Theory 229 Posted February 19, 2018 Report Share Posted February 19, 2018 Mad cuz bad Quote Link to comment
DashTonic 797 Posted February 19, 2018 Report Share Posted February 19, 2018 This is the Apd 3 1 Quote Link to comment
Mercury 2109 Posted February 19, 2018 Report Share Posted February 19, 2018 I feel like the APD should shift their RP to something more and representative of a Fictitious developing Nation/Fascist State. Maybe make it more in line with the Gestapo? @Perrin You are trying and not really succeeding in applying civilized laws to what is, in effect, a non-civilized "nation". There are no judge issued warrants because there are no judges (sAPD are in effect de facto judges as they are the issuing authority of warrants etc) The server rules are the "governing laws" and thats how the RP society works. What you are attempting to bring up goes beyond the realm of what an Arma 3 life community does (the light RP ones anyways). Tl;dr: Imagine North Korea (without Summary executions/forced labour camps)...Welcome to North Korea Quote Link to comment
bigSMOKE 924 Posted February 19, 2018 Report Share Posted February 19, 2018 On 2/19/2018 at 4:53 PM, Perrin said: Explain to me the point of a (light) role playing game type if the only people who would potentially be required to take a part in the role play choose not RP to ruin it for others? i know im not the only one who's dealt with the corruptness of cops. Literally the only difference between what happened here and what happens when you get kidnapped is i ended up in prison instead of missing a kidney. You're the "Chief" of Police, you should have SOME interest in law. 1) Never said law school, said Law and Justice major. 2) imagine getting on a ROLE PLAYING game type to not RP in the ONLY role that would require RP of any sort. Expand honestly, this is a combat server mostly, cops fight civs, civs fight cops, some rp in between but not all this real life laws you're bring up, as rex said, other servers offer hardcore rp, this isnt one of them Quote Link to comment
Hoonter 232 Posted February 19, 2018 Report Share Posted February 19, 2018 On 2/19/2018 at 4:42 PM, TheCmdrRex said: this is a daily thing for most of them. Expand Best part of my day. love when some shitter yells Fail rp in my ears Quote Link to comment
BENJI 1021 Posted February 19, 2018 Report Share Posted February 19, 2018 On 2/19/2018 at 4:32 PM, Perrin said: - If a person is not read their Miranda rights, the entire case is invalidated. - Unless a person voluntarily rides with an officer to the station, a person's rights MUST be read before they can be transported ANYWHERE against their will (this prevents police officers from just grabbing random people, throwing them into a car, and driving off). - If a person is not read their Miranda rights during the arrest phase then it's unlawful confinement (and usually results in multi million dollar lawsuits). - House raids cannot be executed without the warrant of a judge. Even with probable cause, officers may not enter households without a warrant. They must have proof that the house is a potential crime hub and present it to a judge before they can execute the search warrant (I've seen 4-5 raids in the last month and considering there's no judge, technically none of them are legal). Expand - The island of Altis is in Greece, not America. There is no such thing as Miranda rights - Again no such thing as Miranda rights in Altis - And btw house raids in real life can be executed by the police without a warrant. This is pretty simple criminal justice here. These are just a few examples when police can search your house without a warrant 1: Plain View. If a police officer already has the right to be on your property and sees contraband or evidence of a crime that is clearly visible, that object may be lawfully seized and used as evidence. 2: Search Incident to Arrest. If you are being arrested in your house, police officers may search for weapons or other accomplices to protect their safety 3. Exigent Circumstances. This refers to emergency situations where the process of getting a valid search warrant could compromise public safety or could lead to a loss of evidence. Quote Link to comment
Unjo 1818 Posted February 19, 2018 Report Share Posted February 19, 2018 Wished you used that right to remain silent 1 Quote Link to comment
Trent. 15 Posted February 19, 2018 Report Share Posted February 19, 2018 I was one of the arresting officers on this guy ive never laughed so hard 1 Quote Link to comment
Guest Kden Posted February 20, 2018 Report Share Posted February 20, 2018 "BuT mY MiRaNdA rIgHtS" Quote Link to comment
