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My Version of APD Promotion Guide

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Just now, Rusty said:

Yeah by sucking mad dick

Sucking is a dead meme. It's all about stroking the shaft now Rusty

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3 minutes ago, G.O.A.T. said:

I'm drunk right now but if you think you gotta be friends with me to be on SAPD your eyes honesty fucking retarded. Idk how many people I've promoted that I've literally never spoken to or gotten to know. Honestly, your beliefs of how the APD works is probably holding you back. Also, I don't even know who wrote this post so shoutout to whoever did, 9/10. Wouldn't read again.

I wasn't pointing my finger at you. And I didn't say that people only get promoted because they are friends with the Sr. APD I just said it does happen.

1 minute ago, Ignis said:

Sucking is a dead meme. It's all about stroking the shaft now Rusty

Its all about getting in the circle with all the other guys, Thats what your in right now. Just know that xd

Just now, Rusty said:

Its all about getting in the circle with all the other guys, Thats what your in right now. Just know that xd

Oh you mean "the buds" xd



5 minutes ago, Ignis said:

Sucking is a dead meme. It's all about stroking the shaft now Rusty

The Grapefruit technique and you would know wouldn't you? 

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1 minute ago, DeadPool1337 said:


The Grapefruit technique and you would know wouldn't you? 

Oh boy you never have been so right

As someone who could join any channel before getting Sergeant, I can confirm it did nothing good for me. The best way to get Sergeant is to work your ass off and know your shit. If you really want it, and feel like you can handle it, then keep working. If you think you should have it now, and wonder why you don't then just give up because without working you will get nowhere....

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MFW Will's in MC, is a friend of Moob & I and was our friend when we were Chiefs of Police and still didn't get promoted beyond Corporal. That blows the narrative open, doesn't it?


As for getting promoted? At least in my experience, you have work hard and be in the right place at the right time. 

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Ok I am not trying to get into this but I just have a few things to get off my chest. When I was a deputy I never played with an SR due to the fact I was always told not to johnson hop or I wouldn't get promoted. I got my first PO test at 6,000 minutes that's 100 hours as a fucking deputy. I failed my PO test by one question. I was told by a Mc Sgt I can retest in a week I messaged him exactly one week later he told me if I ask again he will delay me for asking for a promotion. At the time I was thinking if I did anything wrong. Looking back at it now I realized I had gotten forgotten and not playing with a Sr actually makes a difference and that difference can be huge. 

Like I said I don't want to get too deep into this I know I will get roasted for even saying anything under a APD Promotion topic but fuck you all so. 

8 minutes ago, Fat Clemenza said:

MFW Will's in MC, is a friend of Moob & I and was our friend when we were Chiefs of Police and still didn't get promoted beyond Corporal. That blows the narrative open, doesn't it?


As for getting promoted? At least in my experience, you have work hard and be in the right place at the right time. 


17 minutes ago, Fat Clemenza said:

MFW Will's in MC, is a friend of Moob & I and was our friend when we were Chiefs of Police and still didn't get promoted beyond Corporal. That blows the narrative open, doesn't it?


As for getting promoted? At least in my experience, you have work hard and be in the right place at the right time. 

That's why I didn't bring up MCPD. Never really thought it was a big thing for that exact reason. 

And I guess my experience was a little different than yours. 

47 minutes ago, Pledge said:

As someone who could join any channel before getting Sergeant, I can confirm it did nothing good for me. The best way to get Sergeant is to work your ass off and know your shit. If you really want it, and feel like you can handle it, then keep working. If you think you should have it now, and wonder why you don't then just give up because without working you will get nowhere....

Yeah, your technique was getting a pizza delivered to a Sr's job.

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  • Lord of Tickets

I can confirm that when I achieved corporal(note this is pre-OS) it was without playing with srs. Hell, if 3 seniors were on, I'd join the channel they aren't in and play with some deputies instead. I never liked the idea of stacking on a Sr. Mostly because I knew I'd be a part of a 15 man channel within 5 minutes and I'm not trying to deal with that unless we are raiding cartels or something big. 

Hell, I play more with Srs now that I physically am un able to move passed my current rank (due to my position in the RnR). If you think playing with seniors just to get promoted is the right thing, you're probably the guy, like hot pocket put it, who is fake as fuck. If you go try hard just for the senior, you'll probably be the first guy exposed when he is alone. 

Just always be a kick ass cop. Shits fun. Don't do it just to get promoted. Ffs

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Why don't we just agree that superior leadership qualities in a person are a very strong point for promotions. From what I have seen, that is the only reason I see necessary. Yes you can know people, yes you can be staff, but that won't help you be a better Senior APD; only true experience can do that. (And a lot of it too.)

10/10, I've been PO for just a little over 650 hrs minus a little dep time, one day the corporal dream will be a reality, maybe.

You're a mongol for making this post. Everyone knows that if you play cop for a long enough you will get your rank and if you aren't getting it then it's more then likely something on your end. You are also just blatantly encouraging people to whip out the fucking knee pads for full time use which is annoying af for Sr. APD im sure (channel stacks so damn much). Sound like someone is salty about something here too bud. Let's turn that brain on next time before making a post that (intentionally or unintentionally) causes people to not just play the game naturally and get their rank the way they need too. 

42 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

How the fuck did you earn your position?? Now I'm curious lol.

ermm he got it by being voted in by 6 non MC members lmfao i should know i was not allowed to vote on it as i was mc 

5 hours ago, Ignis said:

I would have to disagree with you about the OS thing. People get SGT because they've earned regardless of who they play with. It has to do with the time played on cop, their skill at being a cop, and their leadership. Just so happens that OS people do have those leadership and other skills that are looked for when finding a next sergeant so it may seem that OS equals sergeant, but it really doesn't. 

Explain the fact that literally all of Vx got OS then they didn't just get it because they deserved it they had friends in there that had played with them and know their personality which makes it easier to hire them. Its the same with IRL job you can get a job easier if you know the people in the job your looking for, they give the manger the recommendation and boom they are hired same as here on Olympus

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8 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:

Being OS does help your case shows you can be trusted tbh wouldn't be a mod or whatever if you couldn't be trusted

Like drunk GOAT said, it helps. But you'll need more. You need to show your dedicated to the APD and that you put forth efforts to better the APD and those within it. I can tell you not one active staff member tried to get staff as a gateway to Sr. APD. People take on staff and Sr. Roles along with staff because they want to improve the APD and the server. Speaking from experience, they are two things that should often be kept separate when making influential decisions.  They are positions that are different in many regards and thus picking those to fill the Sgt. Role should not and often is not based just on one's alternate tags.


Like any job if you are not fit for a job you wont be promoted. If you know some people or can put yourself in good positions to be looked at for a promotion, GOOD FOR YOU! But getting yourself in those positions wont mean anything if you cant prove that you should be promoted.

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