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Everything posted by Snare

  1. all of my bois are getting banned... :mellow:

    1. TheRandomOne


      They probably shouldn't have broken rules then

    2. Snare


      your right... was making a statement my dud. feelsrealbad tho.

  2. Now that i got 1000+ rep do I get a special title?

  3. I honestly dont think anything is wrong with it if they made their money legit.
  4. Would you perfer me to say lynch? These kids are selling money that they didnt do anything to get they deserve any text i send their way.
  5. These retards duped 700m and never fought a cartel in their lives LOL kill yourselves!
  6. I don't understand what the big deal is considering they just said they can add you to an exception list if you write a good reason in your ban appeal...
  7. Yeah idk yet havent had a chance to play hopefully it does the possitive things everyone is saying 4 me.
  8. Welcome new players... Better hope you don't have vacs here unless your a good essay writer.
  9. pla·ce·bo ef·fect pləˈsēbō əˈfekt,ēˈfekt/ noun a beneficial effect, produced by a placebo drug or treatment, that cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.
  10. ^ if that doesn't work rope might be your only way out.
  11. symfuhny...



    ....what now???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 3 Rip
    3. SystemChips


      did something happen big daddy snare

    4. Snare


      NVM UNBAN :P 

      Lil Bill Got banned for scripting case your wondering

  12. Better way to fix texture bug would be to unload the textures and not try to reload them. whenever textures reload it re-bugs you before they load back in your fine.

    1. MrRonSwanson


      For me, the longer the fix has worked for has been 10 seconds. Other than that, 3-5 seconds before I am back to 1 frame.

  13. grats on the promotions bois @Trimorphious @Winters

  14. As much as I've had my up and downs with phizx THERE IS NO WAY HE HACKED IN MONEY...

    please lift it :P 

  15. definitely* wow learn to spell mong!!!!
  16. Dev work is only a side point it's more about the issue at hand then the difficulty we could have balancing it. As I said in an early post we could try different rules/ things like the tazer debuff to see how it works. But the main issue is really just the concept as a whole not dev work. that's just beating around the bush. IMO like I also said previously I'm somewhat neutral except that so many people (who know what their talking about) are making complaints about it I have to go with what their saying. I'm not trying to say you don't know what your talking about or are not entitled to your opinion but overwhelming majority yaknow?
  17. yeah I do the same It's good aim training. Alright this post is kindof off topic
  18. I mean to me the big thing with the whole change is you can't just rob a civ if you taze them. Why should you be able to do it to cops? Not to mention civ's have a lot more power then cops (except SAPD)... if you don't agree with that I can make a short video to prove it would take me like 5 minutes. Typically something can only be counted as a "good idea" if it is actually accepted as a good idea. If A LOT of people are acting like its a "bad idea" I think there needs to be the maturity level in this community to recognize that and think of how it could be modified or removed. Granted when I say maturity in the community I mean on both sides MAYBE we could try some different things for instance the reduced damage that's been added maybe we should give that some time see how it pans out. But I think acting like it's not an issue is ignoring a problem. Oh and by the way i'm pretty much neutral in the argument itself but when I see a lot of people disagreeing with something and particularly people that should have a good idea of what is good for the community particularly the cop faction (Goat who is chief, SAPD, Bubbaloo an X long time admin, and a lot of other mods/admins.) I don't think that just because the people who have the power to introduce these things yet don't really know the ramifications should be ignoring them when they show up granted we did get the debuff which I think is a great first step and could be a possible solution.
  19. Their he goes again... yet again disrespecting another valued influential member of the community... Basically equating himself and people that agree with him to "Dad" or "The Parent" Honestly disgraceful mate. Especially considering that goat is providing STATISTICS that are seen in the LOGS not throwing a tantrum. If anythings a tantrum... P.S Oh wait nvm that's too toxic if this post is going to get deleted please just remove the picture and the last three lines(this one included.) because those were the only useless banter.
  20. I will talk to you in ts if you really want.
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