Fat Clemenza 1722 Posted February 20, 2018 Report Share Posted February 20, 2018 On 2/19/2018 at 4:32 PM, Perrin said: - People can be detained/stopped ONLY with probably cause unless it's a state approved checkpoint. - If a person is not read their Miranda rights, the entire case is invalidated. - Unless a person voluntarily rides with an officer to the station, a person's rights MUST be read before they can be transported ANYWHERE against their will (this prevents police officers from just grabbing random people, throwing them into a car, and driving off). - If a person is not read their Miranda rights during the arrest phase then it's unlawful confinement (and usually results in multi million dollar lawsuits). - House raids cannot be executed without the warrant of a judge. Even with probable cause, officers may not enter households without a warrant. They must have proof that the house is a potential crime hub and present it to a judge before they can execute the search warrant (I've seen 4-5 raids in the last month and considering there's no judge, technically none of them are legal). Expand If you’re such an expert, how did you manage to cram so many fallacies into one post? 1. Wrong. Reasonable Suspicion is all that’s needed to stop/detain a subject. Did you fall asleep when your instructors were “drilling” you on Terry v Ohio? You might want to take another look at the case before you shoot your mouth off again. 2. Semi-Wrong. A case is not invalidated because a suspect’s rights per Miranda haven’t been read. It’s possible to convict a suspect of a crime without ever having to question the suspect about the crime they’re being accused of. Possible, but unlikely. 3. Wrong. Where the fuck did you get this from? If you paid attention when your instructors covered Miranda v Arizona you’d know that the Miranda Warning needs to be read only if two things are happening: Custody & Interrogation. Now, if an officer takes you into custody, but asks you how you like your steak cooked, he doesn’t need to Mirandize you. While in custody, the questions have to pertain to the crime you’re being accused of or Miranda doesn’t apply. 4. Wrong. I’m starting to see a pattern of ignorance unfolding here. An officer does not have to mirandize his arrestee during “the arrest phase.” As I said before Miranda only applies to custodial interrogation. An officer doesn’t have to mirandize until the suspect is in custody and being questioned about the crime he is being accused of. Until those two criteria are met, Miranda doesn’t apply. Also, if there is imminent danger to the police or the public, the suspect doesn’t need to be Mirandized. E.G. A cop is involved in a gun battle near a school when class is getting out. There’s a lull in the action and the suspect ditches his firearm and attempts to abscond, but is taken into custody. The officer realizes that the gun isn’t on the suspect or anywhere nearby after searching him incident to the arrest. The officer questions the suspect vis a vis the location of the firearm without first mirandizing the suspect since the officer and the public are in imminent danger due to the weapon being unaccounted for. In this case, that weapon can be found by a schoolchild and potentially be used (most likely inadvertently in this case) to harm the officer and/or the public, therefore Miranda wouldn’t apply. 5. Wrong. Are you making things up now? Have you ever heard of exigent circumstance? If there’s gunfire coming from inside of a house, or a woman can be heard screaming for help from inside of a house, or an officer on the sidewalk looks into the living room of a house and can see illegal drugs being consumed, the door can be kicked down and officers can make entry without a warrant to search the premises. There is no need for a signed warrant from a magistrate when exigent circumstances or some elements of plain view doctrine exist. One thing thing you have to remember is that this is a video game and this server is red v blue with some RP sprinkled on top. I expect liberties to be taken. It wouldn’t be fun for the average person wanting to play APD if he had to RP identity, mirandize, and memorize the penal code. For the sake of the game, the APD know who you are, they know what you’ve done, and they can ticket you and/or jail you for what you’ve done. If that’s not your thing, then you know where the door is. 9 Quote Link to comment
Fuzz^ 243 Posted February 20, 2018 Report Share Posted February 20, 2018 On 2/19/2018 at 8:09 PM, Benjamin Remer said: - The island of Altis is in Greece, not America. There is no such thing as Miranda rights - Again no such thing as Miranda rights in Altis - And btw house raids in real life can be executed by the police without a warrant. This is pretty simple criminal justice here. These are just a few examples when police can search your house without a warrant 1: Plain View. If a police officer already has the right to be on your property and sees contraband or evidence of a crime that is clearly visible, that object may be lawfully seized and used as evidence. 2: Search Incident to Arrest. If you are being arrested in your house, police officers may search for weapons or other accomplices to protect their safety 3. Exigent Circumstances. This refers to emergency situations where the process of getting a valid search warrant could compromise public safety or could lead to a loss of evidence. Expand I feel like you are leaning towards the changing of Olympus and I can only imagine the trouble this would cause. I’ve only been playing Olympus for a few weeks now, so I don’t know past troubles, or even current troubles even. But there are servers you can have this role play on if you would like. I just feel olympus is not fit for these kinds of situations and is fine the way it is. Quote Link to comment
