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Carrot Kid
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Everything posted by Zahzi

  1. The 7d times are calculated soon after midnight EST, so won't change until sometime around then. Everything in the profile table (marked red below) updates instantly (as soon as sync'd). Parts of the "player information" also update instantly always, but other parts are cached for 1-6 hours (depending on the data, etc. Some may be adjusted in the future.). Different parts update at different times, and some parts are cached for 1-6 hours. The stuff in the red is not cached (ie latest data always available), but much of the player information, time chart, etc is cached. The cache times on each of these may change in the future depending on usage and perforamnce. Names update when you log out of the server. Yeah, currently the weekly MVPs update every night around midnight EST, but this might change to only update on a set day every week instead. Haven't written any code for it yet though. I think Ryan was smoking crack and not talking about the same thing as you. Times update every night. The "weekly MVP" card on the faction pages does as well, but the SR&R wanted it to be weekly instead.
  2. Reminder that you can get 500k for linking your steam to the forums


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Millennium


      I think I fucked mine.

      nvm it worked i think

    3. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      Changed my mind i will trade my 500k for a pass on my next rdm ban ty

    4. Kedar


      shut up clown 

  3. I've been working on completely rewriting the stats page (and life control), and after testing with staff/faction leads for and now have something ready for an initial release. You can access the new stats page here after signing in with steam. There is much more functionality planned for the future, but I wanted to get an initial version out to the community sooner (as there's more functionality than the existing stats page in some parts). There will probably be bugs/issues. If you find one, please submit a bug report. There are quite a few new/changed features, some notable ones here Top 50 allows sorting by (nearly) any stat - probably missed a few, but got most I think Factions page has been changed to a page for each faction Breakdown of each rank in the past 7 days and playtime for APD/R&R, some aggregate stats for civs Weekly MVPs based on playtime along with a couple other stats More top for each Federal event stats page Has aggregated stats from the past 30 days and the last 7 events and their outcome Note that these stats are not yet perfect, and differ a bit from the actual fed stats by a few % Conquest stats from the last conquest, and aggregate stats for gangs from the past week and all time Weekly ticket count table for senior admins Revamped player profile Bans tab that shows current ban information (and note from the banning mod with evidence if they left one) Houses tab that shows list of houses, when they expire, and who has keys (with links) Weekly ticket count table for staff on their profile with each category Profile table First join date (note that "the beginning" means around wipe, this is the furthest back that's recorded). Last seen indicates of a player is online, which faction/server Arrested shows how long the player is in jail if arrested Arrests broken into total arrests (since wipe) and vigi/cop arrests (since Bow's stats page) Show donation level Better indication if a player is APD/R&R whitelist Show staff/support/civ council whitelists instead of just administrative staff (if whitelisted) Revamped gang profile Some aggregate stats of members (total time, kills, balance) Ledger tab (for rank 3+) that shows gang balance actions Sheds tab that shows all gang sheds and when payment is due Overall, many of the tables are now searchable/sortable and more interactive A new API, if you're interested in accessing this for gang sheets or whatever, shoot me a PM with your use-case and we'll talk. This may be public in the future, but for now I'll be whitelisting accounts for those that want it to be closely monitored and prevent abuse. Should be quite a bit faster, but I'm still working on further performance enhancements A bunch of other things, but
  4. We're experimenting with bringing up server 3 for part of the day. There's no set schedule yet, but I'll be unlocking it in the evening when server 1 & 2 are full.

    If we're able to sustain pop, we will consider a set schedule.

    Note that if you buy houses, the deed should't expire.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Masonn


      ^^ Make server 3 a place for banned people so i can reduce my ban time by picking cotton.

    3. mrs nesbitt
  5. Congrats @buckie




  6. Any potential chief that doesn't plan to give @GoodDustin his retired sAPD staff sgt rank deserves a hard -1

  7. https://www.strawpoll.me/19595215
  8. https://www.strawpoll.me/19595214
  9. https://www.strawpoll.me/19595216
  10. https://www.strawpoll.me/19595213
  11. https://www.strawpoll.me/19595199
  12. https://www.strawpoll.me/19595199
  13. Conquest will be on server 3 in 30 minutes to allow for more gangs given the high pop.

  14. Fuck @Outcast's purge, conquest on s1 now 🙂 

  15. https://www.strawpoll.me/19555038
  16. Gauging interest for a Coronavirus conquest today (Tuesday) / what time is best?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WALT


      Like 5pm est

    3. DeadPool


      dont make it late. All schools are closed. Do it mid day like 3pm est please

  17. uh-oh.. Fitting that it would be a career medic that whiffed the full 2k.
  18. Have fun on Archetype I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. Did SR&R finally figure out that you're moonlighting as a senior medic on Archetype?
  20. When it comes time to introduce the SAPD
  21. What's next, the entire rebel shop available in a dope crate?
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