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Goodbye Fuckers

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I am heading off to college in August. I was accepted to Missouri University in last month to be a damn fine lawyer. Call me if any of you need to get off the hook (I'm not @ing raptor)

@Justi, @CorNfLower, and @CocoisDead are retards. Whoever gave Corn power needs to rethink life, he is too racist.

@Dante will be the longest standing chief ever, sorry @OutCast and @Plumber but you both will most likely be dead before he resigns.

@hawk I am quite upset that after two terms and 45 tickets I was not considered for Senior Support team, but I still love ya.

To all my brothers in seaweed, I bid you farewell. There are too many of ya to @. They gave me a home after I decided to come back. 

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