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Everything posted by Orgondo

  1. Wow. Huge blow to the apd, love you @TheRealKyle but damn wasn't expecting that @McDili

  2. I use to do it long before you were a thing on the server lol
  3. So are we allowing Titans without text?
  4. Yall are so gay when i aint online
  5. Hour and a half until i can board then 7hr flight to Illinois and 3hr drive home. Fucking hell i cant wait to be back home.

  6. I like how people are saying im their favorite deputy when in reality i never play and when i do all i do while im online is scream the Little Einstein theme song at the top of my lungs lol. @ThatRandomGuy @ThatNerdyGuy Can 100% back that too.
  7. I love you for this lolol. Best Deputy Olympus has ever seen
  8. I am out for vacation for the next 10 days, any Civ ideas you may have for the community please send them to @Corporal_moob as I will probably not be checking in all that much.

    1. Mooey


      Civ Reps get paid vacation?!?!? Wow... Congrats!

  9. Orgondo


    God i did not miss your shit posts Bojo
  10.  When you go alittle crazy 

  11. Orgondo


    07 buddy, had some good times.
  12. Tonight was a fucking blast. APD vs. Rebels at OG Shine. Think we shot down like 13 Ghawks lol. We can supply rockets allllll night long y'all haha <3 @Lil Bill @Monkey_Wrench @Potato @Midnightcamo @Lucki @Matt The Savage

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Midnight


      it was fun... btw it was 6 hawks lol

    3. Orgondo


      Other SAPD got on after you, i continued shooting them down lol

    4. Midnight


      i lost 3 landed 1. plumber lost 2 and lucki lost 1.. either way it was fun

  13. Dope crates are fucking sick @Dante Fleury Thanks for the care package earlier!

    1. -dante-


      Anytime! I'm glad to see you guys enjoyed it. 

  14. And this is why we don't let you fly in the gang.
  15. Happy Birthday to the most creative and imaginative kid on the APD @Ham

    1. Ham


      Thanks man :)

  16. For S2 you won't find anything in Dp23, however 24/25 maybe @Piner if he is still selling
  17. I was looking for this video not too long ago!! Fucking legendary
  18. No wonder I can't connect to S2, 21 fucking cops on jfc

    1. Brennan


      I think Sr APD forgot they can server redeploy.

  19. If I get Sr. Deputy, you can have Lieutenant mofucker.
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