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APD Officer
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Everything posted by T3x4sSl4y3r1776

  1. https://gyazo.com/e7e2d3d80ff1d2f81abe4d4eb394754e
  2. shut the fuck up trailer park cuck. no one cares about what you have to say and you are going to get gang raped by a bunch of rednecks in the navy
  3. this post confirms that summer fags are here
  4. // pd hostile takeover, dont say i didnt warn anybody
  5. i liked gummy better when he was bald
  6. ranks in a gang are cancer, i can understand having a leader and then non leaders but what is the point of trying to create an hierarchy in a gang
    1. Turtle Chris

      Turtle Chris

      What the hell is this

    2. iPopsicle


      41 minutes ago, Turtle Chris said:

      What the hell is this


    3. platinumfire


      44 minutes ago, Turtle Chris said:


      What the hell is this



  7. ts is already set up and most people are comfortable with it so i dont see it changing anytime soon. Imo ts > discord because i feel that teamspeak gives a lot more power to people that need it and customization of channels, groups, clients, etc.
  8. its a short playlist but if you are looking for some interesting hip hop heres mine https://play.spotify.com/user/quintinxd1/playlist/7JDhLKRwlz7Kn6MQ4BzFbf got a few tracks you may not know on there
  9. @Weathers Were you the guy that left for Egypt awhile ago? Either way, welcome back.
  10. thanks for update i was starting to get worried
  11. I would probably kill myself
  12. where the vermont boys at...
  13. As far as im aware there is no way to get rid of texture bug and the cause of it is still unknown for the most part. I believe @Jesse said it may have something to do with sound but im not sure.
  14. Canadians
  15. @G.O.A.T. cant have news team without its H E A D E D I T O R
  16. astro a40s are really nice although they are a bit more expensive than other headsets
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