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Everything posted by JoeL


    1. Danger
    2. TroyOGG


      Better graphics then arma

    3. JSTN


      my reaction to you coming into support today :)

  2. c46569f509c4d67e6f0f82fe9eca738b.png

    1. Grenade65


      You played with m2 you knew he was cheating you need to stay banned with savage.

  3. See you in 6 months ''twas fun. 

  4. Hows everybody doing on this fine Friday?

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I feel hacked man. I'm so duped about some things today I'm just evading it all..... 


    2. Welch
    3. JoeL


      I have never evaded my problems like that.

  5. TBH I don't even know if I'm banned or not probably am.

  6. Legit no power till like Sunday 

  7. It can hold like 5 crates or something. Has like 1k storage by default I think and it cost 20 mill.
  8. Pause all fights powers out 

    1. coopacarp


      This was depressing, who warning shots right at the pilot? Lol

  9. They get better guns than deputy's... plz change.
  10. Honestly where is Geico?
  11. Having a good day @Danger

    1. Danger


      Uhhh other than the fact I have to work a 11 hour day it's not too bad. HBU?

    2. JoeL


      Fine thanks 

  12. OS IGNIS. Congrats buddy! @Ignis

  13. Status Updates Options What's on your mind?
  14. Welp @Goodman since you unfollowed me I guess I'm just gonna have to tag you every time I make a status update :/

  15. March 2017 Donation Goal

    • Altis Sever 3

    Can we get it?

    1. DeadPool
    2. iPopsicle


      Keep giving ideas the goal should be set at their meeting Sunday

  16. I have no idea what this means but k!
  17. It used to be like once you drop it or use it, it's gone. Ex: Use a first aid kid or mag you have to rebuy it. Idk if it's still like that but it used to be.
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