I’ve thought long and hard about this topic because I’ve dealt with mental issues in the past and am still currently dealing with them. It’s very true toxicity culture on the internet is only getting worse, and it’s because day by day the internet has grown. Like @N7Zero said, there are people that have almost zero moral compass. There’s nothing we can say that can change how these people act.
that being said just because there are those who don’t have a moral compass, doesn’t justify treating others poorly. it’s very easy to say some awful things to someone and then say it’s just a joke. but there is almost zero way of knowing what’s going on in real life. mass bullying isn’t cool, it isn’t funny, it’s fucked up and if you think otherwise you are a fucked up person and should look for help.
what happened to reckful is awful. for people who say it’s not, he was someone who put twitch on the map. the internet was his job, and for someone with depression the smallest slices hurt, yet he stayed strong. when your entire community is shitting on you and quite literally to tell you to go kill yourself, it’s gonna hit hard. especially with manic depression where at points in your life you have no control over your action.
olympus is a toxic community. that’ll never change, but it’s mostly all jokes. take @buckie for example, he will be the first to go at someone’s neck, but he’s one of the most down to earth people on the server and the first to offer an ear when you need it. toxic jokes, shit talk, ect is funny to the right group of people. Let’s stop normalizing telling random kids to kill themselves and if you want to joke with your friends, all power to you. I will forever always do it with mine, and if you guys have jokes, again, go crazy. but most of us here have brains, and at the end of the day we come here for a community.
TL;DR: stop justifying telling someone to off themselves as a joke or saying others say worse. keep the jokes to people you’re friends with.