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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. Guys stop bothering @Poseidon he schleep.


    1. falcon


      he is shlumpd over on his bed

    2. Brennan


      Almost 8 hours of sleep is enough for stats page he need to be WOKE

  2. I will give you my friendship for it.
  3. Like this if you want access to Grandma Gary's personal channel!
  4. Like this if goat is a shit chief 

  5. Happy berfday man!

  6. golfer-yelling-fore-cartoon.gif

    1. ScreaM


      I hit a teammate when I played high school golf. I intentionally did not use this phrase.

  7. Is it me or is the text on the map messed up?

    1. User_0000


      Looks more neat

    2. Hydra


      yes text is very fucked up

  8. Grats @EatMeth, can't wait to see what you'll make!

  9. I wasn't a victim they couldn't find me, but legend has it I was hiding on medic impounding striders.
  10. He looks old for 13.
  11. Couldn't have said it better. Stop breaking rules and then complain that the staff are doing their job, mook.
    1. Strikke
    2. iPopsicle


      The guy ragdolled into outer space in the beginning

    3. Strikke


      wtf i did not see that untill now.. hahaha

  12. Remember to leave a Budweiser and a rifle out under your America tree tonight for Kid Rock of he won't leave you any fireworks.

  13. @DashTonic @Sovereign You guys <3 Thank you for supporting our community.

  14. This month's donation goals are up!

    1. SPBojo


      so is ur moms dick

    2. Soverign


      And this months donation goal is done. lol

  15. Happy birthday man!

  16. Good shit ok-hand-sign.png

    Happy birthday man!


  17. I hate politics.

    1. SPBojo


      im pretty sure politics hate you too 

  18. Olympus is currently performing as well as most of you did on your finals.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ham


      3 minutes ago, Pledge said:

      I got all A's and 5s on my AP.....


      Olympus must be improving fast

      No you didn't, you won't know AP final scores till July 6th or 7th :P

    3. Ryan


      God damn if thats the case then I guess Olympus is performing like shit, no way in hell my finals are good :(

    4. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Looks like we are going back on a update boys like I'm going back a grade sorry :/

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