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Everything posted by Solomon

  1. NGL its really tempting to hop on the flame train since I find you to be a distasteful person. Ill give you an honest evaluation though. It is not bold of you to seek confirmation for someone claiming someone else died on this forum. Obviously people lie, people troll, etc. However, doing it publicly and asking for actual proof is a bit much. Confirming the issue privately or simply asking if they are joking is a better response. Again though, don't really think it is that big of a deal. I do think it is weird to then completely edit out your message instead of adding a section clarifying what you said below the original statement. All that being said, I do still think you are a worthless and detestable clump of garbage that adds nothing good to their community. For some reason you continue to posture on this raptor point as if you have any education on the matter. Coopacarp was not even in the gang when Raptor was on the server. Further, you and others incessantly mentioning his name to anyone even tangentially related to VX does nothing but reopen the wound of those who were actually victimized. If you thought any of the current or former members of VX were legitimately involved in or enabled the activities of Raptor, the fact that you did and do nothing to pursue legal action against them is despicable. So, this leaves two options: 1. You dont care about child predators. 2. You think it is funny to make jokes calling people pedophiles who were victim to or completely blind to the actions of said pedophile. I will say, this goes to all of the people who poke fun about Raptor towards anyone with VX tags. I understand its easy to meme about shit, but there are people who were victimized by him and still play from time to time. Pretty fucked up to bully them about sexual trauma from when they were kids. So your obituary comments might not make you a piece of shit, but you certainly are one nonetheless.
  2. Can someone make me a member, I cant post anything with over 3000 hours on this server... 😞

    1. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      Should be good now.

    2. codeYeTi


      I didn't have "return of VX" on my 2022 bingo card 😞

  3. As Zahzi said, you get better processing bonus the more you process (up to 20% increase). The amount of items you need to process to get each bonus depends on the type of run (legal, illegal, illegal (3 items). The buff resets after 5 minutes plus the amount of time it took to process the previous batch of items.
  4. Goat, I have had personal issues with a number of people both on and off the staff team before but I try to not hold the opinion of “admins are bad”. Id like to ask you to read through what I wrote in this post. All of my opinions were justified with reasons rather than some other people simply trying to flame the staff. Furthermore when new information was presented responding to my issues I changed my position.
  5. No, he was not banned for this. @ThatNerdyGuy came into the support room and said this was not rdm. Then he denied coopacarp's ticket until he made an appeal. Not sure what the status of the report is. So my point is that these situations are not clear and the rules need to be amended.
  6. @Ryan please take the time to review what I am saying here.
  7. @Ryan Please read my response regarding the situation that @ThatNerdyGuy dealt with. You cant say that this was "clearly RDM" when the case I referenced was handled so differently. I will say I dont agree with having a post where everyone is scalping the staff team, however thats not how I saw that post. The responses were civil from almost everyone in the thread other than some of the people that the thread was about.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryan


      Its ok @Monks, they are referencing that large thread someone made. I hopped on to check it out for a bit, dont know how much longer ill stay on though. Appreciate the defense though haha ❤️ 

    3. Elements


      fuck that nerdy guy 

















    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      fuck that nerdy guy

  8. The rules back up everything I argued for that. I did not bother reporting you because I knew it would get shot down. SO instead I made a post trying to get this apparent "unwritten rule" written so players would actually be aware. Its incredible to me that you still are not able to have a conversation with me. You never respond to any points I make and just try to get a few likes off of a joke.
  9. So, I have a nice video here of coopacarp being rdmed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XupVuXbq_7Q&feature=youtu.be He was told that this was not RDM by @ThatNerdyGuy because it is clearly an active situation. This situation is much more clear than the one we are discussing in this post. So, if the video I linked is not RDM can the staff team please explain how this case is RDM? If anything this shows that this is a complicated situation (something that should not be decided on the fly by the players involved in the situation).
  10. This is another very soundly constructed statement with lots of insight, good job friend!
  11. You have insulted me once more, congratulations. I am being very civil, I dont understand what is preventing you from proving me how I am wrong if its a "simple rule". If someone presents new evidence or something I am not aware of that shows I am stupid, I will gladly admit it and change my position.
  12. Again, please respond to my actual points rather than trying to boil my argument down to "shit stirring".
  13. This is what you call a logical fallacy, it is an "ad hominem" (you can look it up). Rather than responding to any of the valid points I made and defending your unjustified opinion you have decided to throw a weak insult at me to discredit my argument. Nice.
  14. https://youtu.be/xFCB_a6eitU?t=19 Person says hands up or die, making him engaged and the situation active. Chapter 1: No Random Death Match [RDM] You may open fire on another player that may be involved with a group/gang member unless it is obvious they are not part of the situation. Example: You're in a large fight in Sofia between your gang and another gang. Someone you don't know enters the vicinity. You may not open fire unless this individual shows hostile intent towards you. To clarify having a weapon is not a valid reason to open fire. So, they all showed up together, they all have guns, and multiple people are shooting. This is in no way OBVIOUS that they are not part of the situation. What the people in the clip are doing is basically baiting bans by not wearing tags. They are all running together, going into situations together, they should have tags, and should really expect things like this to happen. I do not want to sit here and shit on the staff, most if not all of the staff atleast have the best for the server in mind when making decisions. HOWEVER, when you do not analyze a situation by reviewing the recording and make live bans mistakes can arise. I think it is worth looking at the possibility of not allowing staff to handle their own cases so things like this do not happen.
  15. This server has been around for so long without a wipe that there is an absolute ton of money already in circulation. Luckily a very large percentage of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of just a few. Disabling betting will keep all of the money of the wealthy more locked in place and force poor people to obtain money through other methods. Another problem with runs and money in general is the concentration of a few people owning a lot of high value property. If we did not allow people to use alt accounts to own more property than the limit of one account, it would allow more people to own property that is worthwhile. I also agree with rex that various incentives through price changes should be looked at to incentivize the making of money. We should target the one percent of olympus and have major taxation on them to fund government projects and then they will have to be poor and do runs just like us *Edit - if I am in the one percent I do not support this position
  16. 3afb51954cf5c63d72a4d8d9ad9f37e2.jpg

    Good to be back

    1. Millennium


      I was really hoping the top guy was wanted and he got shot out

    2. Noahhh!


      Can't say that I've seen that before.

    3. monster


      Whos gonna take it.

  17. You ever play cop for  two hours, get robbed 3 times and then respond to 3 consecutive banks and accomplish nothing? I no longer think cops need to be nerfed.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strae


      We have to keep going, it won't be truly nerfed intil there isn't a faction to nerf!

    3. silton


      possibly cause youre a vx shitter.

    4. CIA JOSH
  18. This isnt me lmao... I have not been on the server in a fat minute brother man.
  19. 24 hours team show me the love 



  20. Thanks for your support @Dante! Very cool!
  21. Your nerves are singed off and you pass out quickly, so it is a bit of pain but it ends quicker than drowning. Both are terrible but one is lesser imo
  22. That is objectively wrong. Do some more research, drowning is much more traumatic mentally.
  23. Feel free to debate below.
  24. ill do 25 Mav
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