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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. I am Ignis and I approve this message.
  2. Hey guys, did you know @tacosmell streams? Who would've known?!

    1. Tb:)


      man i dont know :O 

    2. Tacosmell


      Give me "Olympus Streamer of the Year Tag"

  3. Anyone wanna make me a cool picture for my profile cover photo?

  4. Hmu if you want to help me buy a snowmobile for myself :D

  5. When you get perm restricted on the forums and downvote the mod 10 times to get back at them lol gg you really showed him! 

  6. Purge this asshole, BITCH
  7. Merry Christmas ye filthy cunts :wub:

  8. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/nanbology123/#sort=order
  9. Yes. Especially him.
  10. Introducing the new Refer a retard program! For every retard you get to fill a slot in our server you will receive 1 MILLION dollars! For every 10 retards you will receive a 5 million dollar bonus. Thoughts boys? #reviveganglyfe #downwiththesickness #nerfAPD
  11. I have a small brain?
  12. Hey man we had a good run whether we lose all our pop tomorrow or a year from now. Arma 3 is an old af game and nothing's permanent. But people act like this is their life and it's quite entertaining. Thank you for the tl;dr my friend.
  13. Can someone give me a tldr of this thread I don't have a big enough attention span to read this...
  14. Weather Machine Broke

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DashTonic


      dam i wanted it to rain

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Cloudy with a chance of meatballs

    4. DeadPool


      Can you make it more snowy please. I have never seen real snow

  15. iPopsicle


    Did you try turning it off and then back on?!?
  16. Thanks for @ing me @Evann. Your severe case of autism made me chuckle.
  17. Happy birthday ya cunt. Hopefully you and big haystack have a great time celebrating xd

  18. 71eUb8bsDSL._SX425_.jpg

    1. Imawowboy


      OMFG i would love to use this to get all of the clumps out of my milk for my cereal.

  19. Actually, he showed me a picture of him when he was skinny and my god I was shellshocked.
  20. @Corporal Moob Good times, eh?
  21. The animated profile picture is a .gif file. Anybody can do animated profile pictures. The moving names is for special people only (founders circle/senior staff)
  22. Reply and lock this thread easy win.
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