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Everything posted by Dangus

  1. @devs/staff Servers have all seemed to be lagging a ton in the past few days. Don't know what it is but I know it is happening to a lot of people. Kills take a lot longer to register and people are glitching around all over the place.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dangus


      It wasn't a thing that started today. It's been going on for about 3 days now. I'll let you know if it stays laggy though.

    3. wmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwm


      27 minutes ago, Fyshie. said:

      tru me and 2 other E members got fucked up by some guy because of either lag switch or server lag... 


      that looks like server lag due to you lagging too, if he were lagswitching he would just be running in place and you would have no packet loss then he would just tp to his new position and you would be in death screen

    4. Dangus


      UPDATE: Servers still are very laggy.

  2. Can relate 100%
  3. Congratz @Jordan540 AND @Dante on Dep. Chief!!!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Gibbs!! Have an awesome birthday!

    Happy birthday @DaneG. You were definitely a real one and I had some good fuckin times with you.

  5. Fluffy, I'm gonna be honest, I never really knew you and just assumed you were a dick, but that's definitely changed. I'm gonna be honest, I'm giving my you mad respect. It's not easy to talk about your own problems online, especially when you go to the online communities to escape those problems. I myself have a lot of social anxiety and don't really do much outside of school related stuff and games. I think a lot of people on Olympus come here to escape their real lives but don't admit or want to talk about why they come here to escape. The fact that you were willing to share all of this shows something about you that I never saw, and I give you mad respect for sharing this with all of us.
  6. Basically, sometimes when you are restrained and APD add charges to you, it won't update on the bottom right. That's just a bug that happens sometimes. You can't get comped but the devs might be able to fix it.
  7. I think I've turned. Thought I liked Canada, but idk anymore.
  8. Can't you just give yourself money?
  9. Dangus

    o7 Bow. You were a real one. The days  from the 501st were the good days.

  10. They can take anywhere from a couple hours, to a few days. Depends on the situation and the staff member who issued the ban. It is hard, but just wait patiently and it'll be done in no time.
  11. Would be a decent meme if you got them.
  12. Happy birthday! Thanks for everything you do for this community.

  13. 6fe717824365e4d34a81c4deb20e80f6.gif

    Attention all aircraft, this is the Altis Air Force. Land now or be blown out of the sky by our skilled fighter pilots. You do not want to end up like these men who disobeyed our orders

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Egnazio


      Looks like a fun way to tac respawn with more than 5 cops online.

    3. Dangus


      Looks like thye got fucked cause they didn't head to our warnings to land.

  14. happy B-Day @Corporal_Moob. I'll be the greatest butt pirate on the high seas.

  15. How do I apply for the new branch of the APD? I got my sea legs and I'm ready to fuck up some pirates. Who do I gotta talk to?

  16. You're such a Debbie downer.
  17. As the corporal who went and saved them, I can confirm they were always driving away. At the same time, I don't think I've EVER seen better roleplay between a medic and cops before in my entire time as a cop. It was extremely funny and numerous listening to the cops talk with the medic and the medic roleplay back and what not. Sad to see the demotions though.
  18. Thanks for the help, I'm gonna try these when I have the time. I appreciate the help.
  19. So, just today my computer all of the sudden froze and didn't fix after a few seconds, which it's never done. Restarted the computer thinking not much of it. After about 5 minutes it froze again after opening a few different applications. Figuring my computer was too warm since I had left it on the night before and the heat in our house we turned up, I let it sit for a while to hopefully cool down. Didn't work. So I opened up my case and blew out all the dust in my computer. That worked for a little while but it still froze after about an hour. I checked and everything was wired properly and secured. Tried turning on my computer to try and troubleshoot some problems and see if everything was running properly, but now my computer can't even stay on for 1 minute without freezing and I can't fix any software on it. I'm pretty sure nothing should be wrong with the hardware as the parts and computer aren't even a year old. Anybody have any ideas on anything I can try to do to fix this. Never had any problems with my computer until now.
  20. Internet and the technology surrounding internet has progressed immensely since 2015 too. Ever think about that? Obama administration knew that and passed laws in anticipation of internet progressing and the net neutrality was protecting people for the future not for that time. Sometimes the best way to fix a problem is to prevent it from ever starting.
  21. While many big time congress people are getting money, there are also a fair number who aren't. Since we can't do anything in the court, we should do something where we can, and congress is really the only place that is. Also, continue to sign petitions and show support online, as that can also help.
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