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Everything posted by BlackJack

  1. Sgt. @Luke Duke 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dejay


      WAIT A SECOND.. "Did not dupe" was just followed by "duped it" So you duped it. No reason to argue with you because you're wrong. 

    3. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke


      "was blacklisted for duping and metagaming for a suppressor on cop. xd"

      You were implying that i duped and metagamed to obtain it, and that is false. I aquired it legitimately originally, with No plans on duping it. 

       I did eventually dupe it later on, but there were reasons behind that decision that made sense to me at the time. 

    4. Dejay


      1. you put the silencer in a car and died, WHILE ON COP. Therefore you duped on cop.

      2. While on cop you drove your car to your civ house where you could relog and put the silencer in your house. 


      You duped, and metagamed ON COP. Swear to god, you may have something wrong with you to think you are right here.

  2. wait a minute NLR is a thing ?
  3. So basically like A3L
  4. When I first joined the server I played under my real name lol . So a group of my friends just gave me this name to change it to which is now BlackJack.
  5. @heyday Congrats on Sergeant dude . :bender-dance:

  6. ESC>Configure>Controls>Drop Down Menu>Multiplayer>Voice Over Net and set the hotkey 2x Caps Lock.
  7. Congratz @Corporal_moob on civ rep once again & congratz @Buffalo Bill

  8. #MakeOlympusGreatAgain! 

  9. #DisqualifyNikoteen ! 

    99.9% of his votes are from Asylum kids who have 2 hrs on the server 10/10. 

  10. #VoteForOrgondo !

    1. Orgondo


      Best thing you can do is just ask everyone you come across to vote for me or campaign in Kavala for alittle bit of time. Appreciate the support

  11. If anyone wants to buy a dp 22 house on server 1 let me know. 

  12. I think EcL has houses here
  13. @Goodman & @Jesse are gay . Can confirm .

    1. Marty


      this calls for a threesome!

    2. KrispyK
  14. Congrats boys ! @Dominick Ramos late night squad ! @Pledge gj ! 

  15. @Gibbs clean up your message please good sir .

  16. Facebook : Olympus-entertainment.com

  17. I Suicide Vested a player that my gang was at war with and received no points. 10/10

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Augustus


      the bomb killed them, not you

    3. JBruesch


      Rest In Pieces

    4. DeadPool


      thats why I use satchel charges 


  18. Combat nvgs 250k
  19. Later fluffy have a lot of memories with you in this community . Since day 1 man. Take care.
  20. Anyone know why I came back and now I only top out at 30 frames sometimes lower . I usually get 30 - 40 in kavala and 60 out of kavala. Anyone know how to fix this ?

    1. QKSILVR73


      Check your view distance in the Y menu. Lately when flying I like have my distance up, but it doesn't show it until I actually try to adjust it. Then it's fine. Plus since ARMA updates it likes to change the in game settings all the time :/


  21. Congrats to @Ozzy Jones on living 38 years on this earth ! 

  22. 1 more hr boyssss !

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