Pauleft 11 Posted February 20, 2018 Report Share Posted February 20, 2018 I was a cop on ALRP and USG and yeah it has much stricter rules. I don’t think people would like that anyways. Quote Link to comment
RambleR 1138 Posted February 20, 2018 Report Share Posted February 20, 2018 I think @Perrin got scurred away from all the common sense thrown at him. Rip bud Quote Link to comment
SWAT Commander Xlax 2736 Posted February 20, 2018 SWAT Commander Report Share Posted February 20, 2018 On 2/19/2018 at 4:32 PM, Perrin said: Yes, i made an account PURELY to grieve about this issue in hopes that one of the admins will see this and do something about it. The cops, at least on server #1, are ridiculous, corrupt, and have the law IQ of my 7 year old cousin. I was landing my newly bought chopper before i logged off for the night and a cop chopper pulled in behind me and dropped 3 cops who started screaming for me to get down and put my hands on my head. Mind you, the most illegal thing i had done to this point was not land on the helipad. As soon as I was restrained i was put in the back of a chopper and flown to the station. I asked if, at any point, i was going to be read my Miranda Rights, "Deputy" Marcos didn't seem to even know what those were until i explained it to him like a 5 year old and then replied "you have no rights on this island". I asked why I was pulled over in the first place and was told that my vehicle "matched the description of my personal vehicle"... i had bought the helicopter 5 minutes prior to this encounter. I'm a Law and Justice major which means every time i see a little internet role play cop I laugh a little to myself before basically making it my job to drill them and see if they know actually know ANYTHING and they (all of them) know next to nothing. So @ all you internet cops here's some basic things you should learn if you're gonna pretend to be a cop: - People can be detained/stopped ONLY with probably cause unless it's a state approved checkpoint. - If a person is not read their Miranda rights, the entire case is invalidated. - Unless a person voluntarily rides with an officer to the station, a person's rights MUST be read before they can be transported ANYWHERE against their will (this prevents police officers from just grabbing random people, throwing them into a car, and driving off). - If a person is not read their Miranda rights during the arrest phase then it's unlawful confinement (and usually results in multi million dollar lawsuits). - House raids cannot be executed without the warrant of a judge. Even with probable cause, officers may not enter households without a warrant. They must have proof that the house is a potential crime hub and present it to a judge before they can execute the search warrant (I've seen 4-5 raids in the last month and considering there's no judge, technically none of them are legal). There's a long list of infractions from my numerous encounters with cops on this server. The cops are essentially another gang without a name. They take who they want, when they want, where they want, for whatever reason. Every time i see a cop now i go the other direction because chances you get detained or stopped for absolutely no reason is basically inevitable. I know it's just a game but if you're going to pretend to be a police officer at least try to get the most basic "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say... etc." stuff down. The funny thing is that the guy who was doing the talking asked where i kept my licenses and said he was going to "pat me down". This nerd role play patted me down in a video game but wont even try to role play the communication aspects of being a police officer (and communication is like 99% of the role play lol). Having a faction that allows people's game time and assets to be taken away run by a bunch of power hungry 15 year old's is ruining the server. p.s. if you need me to come teach them BASIC laws and citizen protection acts so that they can be shitty pretend cops instead of abysmal, let me know. Expand First off, the APD on Olympus are not required to read you your Miranda rights. Secondly, the probable cause they had on you was an illegal aerial vehicle landing. I would definitely suggest to you that you read the APD master handbook before you go off and completely obliterate your reputation on the forums, and demonstrate your obvious ignorance of the server rules. This once again is not real life, nor a hardcore RP server. Your Law and Justice major does not make you any more knowledgeable of the APD rules whatsoever. Yes, I realize it is something you have taken time to study, but that is for a job, not an online game. Most police RP as long as you are not a complete nuisance to them. By this post, I can make the assumption that you were trying your hardest to insult them since they pulled you over for an illegal aerial vehicle landing. This could have been taken care of in a more professional manner, rather than posting a large inaccurate rant on the forums. If you have problems with the APD, you can file a report here. The APD master handbook is available here. The general Olympus Altis Life rules are available here. If you have any questions regarding anything related to the server, you can join Olympus' teamspeak, and feel free to join the support room and wait for a support team member to pull you in. The TS IP is 1 Quote Link to comment
