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Locked Demoted for creating a unique RP Situation.


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2 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:


If the coast guard was a thing, they'd be near land and checking turtle poaching, but 100km out from land (inside black border on map) is a bit too far.

1 minute ago, Proud said:

If the coast guard was a thing, they'd be near land and checking turtle poaching, but 100km out from land (inside black border on map) is a bit too far.


Somalian pirates go for cargo ships that bring in our food, weapons, and other commercial goods, not turtles or near land.

  • Haha 1
Just now, Bloodmoon said:


Somalian pirates go for cargo ships that bring in our food, weapons, and other commercial goods, not turtles or near land.

Good thing Olympus is a game, am I right? What is Coast Guard gonna be doing, giving away free canned tactical bacon?

Just now, Proud said:

Good thing Olympus is a game, am I right? What is Coast Guard gonna be doing, giving away free canned tactical bacon?

No, coast guard is gonna be protecting us from water based threats, which is a form of RP, which is a much better form of RP than having a lot of CPL's and PO's run away from a restrained guy so they don't have to process.

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As the corporal who went and saved them, I can confirm they were always driving away. At the same time, I don't think I've EVER seen better roleplay between a medic and cops before in my entire time as a cop. It was extremely funny and numerous listening to the cops talk with the medic and the medic roleplay back and what not. Sad to see the demotions though.

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well I mean I was on cop when this was going on and you guys were screaming in cop/medic channel and it was extremely annoying is all I'm saying. Other than that whatever XD people do stuff for fun on cop all the time and lukeduke already has enough time for any rank.

Demoted? No. Warning? Possibly.

1 hour ago, RambleR said:

The amount of times i have seen goat on a jetski for hours.. seems hypocritical to me. Just sayinn :(

My checklist would be: Did they ruin anyone's experience No.

Was their role play within server rules / handbookYes.

Did this aspect of RP positively affect the server.  Yes. The medic had a lot of fun and made a new memory on Olympus Servers.

Was it a waste of time for them to go out there?  Yes.

Was the experience a waste of time and had an impact on a different faction, thus causing them to be active on the server/not afk?  Yes. with RnR

These guys were experiencing a new aspect of RP within their cop careers and also had a positive impact on the server. They didn't break any rules towards anyone and I feel that the points above give you a good outlook on the situation. Hopefully these demotions are revoked, and thats my 2 cents as a player who just comes on the forums once in awhile :D! xD Everyone have a good monday!

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Who's going to start the gofundme to compensate these excellent officers on the money they will lose out on with loss of rank? #Bluelivesmatter

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Proud said:

I don't wanna get into this battle, but I do want to say that if u we're like 100km from land, that's technically AFKing cop hours, as he not really doing anything but staying in the water and probably laughing ur asses off.

once again, this is only my opinion.

We were rping with the medic.

12 hours ago, Ignis said:

Thank you for keeping the Somalian pirates away. I will sleep safely tonight!

Now u gotta deal with us gremlins >:)

  • Sad 1

An hour or two after I made this post I talked to @Fushigi and @Plumber for an hour or two about this situation. They repeatedly asked for me to look at it from their POV, so I tried to do so. I then informed them that if I was in their position I would not have demoted the three Patrol Officers as they didn't break any rules/ruin anyone else's gameplay. @Main even made a rubric breaking down the entire situation and it shows that we did NOTHING wrong. @RambleR also informed us that Goat has went around on Jetskis for hours, so what's the difference in us doing it? Do we not have enough clout? That also brings up the point of how divided the APD is. Every time i get on I always see senior APD in Unit Channels and they just leave the deputies to the PO's and Corporals. This is no flame/hate/disrespect to any of you because the want for power runs through all of our blood. @Fushigi and @Plumber also said that the post was just my friends backing us up/people who have blacklisted/demoted/removed from the APD and have a reason to hate on it. Well that's not true at all because I don't know most of the people that have backed us up in this forum post. There are also a GREAT amount of people who are respected in the community backing us. 


so, @Goat as you have the final decision on anything APD related, I ask you decide if  @Luke Duke @Hoonter and I should be promoted back to PO or not.

The hardest thing to do in today's world is to get a large amount of people to decide on one thing. Congress needs a 2/3 (66%) vote to pass a law and on this http://www.strawpoll.me/14645875/r we have 67% saying we shouldn't have been demoted.Olympus has thrived as they listen to their community’s ideas, you should also add to the handbook a rule on boat patrols. PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND @Goat. Thank you for your time. 

  • Like 1
34 minutes ago, dubVee said:

An hour or two after I made this post I talked to @Fushigi and @Plumber for an hour or two about this situation. They repeatedly asked for me to look at it from their POV, so I tried to do so. I then informed them that if I was in their position I would not have demoted the three Patrol Officers as they didn't break any rules/ruin anyone else's gameplay. @Main even made a rubric breaking down the entire situation and it shows that we did NOTHING wrong. @RambleR also informed us that Goat has went around on Jetskis for hours, so what's the difference in us doing it? Do we not have enough clout? That also brings up the point of how divided the APD is. Every time i get on I always see senior APD in Unit Channels and they just leave the deputies to the PO's and Corporals. This is no flame/hate/disrespect to any of you because the want for power runs through all of our blood. @Fushigi and @Plumber also said that the post was just my friends backing us up/people who have blacklisted/demoted/removed from the APD and have a reason to hate on it. Well that's not true at all because I don't know most of the people that have backed us up in this forum post. There are also a GREAT amount of people who are respected in the community backing us. 


so, @Goat as you have the final decision on anything APD related, I ask you decide if  @Luke Duke @Hoonter and I should be promoted back to PO or not.

The hardest thing to do in today's world is to get a large amount of people to decide on one thing. Congress needs a 2/3 (66%) vote to pass a law and on this http://www.strawpoll.me/14645875/r we have 67% saying we shouldn't have been demoted.Olympus has thrived as they listen to their community’s ideas, you should also add to the handbook a rule on boat patrols. PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND @Goat. Thank you for your time. 

Couple of things, 1) I change my mind, I agree with u guys, because u guys technically did have an rp session

and 2) It's @G.O.A.T.

1 hour ago, dubVee said:

An hour or two after I made this post I talked to @Fushigi and @Plumber for an hour or two about this situation. They repeatedly asked for me to look at it from their POV, so I tried to do so. I then informed them that if I was in their position I would not have demoted the three Patrol Officers as they didn't break any rules/ruin anyone else's gameplay. @Main even made a rubric breaking down the entire situation and it shows that we did NOTHING wrong. @RambleR also informed us that Goat has went around on Jetskis for hours, so what's the difference in us doing it? Do we not have enough clout? That also brings up the point of how divided the APD is. Every time i get on I always see senior APD in Unit Channels and they just leave the deputies to the PO's and Corporals. This is no flame/hate/disrespect to any of you because the want for power runs through all of our blood. @Fushigi and @Plumber also said that the post was just my friends backing us up/people who have blacklisted/demoted/removed from the APD and have a reason to hate on it. Well that's not true at all because I don't know most of the people that have backed us up in this forum post. There are also a GREAT amount of people who are respected in the community backing us. 


so, @Goat as you have the final decision on anything APD related, I ask you decide if  @Luke Duke @Hoonter and I should be promoted back to PO or not.

The hardest thing to do in today's world is to get a large amount of people to decide on one thing. Congress needs a 2/3 (66%) vote to pass a law and on this http://www.strawpoll.me/14645875/r we have 67% saying we shouldn't have been demoted.Olympus has thrived as they listen to their community’s ideas, you should also add to the handbook a rule on boat patrols. PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND @Goat. Thank you for your time. 


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