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Everything posted by ScreaM

  1. this is gonna be good. myself and @thor. will be bench sniping. good luck!
  2. need to teach me how to get that hover effect on the buttons of ur xyz site
  3. thanks for the bday wishes ladies

  4. Happy birthday @Snare

    1. Snare


      Happy bday 2 u 2 bro for second time :)

  5. this is a slowed down version. check Spotify for unedited one

    1. ItsGG


      I fuck with every song on this album

  6. anyone interested in the 1 crate house 400m from kav rebel s2?

  7. Anyone wanna play sea of thieves on PC? Downloading now for the 14 day trial to see if I wanna buy it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScreaM


      omegle. hopefully we match sooner this time

    3. DashTonic


      need more people to play with


    4. Felipeee


      is the trial free? 

  8. Who's down for Olympus Poker 2?

  9. lions love the new xxxtentacion album, right? also like this post if @Dangus is a sheep
  10. @Kurt takes home the trophy and 8 mil prize for Olympus Poker 1! Runner up was myself taking 2 mil. GGs everyone! Was pretty funny. Olympus Poker 2 soon hopefully!

    1. Joel.KX125


      Rigged as fuck!!!

  11. Everyone in the poker tournament needs to register for the tournament through pokerstars. Go to home games and go to the Olympus group. Click on the tournament and then click register.

  12. Poker tournament is tomorrow! Not as many people as we anticipated, but still enough for a good time. 

    1. bigSMOKE


      how many people are in?

    2. kev


      easy win for me

  13. UPDATE: Me and @Kurt had a meeting to discuss the next steps. Looking like the first installment of Olympus Poker will be in the next few weeks. Keep an eye out for a post for registration!
  14. This is altis life cops, not real cops.
  15. jokes on you I don't have any friends
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