Corporal Moob 3316 Posted February 21, 2018 Report Share Posted February 21, 2018 On 2/19/2018 at 4:32 PM, Perrin said: Yes, i made an account PURELY to grieve about this issue in hopes that one of the admins will see this and do something about it. The cops, at least on server #1, are ridiculous, corrupt, and have the law IQ of my 7 year old cousin. I was landing my newly bought chopper before i logged off for the night and a cop chopper pulled in behind me and dropped 3 cops who started screaming for me to get down and put my hands on my head. Mind you, the most illegal thing i had done to this point was not land on the helipad. As soon as I was restrained i was put in the back of a chopper and flown to the station. I asked if, at any point, i was going to be read my Miranda Rights, "Deputy" Marcos didn't seem to even know what those were until i explained it to him like a 5 year old and then replied "you have no rights on this island". I asked why I was pulled over in the first place and was told that my vehicle "matched the description of my personal vehicle"... i had bought the helicopter 5 minutes prior to this encounter. I'm a Law and Justice major which means every time i see a little internet role play cop I laugh a little to myself before basically making it my job to drill them and see if they know actually know ANYTHING and they (all of them) know next to nothing. So @ all you internet cops here's some basic things you should learn if you're gonna pretend to be a cop: - People can be detained/stopped ONLY with probably cause unless it's a state approved checkpoint. - If a person is not read their Miranda rights, the entire case is invalidated. - Unless a person voluntarily rides with an officer to the station, a person's rights MUST be read before they can be transported ANYWHERE against their will (this prevents police officers from just grabbing random people, throwing them into a car, and driving off). - If a person is not read their Miranda rights during the arrest phase then it's unlawful confinement (and usually results in multi million dollar lawsuits). - House raids cannot be executed without the warrant of a judge. Even with probable cause, officers may not enter households without a warrant. They must have proof that the house is a potential crime hub and present it to a judge before they can execute the search warrant (I've seen 4-5 raids in the last month and considering there's no judge, technically none of them are legal). There's a long list of infractions from my numerous encounters with cops on this server. The cops are essentially another gang without a name. They take who they want, when they want, where they want, for whatever reason. Every time i see a cop now i go the other direction because chances you get detained or stopped for absolutely no reason is basically inevitable. I know it's just a game but if you're going to pretend to be a police officer at least try to get the most basic "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say... etc." stuff down. The funny thing is that the guy who was doing the talking asked where i kept my licenses and said he was going to "pat me down". This nerd role play patted me down in a video game but wont even try to role play the communication aspects of being a police officer (and communication is like 99% of the role play lol). Having a faction that allows people's game time and assets to be taken away run by a bunch of power hungry 15 year old's is ruining the server. p.s. if you need me to come teach them BASIC laws and citizen protection acts so that they can be shitty pretend cops instead of abysmal, let me know. Expand Mfw Altis is a Greek Island Mfw Europe doesn't use the Miranda rights Mr. RP/Law specialist. 1 Quote Link to comment
big niko 246 Posted February 21, 2018 Report Share Posted February 21, 2018 On 2/19/2018 at 4:32 PM, Perrin said: I asked if, at any point, i was going to be read my Miranda Rights Expand 1 This isn't a Hardcore RP server if you looking for cops saying Miranda rights you have came to the wrong community my friend. Now leave. Quote Link to comment
Silentbird66 50 Posted February 21, 2018 Report Share Posted February 21, 2018 On 2/19/2018 at 4:32 PM, Perrin said: "you have no rights on this island" Expand get cucked Quote Link to comment
Monkeysz 977 Posted February 21, 2018 Report Share Posted February 21, 2018 ITS A GAME THIS ISNT REAL LIFE OR IS IT Quote Link to comment
