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Everything posted by HyperGoat

  1. Congrats cutie @ CaloomClark  

    Grats @ xsmitherz  an OG!!! Well deserved boys! 


  2. Any Blacks ops 6 gaymers?

    1. Kamala Supporter

      Kamala Supporter

      you wanna know why noone has responded to your recent posts????? becouse youre not liked, and you like one peice you animal

    2. HyperGoat
  3. Congrats Rat @ Joel hes about to snake the apd gang funds

  4. Congrats @ Wong your kid will be proud of his dad

    1. Wong


      Her first words are gonna be APD hands up or be shot lmfaooo


  5. Bro is about to shoot up a school chill
  6. Congrats @ Lucien you can finally fix the swat loadouts

    1. billdroid


      Yeah it’s weird mine has been missing a mk1 for some time now

  7. I'm curious what is your opinion on new Sofia Bank. Both POVS (Cop and Civ) and do you believe it's civ sided or cop?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. NokiaStrong


      Someone put a picture on this thread so I don’t have to join the server

    3. Zeuse
    4. Boovin


      @ Zeuse nigga turned Sofia bank into a skate 3 obstacle 

  8. Happy B-day @ GregoV1  - Comeback and play arma 3 and destiny

    1. GregoV1


      Thanks homie, I do play Arma just not too much Oly and Destiny I haven't played in AGES because how they been with updates

    2. Skys


      hyper doesn't even play destiny anymore

  9. SWAT SUGGESTION - OPEN TO ALL PLAYERS 💀 This is for S3, not S1


    We would like to hear your input.

    1. Polly


      yo @ Xlax  get this guy  @ MayhemM   swat sgt 

  10. Happy Birthday you pole licking mofo @ Kodakk

  11. Happy Bday @ heyday OLD DOG

    1. -dante-


      bet my boy still got the pearliest of white teeth tho 

  12. How is it still in civ council?
  13. Remove ASP's

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skys


      remove everyone from the middle east 

    3. HyperGoat


      @ syndrome  It's no skill, no counterplay. Just push through canisters and 1 shot people. So yes I'd rather fight with Mk1 for 10 years please and thank you

    4. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      @ syndrome yes that is the game you have chosen to play 

  14. How old is it? it just keeps yapping
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