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APD Handbook Update 3/28/18

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This rule change is effective immediately. 

Post any questions/concerns below.

Chapter XII - Fines and Penalties

  1. Ticketing Procedure

    1. Patrol Officers and Deputies are to abide by the ticket values with no deviation from the fine amounts, even in the absence of higher ranking officers.

      1. Patrol Officers and Deputies are only permitted to write a $500 $100 pardon ticket when there are no Corporals or higher available to grant a pardon.

Chapter IX - Searches and Seizures

  1. Seizure of Vehicles

    1. Illegal vehicles are to be seized at the end of a situation.

    2. Any civilian vehicles left after a federal event will be seized.

    3. Vehicles containing illegal contraband valued at $350,000 or more are to be seized.

    4. Vehicles will only be seized upon the order of the highest ranking APD member at the situation.

      1. Vehicles found to be transporting other vehicles that are under seizure rules may also be seized. (Ex. An Orca that was slinging a 50 cal, a Blackfish that was transporting a federal event truck)

        1. Officers must have a constant view of the carrier vehicle(s) should the passenger vehicle be released in order for it to be seized. 

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10 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:
        1. Officers must have a constant view of the carrier vehicle(s) should the passenger vehicle be released in order for it to be seized. 

Uhm - you're gucci - goodluck keeping 'constant sight' of a blackfish...

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34 minutes ago, MAVE2ICK said:

Uhm - you're gucci - goodluck keeping 'constant sight' of a blackfish...

Also a fact

48 minutes ago, MAVE2ICK said:

Uhm - you're gucci - goodluck keeping 'constant sight' of a blackfish...

12k view distance can sometimes come in handy

1 hour ago, MAVE2ICK said:

Uhm - you're gucci - goodluck keeping 'constant sight' of a blackfish...


So with this rule change if I throw a GPS on the truck at the fed who hops up into the blackfish and we roll up on it at platinum trader and it and the truck and the fish are there would I still be good to seize the blackfish or would this be considered losing sight of it?

  • Lord of Tickets
9 minutes ago, Hoonter said:

So with this rule change if I throw a GPS on the truck at the fed who hops up into the blackfish and we roll up on it at platinum trader and it and the truck and the fish are there would I still be good to seize the blackfish or would this be considered losing sight of it?

If the truck is still in the fish. If it’s out, you only maintained sight of the truck technically with the tracker so would only seize the truck. 

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12 minutes ago, Dαnte said:

If the truck is still in the fish. If it’s out, you only maintained sight of the truck technically with the tracker so would only seize the truck. 

tbh I don’t think this rule change would do much. If your slinging something illegal, it’s most likely in a blackfish, and we all know how aids it would be to track a blackfish/shoot em down

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10 minutes ago, Ryan said:

tbh I don’t think this rule change would do much. If your slinging something illegal, it’s most likely in a blackfish, and we all know how aids it would be to track a blackfish/shoot em down

it would basically be a waste of time...fish would go 2+ km up and fly around until restart or until apd lost sight... (id image apd would need to provide evidence they maintained sight in the event of a player report)

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Sorry if I am wrong about this but I assume the Sling Load system on the server is a server side mod included in the mission file?

Sling Load mod is a pain in the ass, that mod is supposed to be for Sling Loading vehicles you "can't" Sling Load in non-modded Arma. The mod ropes constantly snap for no reason due to Arma modded physics. :(

3 minutes ago, MAVE2ICK said:

it would basically be a waste of time...fish would go 2+ km up and fly around until restart or until apd lost sight... (id image apd would need to provide evidence they maintained sight in the event of a player report)

Maybe Developers should consider APD being able to use Anti-Air Titan launchers with Fuel Dart mod? The Darts if they hit will only deal DMG to the Fuel Tank and sap Fuel until empty.

well not entirely true - you can attach a 'tow sling' on the vehicle... then attach with chopper...

with a blackfish - you can legit load a truck into the back of the thing..

3 minutes ago, MAVE2ICK said:

well not entirely true - you can attach a 'tow sling' on the vehicle... then attach with chopper...

with a blackfish - you can legit load a truck into the back of the thing..

Sorry I didn't specify, I was meaning to mention all aircraft in general. The problem is all other options of MODDED Sling Loading are not very reliable as they constantly break.

#ArmaPhysics #NoMod

Edited by Adept

yeah - Olympus basically will never go the modded route... they used to have fast roping to deploy but it was a 50/50 chance you fall and die without a mod...so they took it out.

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1 hour ago, Ryan said:

how aids it would be to track a blackfish/shoot em down


32 minutes ago, Egnazio said:

:Kappa: ya because I wasn't putting 40 mags into the front glass

That’s what I said lol

14 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:

Patrol Officers and Deputies are only permitted to write a $500 $100 pardon ticket when there are no Corporals or higher available to grant a pardon.

What’s the point in changing the ticket price? 

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