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APD Officer
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Status Updates posted by Iceman

  1. Hey everyone, long time no talk! I've been working hard on something lately that I wanted to share with you all. I've created a blog that I believe will interest a lot of you! It's called "InfinityVerse" where I post articles that I've created on a wide range of topics. I'd love if you would take a look at the site, maybe take some time to read through a few articles, and let me know what you think! I'm extremely open to content suggestions, and general feedback. Thanks everybody and I hope you are all doing well!


  2. For anyone who was wondering, the 10 hour minimum was not a joke. Just to clear up any confusion on my removal. 

    1. The_Real_Jester


      And how many hours did winters put in this week?

    2. Grizzly


      The most BS thing I've ever seen, like oh hey it's summer people don't have school. Ever heard if work? SMH

    3. Grizzly


      https://gyazo.com/478445c0107452d8f92c2735daa7664d seems like a joke to me @ Iceman , Any Idea who this could be?

  3. Congrats @ Brandyn super deserved!

  4. @ Noble  DID YOU THINK IT WAS OVER SON?!?! 🩸

    1. Noble


      dude if NVidia doesn't hit im done for

  5. @ antonio @ Masoooooooooon @ Headless  Happy Birthday!

    Parents must have had a fun Christmas 20 some years ago😜

  6. Tactical gas station robbery negotiations!


  7. Happy Birthday @ Clash !! 

  8. Happy 21st @ Hurricane Dont throw up in the Uber 

  9. Happy 4th of July everyone! 

    July 4 Usa GIF

  10. o7 @ Fraali me and many others appreciate all you have done. Your skill level goes above and beyond Olympus! Best of luck in the future my man. 

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