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Everything posted by Linka

  1. Nope you do not, because some people don't know how to make certain animations. Plus, when you are in combat situations realistically no one in game will do an animation. Personally it's just better not to do across the room or a small tower or something, Restrain them, and walk up to them (Close enough to windows Key for example) and then tell them youre taking them. That's what I do and i've had no problems.
  2. retarted No you dont have to do an animation, but try to at least get close enough to them so it doesn't look like you're moving that shit with the force.
  3. I agree it’s too little but only because of prices, not because of getting war points. It’s easy to get them but also insanely easy to lose, too.
  4. Can we get another post with most arrest and stuff on cop? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bow


      Do you mean for the stats page? Like a top 50 cops by arrest, and top 50 medics by revives?

    3. kev


      Yes, thing like that would be great

    4. Linka


      I mean yeah that too, but I remember a while back there was just a regular post with the most arrests.


  5. stole the real savage's name 

    1. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      hi linka :wub:  i think he was not even born when savage used that name xDD

    2. Savage


      Lol I didn't "steal" his name I never knew he existed when I first got it. I did change it to "Ragnarok" for a while but ppl kept bugging me to change it back to Savage and if they didn't tell me that they would call me Savage instead of Ragnarok. I think I'm just stuck with Savage since everyone knows me as that. Anyway the "real" savage is Permed and I don't think will be getting in-permed anytime soon.

  6. Happy thanksgiving everyone! 

  7. My guy if you played a year ago you'd know it was so much worse.
  8. fun gang wars, sucks that i didnt get to play it all the way through but had a blast regardless! 

  9. i actually couldn't care less guy. those 2k hours are in a period of 3 years, half afk and the in kavala. I've never been good and I dont plan on grinding to get good, lol. but thx for doing ur research on me makes me feel special <3
  10. when arma is the only thing youre good at you gotta try super hard
  11. ive officially lost 75 lbs >:)

  12. https://clips.twitch.tv/WrongTolerantMarrowOSsloth this is the quality content i dish out come donate to me i want clothes 

    1. Augustus


      can confirm this is a great stream

  13. my life is over im banned from syms chat on twitch :( 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ninjaman427


      What's your twitch name? I can fix that.

    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob


      Who's the real G?

      Left this nigga like this since like last year hahaha

    4. Rusty


      symfuhnys a bitch boi

  14. what if i scam YOU?
  15. minecraft tournament?

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