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Carrot Kid
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Everything posted by Zahzi

  1. Congrats @Stuuurrt, now go do @Exner21's player reports!

  2. can you look at my player report? Gary RDM'd me
  3. Believe it or not, most player reports aren't for some kid "mass rdming", but for smaller slip ups that people make. It's not that straightforward.
  4. That's what staff applications are for - I think we plan to take on more soon, but it can be hard to find people that would actually do well in the position. There are far more people that would want to talk to the admin/mod than would be worth the time. Again, support team is here to serve as mediators.
  5. Admins can all handle player reports as well - they just prioritize comp requests, which really makes sense. Should we prioritize getting people their money back or banning people? It's not really any skin off your back if the dude that RDM'd you has to wait an extra few days before being banned.
  6. This is essentially what support team is for - they cant directly ban or handle comp, but they can help two players resolve their issues and reduce the number of false reports.
  7. @ThatNerdyGuy can you do my comp request already please?

    1. Monks


      yeah nerdy wtf r u doing

  8. @Kamikaze congrats, made it this far without telling anybody else they'll go bye bye if they vigi you - keep it up!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monster


      anyone who would let him go in that situation is a crack head, vigi arrest for a 3d? 👏

    3. Zahzi


      He didn't even get the arrest, I had to go pull the crackhead out of a quadbike on Kavala bridge because homie was restrained in the back lmao

    4. monster


      sounds like a :4head:moment

  9. Hotfix will be live on both servers in a few hours. All but one of the custom gang textures are included. 

    Also you can get your deposit box money from an ATM now - fuck the vigis that were camping the bank teller.

    Full notes are updated in the dev blog.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Because they have money

    3. Bloodmoon


      34 minutes ago, swervy said:

      whyd all the shit gangs get a uniform

      True, never heard of like two of those gangs and they have a uniform some how.

    4. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @Raquese the flag is actually being worn the correctly the uniforms. The reversed flag is supposed to give the appearance of a flag moving in the breeze as if being carried while charging into battle.

      Until the GWOT service members were only authorized to wear the reversed flag in combat zones, if you look at pictures of troops is Kososvo in 1999 the flag went under the combat patch for soldiers. It started being worn regularly and on top of the right arm after 9/11. 

      The paratroopers dropping into Normandy in 1944 wore their flags with the field to the rear, both configurations are allowed in the US flag code so both versions are correct. I do agree the reversed flag looks better.

  10. unprocessed oil 3 processed oil 2 unprocessed heroin 2 processed heroin 1 pure heroin 1 cannabis 2 fireworks 1 marijuana 1 hash 1 apple 1 water 1 salema 2 ornate 2 mackerel 3 tuna 4 mullet 3 catshark 4 turtle 3 fishing 2 turtlesoup 2 donuts 1 coffee 1 empty fuelcan 2 full fuelcan 5 pickaxe 2 copper ore 2 iron ore 2 processed copper 1 refined iron 1 sand 2 salt 2 refined salt 1 glass 1 diamond 2 diamond cut 1 cocaine 2 processed cocaine 1 crack cocaine 1 spike strip 15 rock 3 cement 2 gold bar 6 money bag 6 blasting charge 15 hacking terminal 7 boltcutter 5 fireaxe 5 defuse kit 2 small house crate 5 house oil barrel 5 large storage crate 10 frog 2 processed frog 1 acid 1 meth 3 phosphorous 2 ephedra 2 lithium 2 moonshine 3 rum 3 corn 2 sugar 2 yeast 2 platinum 2 refined platinum 1 silver 2 refined silver 1 beer 1 cupcake 1 pepsi 1 burger 1 mushroom 2 processed mushroom 1 magic mushroom 1 gps tracker 2 enhanced gps tracked 2 gps jammer 3 kdiney 25 scalpel 4 speedbomb 10 potato 1 bloodbag 5 epi pen 10 dope shot 10 bait appliance 1 vehicle ammo 5 topaz 2 scrap 1 emerald 2 amethyst 2 coin 2 whhite pearl 1 blue pearl 1 blindfold 1 panic button 1 wpl panic button 15 road kit 1 excavation tools 1
  11. FTFY, fuck medics
  12. https://www.strawpoll.me/20020778
  13. https://www.strawpoll.me/20020780
  14. https://www.strawpoll.me/20020779
  15. @SuWooP congrats, don't run it into the ground 🙂

  16. The donation goal was met, so here's the hex-icon giveaway as promised. Prizes 5 custom hex-icons (winners will be able to provide an icon to appear in their hex) 5 50-pack hex-icon rolls 5 25-pack hex-icon rolls Details Comment below to enter, entries close on the 2020-05-22 (2 weeks) Custom icon winners must provide an image. These images are subject to approval (nothing racist, etc). Custom icons must be provided by the 25th to be included in the June update Winners that already have all icons unlocked may transfer the rolls to somebody else Winners that already have a custom icon may gift the win to somebody else Winners cannot be banned from the server Accounts made for duplicate entries will be disqualified and receive a forum ban Good luck!
  17. Post is unlocked
  18. https://www.strawpoll.me/19957088
  19. https://www.strawpoll.me/19957089
  20. https://www.strawpoll.me/19957086
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