took long enough for the haters to show up.
Licsense removal should be tied to using your tazer in inappropriate manners and participating in federal event. Thats about it IMO.
You can't leave it like that. There are way to many APD that have been vigi'd on their civs and will exploit that rule to rip a licsense. You can't leave alot of these upto common sense because of unfair bias.
I am going to try my luck with civ council first and maybe they can voice my concern louder than I can. I feel I may have more success going down that route.
Not the place for this particular argument, but I do want to have it.
Many items on the ticket guide are unfair in regards to vigi license removal.
I need to find the right place to voice my concerns.
Not new. Everyone has always hated the medics... until they need one.
To the debate of which is worse: Medic VS Vigi. We are developing a new role of medic/vigi hybrid where you will be revived and wake up straight inside the jail.
Very efficient.