Welch 61 Posted February 21, 2018 Report Share Posted February 21, 2018 I'm a criminal justice major too and it doesn't automatically give you the right to be an ass to someone on a video game just because laws and police are involved. And from what you've shown everyone, your knowledge at US law is so wrong guy. Fat Clemenza just corrected the shit out of you and even gave you the courtesy of citing his information. Maybe you should hit the books more Quote Link to comment
Glazey- 6 Posted February 21, 2018 Report Share Posted February 21, 2018 On 2/21/2018 at 9:33 AM, Welch said: I'm a criminal justice major too and it doesn't automatically give you the right to be an ass to someone on a video game just because laws and police are involved. And from what you've shown everyone, your knowledge at US law is so wrong guy. Fat Clemenza just corrected the shit out of you and even gave you the courtesy of citing his information. Maybe you should hit the books more Expand Drop the mic Quote Link to comment
Monkeysz 977 Posted February 21, 2018 Report Share Posted February 21, 2018 GUYS ITS JUST A GAME ITS NOT REAL LIFE Quote Link to comment
Glazey- 6 Posted February 21, 2018 Report Share Posted February 21, 2018 Quote Link to comment
proud 3850 Posted February 21, 2018 Report Share Posted February 21, 2018 This is a fucking game not swat training wtf Quote Link to comment
shimabukuro 21 Posted March 1, 2018 Report Share Posted March 1, 2018 On 2/19/2018 at 4:32 PM, Perrin said: Yes, i made an account PURELY to grieve about this issue in hopes that one of the admins will see this and do something about it. The cops, at least on server #1, are ridiculous, corrupt, and have the law IQ of my 7 year old cousin. I was landing my newly bought chopper before i logged off for the night and a cop chopper pulled in behind me and dropped 3 cops who started screaming for me to get down and put my hands on my head. Mind you, the most illegal thing i had done to this point was not land on the helipad. As soon as I was restrained i was put in the back of a chopper and flown to the station. I asked if, at any point, i was going to be read my Miranda Rights, "Deputy" Marcos didn't seem to even know what those were until i explained it to him like a 5 year old and then replied "you have no rights on this island". I asked why I was pulled over in the first place and was told that my vehicle "matched the description of my personal vehicle"... i had bought the helicopter 5 minutes prior to this encounter. I'm a Law and Justice major which means every time i see a little internet role play cop I laugh a little to myself before basically making it my job to drill them and see if they know actually know ANYTHING and they (all of them) know next to nothing. So @ all you internet cops here's some basic things you should learn if you're gonna pretend to be a cop: - People can be detained/stopped ONLY with probably cause unless it's a state approved checkpoint. - If a person is not read their Miranda rights, the entire case is invalidated. - Unless a person voluntarily rides with an officer to the station, a person's rights MUST be read before they can be transported ANYWHERE against their will (this prevents police officers from just grabbing random people, throwing them into a car, and driving off). - If a person is not read their Miranda rights during the arrest phase then it's unlawful confinement (and usually results in multi million dollar lawsuits). - House raids cannot be executed without the warrant of a judge. Even with probable cause, officers may not enter households without a warrant. They must have proof that the house is a potential crime hub and present it to a judge before they can execute the search warrant (I've seen 4-5 raids in the last month and considering there's no judge, technically none of them are legal). There's a long list of infractions from my numerous encounters with cops on this server. The cops are essentially another gang without a name. They take who they want, when they want, where they want, for whatever reason. Every time i see a cop now i go the other direction because chances you get detained or stopped for absolutely no reason is basically inevitable. I know it's just a game but if you're going to pretend to be a police officer at least try to get the most basic "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say... etc." stuff down. The funny thing is that the guy who was doing the talking asked where i kept my licenses and said he was going to "pat me down". This nerd role play patted me down in a video game but wont even try to role play the communication aspects of being a police officer (and communication is like 99% of the role play lol). Having a faction that allows people's game time and assets to be taken away run by a bunch of power hungry 15 year old's is ruining the server. p.s. if you need me to come teach them BASIC laws and citizen protection acts so that they can be shitty pretend cops instead of abysmal, let me know. Expand I luv your absolute salt that you decided to type a fucking novel when you can just express you feelings in a few words. Cops are pigs. Quote Link to comment
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