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Everything posted by FluffyTEDDY

  1. Well understandable that this gets added since it happened earlier or yesterday :3
  2. You speak of the truth my friend. I think some of the issues are the constant fighthing with gangs that outnumber officers by 2 to 3 every single day. constant feds, BW, Pharma done by the same gang, or different gang but one gang is always present either roaching, taking over the robbery or doing it themselves. And then there is the constant robberies of officer equipment by certain gangs rolling 10 - 12 deep and just tazing all officers and robbing them, then waiting the minimum time before doing it again. then repeat the procedure maybe 3 - 4 times until the officer has lost enough money or says fuck it and gets off. These are only some of the reasons why people don't hop on cop anymore.
  3. "Insert mass roast here"

    Before ya'll get to roast me, know this, imma try to bring respect back to the Fluffyteddy name 😉 Wish me luck boys and girls

    1. Claysive


      You have to go off on at least one support team member though. Wouldn't be the same. 

    2. FluffyTEDDY


      hehehehe xD nah dawg xD I've tried to go off on people in RP, but i can't fake being mad xD i just crack up like crazy everytime xD Not the angry fluffy i used to be man 🙂

  4. You love to see it, been gone for years and community is still going strong :3

    1. FluffyTEDDY


      Heh, i mean Olympus was a shit show before i stopped playing, reckon it's still a shit show. But it's a shit show that people love to be in and yeah, all chaos aside it's still an awesome community :3

  5. what's up fuckers?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      ay someone link the video of fluffy freaking out on the support team member

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      10 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

      ay someone link the video of fluffy freaking out on the support team member

      Or literally any interaction he had with @Fedot.

    4. Millennium


      1 hour ago, Bloodmoon said:

      ay someone link the video of fluffy freaking out on the support team member


  6. There are worse communities than this, so you'll be fine. Just grow a thick skin
  7. If you fired warningshots and waited 5 secs and he didn't do anything apart from hovering you're good.. his fault for being to dumb to move
  8. My quilins are gone:(
  9. gotta love the double standards and favoritism going on. vigi's are allowed to gang up with cops to have the licenses of other vigilantees removed... GG Olympus, you claim your cop force is better but time after time it gets proven otherwise !!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ebzekro


      4 hours ago, GummyCow said:

      i think anyone that has been around for a while and has looked at the chain of command can see that the APD has definitely seen better days


    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Are you being cyber bullied? :(

    4. FluffyTEDDY


      I don't care let it affect me, it pisses me off yes that people sink so low but i have cracked the nuts on bullies a long time ago.. Bullies push other people down to feel better about themselves.  

  10. Laugh all you want, but i have equally right to comment and give my fair 2 cents on the case... and no not out to start a flame war so i will leave it at this!
  11. I am probably the last person people wanna see talking about leadership etc.. But in my years of playing Arma i've gotten really good at being just that.. A leader... Now my two cents is that though a rule was broken, at best it would serve as a reminder not to do it again. Now the rule in question is without a doubth outdated, but it still exists. Mercury acted on his opinion and served the blacklist as the best course of action. Now i don't agree with his choice but i also see the reason for why he made his choice. Being the leader of a faction is not an easy thing to be.. Many may think it is hella easy, but wait until you are in the situation and have to make decisions based on the information you have at hand. In my eyes i would say the blacklist is harsh, and probably would've see if there was different ways to go around to satisfy both parties. But i also agree with the rules since i come from Heavy Role-Play related communities where you wouldn't had done such a move cause that would just be idiotic and wrong. I see the points from both sides and agree with both parties, but we are all humans and every choice we make will piss someone of or make then unsatisfied.. That is my 2 cents
  12. i mean, don't bother @Matt The Savage. Mcdili was on his show to yellin white power, so staff and players alike! Nobody is clean in this case!
  13. Well, if NFG was cheating they would've been banned by now, so clearly your assumptions are wrong... However, you're not mistaken when you assume you died from a hacker, cause it does look like it in this instanse
  14. You know something is seriously fucked up when 6 out of Server 2's current population are breaking the same rules so much that it is considered Mass Rulebreaks at this point.... Guess there is going to be a lot of videos on the same 6 people 

    1. Ebzekro
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      indeed, a fitting thing to do Ebz :)

    3. iPopsicle


      Good thing we have you to babysit!

  15. Gotta love it when there is a Arma 3 update and you have no idea why and now you can't play Arma 3


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MAV
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      There is an update because Bohemia updated the game ^_^

    4. DashTonic


      40 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

      There is an update because Bohemia updated the game ^_^

      You mean broke the game

  16. In my eyes NRL should not Apply when you get killed for no legit role-play reasons.. But the staff love drama and chaos, so it's what you get i guess
  17. Banter status really. 


    I find it really funny how many people who think that having a gun out and saying hi is classified as a valid form of engagement and that they can kill you cause of it... 


    Had one to day, even told me he was gonna report me for asking for comp for his stupidity... Kids these days.. 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      Caleb, it has nothing to do with either i am a vigi or a rebel.. the fact is that i am tired of all the people who think that they can shoot someone just cause you said hi to them, or had a gun out close to them.. But your comment has been deleted cause it didn't help you at all

    3. xDRO


      hands up or die

    4. FluffyTEDDY


      xDRO, sure.. Hands up or die is the usual RP you get, but people think they are entitled to kill you cause you looked at them funny 

  18. #That feeling when you learn that someone poses as a member of your gang, RDM's a whole lotta people, and then people claim that you are the guy doing it.. Do people really want me gone that much that they feel the need to go out of their way to frame me for something i didn't do? xD dumb kids don't know that the admins will check if it is me or not and figure out it is all a lie 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      Cause i felt like making a funny rant about it, cause it is actually funny that someone wants me banned so bad that they go to the lengths of impersonating me to try and get me in trouble xD 


    3. Lucki


      inb4 we have a server full of FluffyTeddys...

    4. FluffyTEDDY


      Gaawd i hope not:DansGame: One of me is enough xD

  19. There has been 1000 posts just like this one in the past and yet the option to be a vigilante still stands, there has been posts like this since the day i started on Oly, guess what... Vigi's still exists
  20. Lel, people wonder why this community gets such a bad rep.. I get my vigi lisence taken away for 38 assaults... Deputy gets a slap on the wrist and doesn't have to comp me for all that i am loosing cause of it.. people wonder why people break rules on here, THIS is why, cause of how fucked up and corrupt the system really is !


    good job destroying the role-Play experience for someone and then talk mad shit in Ts cause a sergeant told you that you did nothing wrong and gave you a warning!!! 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Can also confirm if you submit a comp request we certainly wouldn't comp $3 million l0l

      You screwed the pooch on this one if you're expecting more.  That Deputy is learning, that's kinda the point of Deputy

    3. KrispyK


      its a deputy you need to chill man

    4. FluffyTEDDY


      Can confirm that i stated that no in-game amount of money would be enough to compensate and that the comp request only consists of trying to get back what i lost.. 

  21. Vigilante tier been reset????? Aparantly a tier 2 vigi has lost his tiers
  22. People laughing and making fun of others misfortune to make themselves feel better happens every day, i am used to it.. Truth be told, i know several people sit behind a computer screen making fun of others cause they have it equally as bad or worse and that making fun of others makes themselves feel better.. Sadly i've done that myself and it isn't worth it.
  23. guess you missed it you fuck!!! while this case in ongoing - MEANING i am fighting, we went to court and are fighting CPS like crazy cause they refuse to cooperate with us. SO don't type anything if you have nothing good to say!!! but as i said also i am not gonna go into details so don't comment if you have nothing good to type..
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