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Everything posted by ScreaM

  1. srry boys had to call in the nuke. needed it to get the spinning nuke emblem

  2. my first support ticket was #1838

    my last support ticket was #56325

    crazy stuff

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Linka


      My first was #451

    3. Bloodmoon


      6 hours ago, Grandma Gary said:

      My first ticket was D7X-SGZ-MANZ


      What is ticket #1?

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


      Poseidons test ticket ^_^

  3. I know I have a purpose, but I don't see the purpose.

    1. DeadPool


      Then look in front of you and not over what you want.

    2. Homicide


      Bro don't look for it let your purpose in life find you. You will know when you find It bro PM me if you ever need someone to talk 2 bro

    3. Linka


      They tell me the death of me gon be the perkys

      I know they laced pills, I bought them on purpose

      Life’s unreal and deaths uncertain

  4. for all you people that see my cryptic status updates, found out that I have persistent depressive disorder so that's why I am on and off posting weird shit

    1. rush
    2. Linka


      I love you man



  5. RIP to a legend. 


  6. 250 dollar tourney come chill


  7. @ChrisGG how does this accomplishment compare to all your features in 6ix9ines music videos?

  8. I don't regret playing the game I regret the amount of time I put on it.
  9. a lot of afk with launcher open, but I definitely did play a lot in high school. 1 part of me regrets it, other part doesnt
  10. sM 4.0? :hmm:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeadPool


      Wait does this mean Scream will be happy Scream?

    3. Nurse Lou
    4. ScreaM


      @DeadPool no my happiness does not fall anywhere in arma 3

  11. who the fuck said they saw you on a can of beans ahahaha
  12. Never thought I would say this, but @Corporal Moob, MC needs to come back. 


    1. Airborne



      Juice WRLD has been dropping heat

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