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Carrot Kid
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Everything posted by Zahzi

  1. The stats page is working again.

    Note that the time & money charts will be a bit wonky for a bit while the stats data updates.

    Let me know if you see anything else broken.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. |REAL| Boing

      |REAL| Boing

      where's the forums button for it?

    3. Zahzi


      @Hurricane I think it'll update sometime tonight. We'll see...

      @|REAL| Boing xlsfMZ6S_1568926862.png

    4. Hurricane
  2. Wasn't at the meeting, we'll discuss it this weekend. Do you mean a first-person crosshair? There's already one in third.
  3. No aerial illegal vehicles can be though. Ie, armed plane, armed Huron, armed Ghosthawk Feel free to apply if you think you can do better.
  4. Civ Council (@Civilian Council) Cartels Allow rank 3's to pay gangshed rent, gangs that get their leaders banned are pretty screwed and will end up losing their gangshed. It's a pretty harmless use of gang funds and really only helps the entire gang. - Passed Increase chop value/decrease claim cost when you hold the Arms Cartel; an extra bonus for controlling arms and winning the fight at the end. - Passed Scats Change Pyrgos rebel; the current rebel is very boring, stupid to hold, and encourages endless roaching. The location isn't terrible, but a new design would be nice (or switch back to OG Pyrgos rebel). - Passed Allow civilians to load lethals with corporal+ weapons (not vigilante, etc) just like they can. Lethals obviously wouldn't remove bounties or anything like that on civilian. - Denied, robbing an APD tazer should keep it as that. Allowing civs to have this will make civs an elevated corporal without APD rules. Runs Remove insurance from both Blackfish variants; the vehicle is very overpowered and shouldn't be treated uniquely- it's currently the only illegal vehicle that can be insured. - Passed Increase Promet MR to 90k and Promet to 80k, the gun is wild at its current price. Basically, a no-brainer to buy if you don't absolutely need a 7.62. - Passed Vigis APD should be able to see what tier Vigilante you are, some vigilantes like to mask what tier they are by using APD stings when they're actually only Tier 1 for example. This is pretty dirty and gives the option for the APD to deal with this. - Passed Feds Tweak blackwater loot table; seeing a bunch of random-ass clothing and a few Mk1s is really depressing. It's already very hard to complete a BW right now and a lot of the time the rewards are frankly dogshit. Let's tweak them a little. W e're not asking for 5 pairs of ENVGs each time, just something a little more fitting of the effort that civilians put in. - Postponed for more details next meeting Remove the garage spam timer, if not possible reduce the timer to 2 seconds. The wait time is just excessive. - Denied, not currently possible due to performance constraints -- You can find the public roster for the Civilian Council here If you're interested in applying for the Civilian Council, you can find information here:
  5. Feds council has 2 open spots, if you frequently do (or attempt) feds, please consider applying: 


