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Sayonara Olympus


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  On 9/10/2018 at 6:52 PM, falcon said:

hahaha, I'll get @hawk to do it for me. ;)


Not Fair xD 

o7 my dude thanks for helping out a ton with support/sr support Olympus lost a good one. I'll never forget the late night bullshit in the support rooms and teaching me how to do the sheets. You told me to "Google it" way too many fucking times but you were always a great help. I'll never forget the endless memes, and one day I hope @OutCast stops faking LOAs and admits his Jeep has no fucking doors on it. You didn't think I would be a good sr support at first, and I hope I proved you wrong. 

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  On 9/10/2018 at 3:19 AM, falcon said:

I started to play Olympus because it was like a second home to separate me from the bullshit that was occurring also it was the only way I could actually talk to my brother. Unfortunately, everything comes to an end eventually and today is the day where I give up LT. I didn't want Olympus to get in the way of anything so I just said fuck it and resign. It's time for me to reset my priorities and focus on me and my girlfriend. 

I had quite the rollercoaster ride with Olympus and I think I peaked when I was a Sergeant and @a overweight giant retard & @TheCmdrRex had told me to stop doing my desk duties for a little over a week because I was too active. :lol: 

I would just like to thank the community and the staff team for just thank you for everything. This server has taught me a lot, I went from being extremely annoying to an average joe. I dedicated a lot of time in this server and had a blast I have no regrets. 

I hope I helped in changing Olympus even better yet the APD. I hope I gave people the motivation to continue the grind for promotions, to reform, and overall just enjoy the APD more than they previously were. I have been through the struggles of being a shit cop, being a shit member of the Olympus, I know the struggles it's hard so I tried to help out as much as I could. Hopefully, I made a difference for the better. 


I'm not gonna @ you but I know for a fact you'll see this. This goes out to you brother:

You were the reason to why I joined Olympus & was apart of the R&R and the APD. I could never see you, but this was the one place I could actually talk to you. I just want you to know, life sucks it does and it's going to throw you some bullshit. Just remember you have my number & snapchat, you know what to do with it when shit is getting hard you know I'm here for you. Lastly, if you ever want to come over and see your niece the door is wide open buddy. I love ya.


I had way too many good experiences on this server with a little bit of everyone, so if I forgot to include you on the @'s you already know you who are. 


@McDili You already know man, I talked to you in private. Again, Thank you x100. 

@Peter Long The "dad" of Olympus, this couldn't be any truer. God damn, I'll have to talk to you in private but. Fucking mad thank you for everything. Real talk. 

@Doc Rewind a couple of years ago and I had a blast with you, even though you held me back as much as you could I had more positive than negative times. It was fun playing with ya but everything comes to an end eventually. Wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

@a overweight giant retard God damn Mr. Yung Negiotiator I had a lot of fun with you towards the end of your tenure, but I gotta give you a huge thank you for allowing me to progress further in the APD. You stook your neck out for me to get FTO and eventually allowing me into the sAPD. Thank you, I'll miss ya. :wub:

@Gibbs Hahaha, Man o man, Gibbs... When you were a SGT you tested me the very first time I got deputy, you trained me, you did my first PO test, and you were the one stick your neck out for me to get a CPL test. Holy fuck. Thank you for everything. 

@Parker Radley I had some fun times with you on cop and you were the reason to why I wanted to achieve Corporal because you always wanted to fly an orca. lmao. you were a good boy, thanks for everything homie.

@Dante You know, I disliked you at first a lot. But, once I got to know you you were a pretty chill dude. One of the most bias'd sAPD members to date but as long as you said: "Take this with a grain of salt" it as all gucci lmao. It's alright though, I like you, interesting character. Thanks for the support and everything else.

@Fat Clemenza I got to know you decently well towards the end of my tenure, You are honestly an extremely resourceful person and I like that. Thanks for your help on quite literally everything, and thanks for just being there. 

@Fushigi I still to this day love how you took me as competition the sAPD and because of that you hunted my OICs to make me look less active. I got to know you, and I'm actually pretty happy I changed your perspective on me for the better. You were a great Senior. 

@OutCast my man, hahahahaha, you crack me up. you are honestly something else xd. you're such an odd person, it's hilarious i never know what to expect from you. but i had some solid experiences and memories playing with you and our late night life advice and talks was truly something else. thank you mr brothacain. 

@Jordan540 Broke my heart when you stepped down, sAPD felt empty without you :/. Honestly at times I felt like we had a good friendship, I got to know you super well and vice versa, I don't know how it all started but jesus am I happy for actually getting to know you. You were the coolest person I have ever met. You are super chill, funny, and just a bunch of other words. We had a crazy amount of good experiences on cop and civ, it's too much to list. You are fucking amazing man, don't change. I don't even know how to thank you, but thanks for the experiences the memories the everything. I hope we can remain friends even after this. 

@TheCmdrRex Boyo, we have a fairly interesting friendship but just know I appreciate everything you have done for me and I thank you for that. We had a lot of good memories that I can't think of, just too many of them. thanks bud.

@Pledge The man behind helping me grow hahaha. Thank you for promoting me to Senior Support and actually helping me learn the spreadsheets. You definitely played a big role in helping me grow in Olympus and actually the ONLY person to believe in me. Thanks man, even though we had our ups and downs, I'll never forget how I got to where I was. Thank you.

@Lunchbox We go from you mass RDMing me in Kavala back in KS to being really good friends. Jesus. Haha we had way too many good memories to be listing them. Just know, I'm grateful to be your friend and thank you for everything.


@last the only person the this community that actually got me to play olympus when i was about to call quits then eventually getting me introuble irl ;). i have always thought you were this retard johnson hopper but when i started playin with ya, i had a fucking blast hahaha makin me playing 30 hours a week as a lt cmon now bruh. thanks for that man, thanks for everything.

@Ryan hey ryan you said you wanted a @ so here you go :D you still owe me a room in your house.

@Xeltini hmmm.. one of the boys. 


@Sandman It must feel fantastic knowing you played a big role into why someone resigned, thanks for that. :lol:  Enjoy being glued to Olympus because you have nothing better to do. Have fun and go fuck yourself.


That's it, boys. Sayonara. I love you all. :wub:



Edited by Natsirt

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