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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. To put the Kidney massacre in perspective:


    In ONE day, 621 kidneys were stolen making a revenue of just shy of


    Too bad most of them weren't sold before the nerf ;)

    1. falcon


      Well. I guess them Kavalians have no respect for peoples kidneys...

    2. Bow


      As a Kavalian, Troll, supreme leader of #2 Kavala, Space Exploration Pro and anti-vigi squad... this is out of hand.

      Anyone found in my town hurting my little civilians will be punished to death by my Ground-To-Air car launcher

  2. Just a friendly reminder taking your own gang mate's kidneys multiple times is considered exploiting as you are not using the new system as intended.

    1. Fushigi


      can i steal my own gang members and then just delete it?

    2. iPopsicle


      1 minute ago, Fushigi said:

      can i steal my own gang members and then just delete it?

      Of course you can be an asshole and take your gang mates kidney, and if you want to delete it that is fine too. It becomes more concerning when we notice a pattern in the server logs.

    3. QKSILVR73


      Hey we have to train to be proficient in stealing kidneys. What better way to do it than on our own. ;)

  3. Back-to-back wins on PUBG with my boys. On to the third win! @Lucki @RambleR @Plumber


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. iPopsicle
    3. Randyy


      that is false sir Im actually insane in the membrane

    4. DeadPool


      You need moob for the luck of the Irish kek 

  4. o7 Thank you for everything you've done for me and this community. I wish they realized how much you've done and how much of an asset they pushed away. A message to all the retards that get a boner off of hurting people's feelings: FUCK YOU
  5. Happy Birthday Dez!!!!!!!!! :D 

  6. Everyone let's yell at @GidgiPoo for spamming even though that's the most active he's been on the forums in months! :Kappa:

    1. SPBojo


      So i get warning points for being honest but this nerd can spam and all he gets is a kappa? shesh

    2. Serpico


      Mod-queue him, no balls

  7. Next level roleplay. Take notes boys...



    1. -dante-


      Assuming this was when he did it to me :(

  8. And the winner is @Dr.Dream!! Congratulations man, I will see if I can get that 750k added into your bank account for ya ASAP
  9. Last chance to enter in the giveaway, it ends tonight!


  10. Do you scale these up to 1920x1080?
  11. The contest is simple. Here is answer some questions in this format: 1. IGN: 2. How did you find Olympus?: 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: You can answer question 3 with a video if you have it. Please do at least a complete sentence. I will put all names in a pool, and have the site pick a name. Good luck! Contest will end midnight on 5/1/2017. To give an example here is my answer: Keep the comments to entries only.
  12. E7CC69DAC90ACD8CE412A8E751649DB809B260D3

    That's how you do it BIEEETCH

  13. ;D


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RubberDuck


      1 hour ago, Grandma Gary said:

      You finally replacing the battery for the vibrator stuck up your pooper?  Not sure this is the right place to post it but good job i guess ^_^

      Reported, see you in the tickets section of the forums nerd!

      1 hour ago, Ignis said:


      I gotchu....

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      How is it bullying?  He enjoys stuff up his butt and his last escapade just happened to run out of batteries. 

    4. RubberDuck


      Your right @Grandma Gary facts are facts.

  14. Oh boy you never have been so right
  15. Oh you mean "the buds" xd
  16. Sucking is a dead meme. It's all about stroking the shaft now Rusty
  17. If someone wants to be promoted bad enough they'll do what ever it takes to get it. But I am saying in general if someone gets SGT they most likely earned it.
  18. I am sure @G.O.A.T. would disagree that OS helps. Infact, he would probably imply that it hinders your chances at becoming sAPD.
  19. I am just agreeing that they can play with them whenever they want since they can join the channel lol
  20. I didn't deny that
  21. I would have to disagree with you about the OS thing. People get SGT because they've earned regardless of who they play with. It has to do with the time played on cop, their skill at being a cop, and their leadership. Just so happens that OS people do have those leadership and other skills that are looked for when finding a next sergeant so it may seem that OS equals sergeant, but it really doesn't.
  22. Are you guys still selling it? I am interested.
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