantage. Not to mention it's nearly in possible to enter the Area if all 3 office building's have rebels on them firing upon the any officer that tries anything. - Having to stop PROCESSING if shots are fired at the HQ. Wtf are you going to do if you've gotten someone in restrains and your the only cop on and someone is firing upon the HQ? Sit there for an hour hoping the ape pushes you? If you leave PD you are putting said individual at risk of being taken? I guess that's the price you gotta pay. Or on the other hand they can just stop your from doing anything intel the reinforcement appear. Making most situations a disadvantage. - Having a Civ use a taser to put you in restrains and rob you without them having a 3.1 Advantage.
  19. Happy Birthday 

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