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APD Officer
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Status Replies posted by Iceman

  1. guess the nipples and ill give you a prize!!!!

    hint this is an Olympus's players nipples


  2. Why does the wiki need 10 people? Retards

    1. Iceman


      Why does civ council need 24 people? It only takes 1 retard to cry about APD in every way imaginable.  

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. I know we aren’t allowed to carry sdars in our backpack but would it be allowed for airdrops that are near water because people show up with wetsuits in water and camp it

    @sr apd

    1. Iceman


      @Lucien I Agree.

      @Clash This is above my paygrade, however, I  personally wouldn't be upset if you did (currently.) 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Congrats @ Diamond Drop

    on designer, welcome back!

    1. Iceman


      Ah fuck, keep him farrrrrrr away from the prison 😅 @ NokiaStrong

  5. IWantYou.jpg

    1. Iceman


      Who you gonna call when you need to know how to navigate the complex map? Not ghostbusters Ill tell ya that much! 

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  6. IWantYou.jpg

    1. Iceman


      Dont listen to this propaganda.

      Wiki team is where it's at. No-one cries on the forums and yells at you when there's a typo on the wiki, but everyone hates you when Sofia hq is slanted and the jail was like pushing Alcatraz.  

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  7. Fed sim 2.0

    1. Iceman


      Dont forget! You dont have to make your hours until Jan 8, 2023. That should help you decide whether you want to be that 5th cop to log in or not. Merry Christmas!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. I evaded COVID for more than two and a half years and I finally tested positive. All I had was post nasal drip and a fever. Stock up on masks, at home tests and your favorite cold/flu meds folks.

    1. Iceman


      Ive been allocating 80% of my paycheck into stocking up masks ever since the deadly virus hit. Stay safe everyone 🙏🙏 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. @ Brandyn  hands up or die

    1. Iceman


      Bro Brandyn literally turned his webcam on in discord yesterday and it was just him chain smoking camel crushes hotboxing the shit out of his room. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. congrats @ Iceman

    1. Iceman


      Thanks Dank!! Wiki team moving up in the world 👀

  11. Congratulations @ Iceman and @ notsodank 🧁🧁

    1. Iceman


      Thanks Lea!! Im out of reactions for today 😞 

  12. Congrats @ Clash  once again your hard work paid off 

    1. Iceman


      I always knew you were destined for great things @ Clash ! @ notsodank I believe in celebration of clash taking this leap of faith I should be granted back the honorary ts support team tag so everyone knows how involved I have been on his journey thus far. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. This is a weird moment no one probably cares about but I just paid off my car loan. I've stupidly bought three cars(2 new, 1 used) traded in the first for the second new car then finally traded in the third one for a used car with all the features I want for a fraction of the price. If there's anything anyone gains from this post is that you should buy the car you want without making compromises if you're in the position that you don't NEED a car right away. Second, get a car you can afford. Third, buy used! You can get a car with less than 20k miles for much less than a new one, one model year newer. I haven't been in this position since 2017, I'm 25 years old and have had car loans since I was 20. Be smart, make double payments, ask for money instead of gifts during the holidays or special occasions, eat out one less day a week, pack lunch to work etc. So don't be like 20 year old me. Be like 24 year old me that bought a car and paid it off in one year's time. Save some money, buy what you can afford.

    1. Iceman


      Congrats on getting your loan paid off! 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. @ xX_Zeuse_Xx congrats on your promotion to Deputy Chief of the role play division! 

    1. Iceman


      @ Noahhh! wont be too happy about this one! 

  15. Update on the Server 2 situation since yesterday:

    S2 yesterday saw some sync's frequently not happening. Luckily, the root cause of this was not the new I/O plugin, and instead a completely separate bug. This was fixed late in the night.

    S2 will still be rockin' the new plugin, but after observing it after the fix, I'm quite hopeful for a lack of issues.

    Hopping on and giving her a bit more stress today really helps us out in maturing this faster, so have at 'er!

    1. Iceman


      I will redeploy an elite force of APD members with me tonight to keep the island safe while stress testing your fixes 🙏

  16. Hello fellow gamers, please meet ledie:


    ledie is a new player to Olympus who speaks very little English (he is French).  I and numerous civilians in Kavala have attempted to find a translator for ledie in order to help teach him how to play, but our efforts have not been successful.  So please, if you have the pleasure of meeting ledie in-game and speak some French, try to help him learn to play.  🤠🇫🇷

    1. Iceman


      oui oui Zeuse! I dont think Ill be much help thats about all I got. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Only 26 more hours till Bohemia disappoints us all like usual.

    1. Iceman


      They better not! I called off work for the day and told my girlfriend I cant hang tomorrow because I will be too ecstatic. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. After years of pleading and begging, the Olympus loading music is finally on Spotify. 


    1. Iceman


      @ Noahhh! Your retired buddy. Leave the wiki to me. Go be on a beach somewhere and enjoy the rest of your life, you earned it!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. PSA :  The Evidence guidelines are guidelines  not rules. You do not need to show the situation or even names in your video. 




    1. Iceman


      "Is no more" then sees your naked body on the ground dead in a house. That's about as close to the definition of "Combat logging" as you can get my friend.

       Mr Rogers Clown GIF

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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