    1. Pledge


      I would like to join your guild

    2. N7Zero
  6. Civ Roundtable Cartels Make vehicle ammo refill ifrit and strider smoke - APPROVED Scats Title for 15k kills, and titan titles for successful hits (10, 100, 250, 500) - APPROVED Improve camera for viewing clothing. In rebels, the camera often bugs and doesn't allow you to see the clothing you choose - APPROVED Clarify combat storing for APD. Currently, the APD handbook seems to indicate that you can impound your vehicle once the situation is called clear, which isn't always 5 minutes (as stated by server rules). No player should be "storing" a vehicle after only waiting two minutes - DENIED, record and report instead of adding more specific rules. Runs Remove 10-minute cooldown before being able to break out of jail (not bail). It doesn't make sense that you can't walk out the front door just because you were just sent or just logged in - ON HOLD for dev approval Unlock salt flats garages during active Blackwaters - APPROVED Change message for titans to "<target> was titaned by <player>" instead of "<player> fired a titan at <target>" to be consistent with other kill/death messages (the target is always on the left side) - APPROVED Vigis Increase max lottery tickets to 10 instead of 5, if people want to gamble more money, let them. The server eats a percentage anyway - APPROVED Let players list items and vehicles in blackmarket - DENIED, requires too much dev work for now and there are potential performance hits Feds Remove promet from PO - APPROVED Revert the Ghosthawk any means rule: "If an APD Ghosthawk is stolen, the APD may use Any Means Necessary to recover it" back to "If a Ghosthawk is stolen, and its operators utilize the guns on the APD or the civilian population, the APD is authorized to use any means necessary to destroy the stolen Ghosthawk (excluding breaking Server Rules)." This rule made a hard to steal vehicle near impossible - DENIED, stealing a cop ghosthawk should be very very difficult APD Roundtable Downed players shouldn’t contribute to 3-1 count when tased - APPROVED, bug Undercover cops… - ON HOLD until ruleset and features are fleshed out You can find the public roster for the @Civilian Council here If you're interested in applying for the Civilian Council, you can find information here:
  7. "No RP" includes not requiring code 3
  8. When I'm on cop, my first instinct is to evaluate if I'm immediately outnumbered and at a tactical disadvantage. It's almost always extremely obvious given the swarm of people in your face with guns. It doesn't take much to stop moving for a fraction of a second and alt look around before shooting. Nothing has changed.
  9. Wasn't approved yet, but they want it for the camera to use as an enhanced scouting heli. Hoping this won't get approved ever because shit like this has no place on an Altis life server
  10. Civ Roundtable General Allow a fed/BW to be started when a bank is active (this also helps prevents trolling) - APPROVED Titan engagement rule update to remove the clause about gang engagement - APPROVED Group tag system - option when creating a group to add an optional tag. Without any tag, groups will function as they do currently. With a group tag, names in the text list, above heads, etc will show up with tag prefixed - APPROVED Feds Council Server rule to require that gang tags must be at the beginning of their names (not in the middle, end, etc). Note that this doesn't force players to wear tags, just forces them to be in a consistent location. - APPROVED Add fullscreen ENVG's (Special Purpose Helmet) to BW spawn table. The same thing as fullscreen NVG's, does have some armor value, same spawn rate as normal ENVGs - APPROVED When claiming a vehicle, have the vehicle "repull" instead of storing. Currently, you can combat store a vehicle by claiming. - APPROVED Change the ghosthawk rules at fed. Ghosthawks should only be automatically gun hot on illegal vehicles after bomb blows or after the civilians make no clear attempt to leave. - APPROVED Remove vans from the APD during federal events - POSTPONED to see what happens with the hawk change, and other reasons Scats Council Fee for transferring illegal vehicles: 10% for illegal vehicle transfer, 400k for BW ground vehicles, 800k for BW aerial vehicles. Transfering ghosthawks, etc across the map should not be free - APPROVED Move insurance at main air to be further from the hanger, delete the hanger next to pyrgos service station, and require helis to land in order to use the service station to repair with a 15 second progress bar. This is to prevent using the service station to “combat repair.” - APPROVED Add starter pistol to gun store, with green and red flare, 5k for gun, 500 per flare mag. APPROVED Runs Council When turning in contraband, update bail price immediately instead of waiting a few minutes - APPROVED Increase the range of giving items to be same of keychain now that it only shows group members (15m instead of 5m) - APPROVED Cartels Council Add long-barrel shotgun to rebel - APPROVED, but it will no longer be a taser when robbed from a cop Allow spawning at a gangshed immediately after logging into the server (you currently have to respawn to see shed as a spawn option if you log in dead) - APPROVED Vigi Council Add all types of smoke grenades to vigi - APPROVED Add Hummingbirds to all air shops, not just rebels - APPROVED Bonus - Single-use revive item (defib). Costs 100k, weighs 10, takes 25% longer than an epipen. Cannot use on the same player more than once in a 30 minute period unless they respawn, get revived by a medic, or received medical attention at a hospital. Can be used on players that have died on dopamine, but they will have a dope timer after being revived. APD Roundtable Add 10-minute cooldown to bank robberies to prevent spam - APPROVED Change to the 3 to 1 rules so the hostage-takers must announce that a "3 to 1" is taking place for cop to be required to surrender - DENIED because any cop with common sense should know when they're 3 to 1'd Add Blackfoot as an LT vehicle, remove Quilin, vans, jims, and a boat - POSTPONED because the cameras are OP af Add Y-32 Xi'an as chief item - POSTPONED because the cameras are OP af
  11. REX2u2IU_1564369419.png


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. thor


      4 hours ago, DeadPool said:

      his in game langue is set to something other than American

      I shall start learning this language called 'American'

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      I’d laugh if the game setting was actually American. You’d all look pretty stupid now

    4. Ronin


      14 hours ago, ZachTheAndal said:

      deadpool you're fucking retarded and a class A example of the american education system

      he's going to be an irl cop, he's more than qualified

  12. Unfortunately, I don't haveI' a grand solution, just the stats. Any ideas you might have are welcome. Civ council will hopefully have a good solution to propose by next meeting. I would love to know how much gold actually spawns, but that's not logged (yet). For now, we can have a pretty good approximation using the average spawn and total sold.
  13. Unfortunately, we don't have the real number spawned since that's not logged, but with an average of 237.5 bars per fed, we get: 3294 sold vs 28500 not sold (this is potential bars- like if the gold counts as spawned every plant) 3294 vs 12587 not sold (this is bars not sold if the bomb blows) The latter case indicates that 74% of bars spawned don't make it to trader. 42% of the time, the bomb blows. 26% of the gold spawned makes it to the trader.
  14. Selling 50% of the gold => 50% of a win. Makes sense to me tbh. A win isn't a binary thing, there are varying degrees of "winning" possible. Also included in these stats, let's say 200 bars spawn, we get the trucks seized but keep 40 from our backpacks. I'd generally consider this a loss, but these numbers include it as a 20% "win". Aside from that, the average number of gold bar sold per fed aren't looking great either (27 per plant, 62 per blow). The raw numbers are in the initial post as well as the numbers, both look pretty pathetic. As for the storage, these stats are taken from across the whole month, so I think that for the most part, it'll be negligible. A dev could probably confirm if it really matters. However, even a large portion of bars being stored wouldn't make these numbers much less unbalanced. I can assure you that there are very few bars stored long-term, so the vast majority of stored gold is already included in these numbers. Even a large portion of gold being stored wouldn't drag these numbers up very far.
  15. I got the data from destruct and the stats page. Which of those sources is inaccurate? Please elaborate on your definition of a "win" at a fed from a civ perspective. Mine certainly involves selling all if not most of the gold. If I ended up selling the average of 27 bars per started fed, I'd consider that a loss. Same with the 62 for a blown fed. The fact is, close to 75% of gold is lost on average when bomb blows.
  16. This is accounting for ALL gold sold June 1st - July 15th. Surely most people that store gold would have sold it by now. Also, gold isn't stored that often, surely not enough to make up more than a few % difference. Even if 25% of the gold spawned was stored and not accounted for in amount we calculated as sold, we're still looking at like <15% instead of 11.
  17. Throughout both months (June 1 - July 15), 120 feds were started, and the bomb blew 53 times (44%). - pulled by @destruct There were 3294 gold bars sold, yielding an average of 27 bars sold per started fed, and 62 per "completed" fed. This gives an average of $1.9m-4.3m per started/completed fed. - pulled from stats page Keep in mind that on average, 237.5 bars will spawn when bomb blows. Now, assuming that an average amount of gold spawned for all these feds, 26.2% of spawned gold was sold after a blown fed, and 11.6% of potential gold sold when a fed bomb was planted. TLDR: 120 feds started, the amount of gold sold makes up for 11% of what would have spawned given an average spawn for each fed. @APD is this a problem?
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