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SERVER P.S.A. - What the fuck is going on?

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Just now, Evann said:

if they ban every person that used hacked cash, half the servers getting ripped

Exactly! But @destruct's post is everything if not clear that the intention is to ban everyone who has. Unless they plan on standing at their computers for hours upon hours this is not going to happen. Henceforth my suggestion to shut the servers down a revert to a wipe before the hacked cash was introduced.

1 minute ago, Sir Klutch said:

Exactly! But @destruct's post is everything if not clear that the intention is to ban everyone who has. Unless they plan on standing at their computers for hours upon hours this is not going to happen. Henceforth my suggestion to shut the servers down a revert to a wipe before the hacked cash was introduced.

your forum picture fits perfectly with how you type

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3 minutes ago, Evann said:

your forum picture fits perfectly with how you type


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I don’t believe the solution is to shutdown or wipe the servers. It’s gonna take some time but they will find a way to at the least get us back to normal. 

It pains me to see Olympus this way as I am very fond of it but envy is a killer. We can’t give in to what the hackers want. We have some really great people on our side they will make sure this is taken care of. 

In my opinion I believe a rollback 4-8 hours after the script attack is much more beneficial to the community then mods and admins spending countless hours tracking money through logs

4 hours ago, KGB JOSH said:

Im not a dev so I dont really deal with preventing this but people are doing the best they can with the hand they are dealt. The most I can do is ban and that doesnt really matter because they have hundreds of alts ready to hand out 7 trillion dollars when given the command. The server wont be shutdown, ive got a better idea. Just dont play until a fix comes. Whenever that may be isnt my knowledge but the most I can do for you is say that we arent doing nothing.

The problem with just not playing is a lot of people have cop or medic where they have to put in enough hours each week

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This post goes along with my opinion that I lose brain cells reading the forums every morning.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

Are your ears bleeding due to cheaters ear rape?

How to fix 

1 press escape

2 abort

common confusion:

making a forums post calling to shut down the server wont work as if you are being ear raped then you can just leave the server

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7 hours ago, Sir Klutch said:

If the servers can't be operated properly they should be shut down. This is a serious problem that I believe warrants the servers being at least temporarily shut down.

Honestly this. I know the admins are getting tilted off of these posts, but shut down the servers for like 3 days or something? Maybe just one, unless keeping the servers open help you find the code or something from the hacker, then keep them up...? @TheCmdrRexIs this a good idea or nope? 

Just now, RDyer216 said:

@Nex is the name,  but then the terrorists win.

Sometimes we need to just stop struggling in the cell we're being held captive in when they kidnapped us on the raid on al qaeda... Save our energy, and when the prison guard comes to check on us, we have been saving our energy and then we leap for him and steal the keys...

Long story short, we should do it to conserve resources and leave the community to ask "when will the servers be up roughly?" instead of *cough* "OMFG REEEeEeEEeee I HAVE 2 BILLIION HACKED CASH, SUmwAn WOT R THE AADMINZ DOIiing". And while we are conserving our resources, recruit some more devs or some shit to help figure this out... Like I wish I couldve went to I think it was @Fusah's code classes or something, but im not paying for it. I know some script but id be classified as a script kiddie, so im no use to staff. 

If we aint gonna close the servers or rollback, then call for reinforcements :)

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I have 1 billion in my gang bank, I have 1.5 billion in my bank. Please take this away from me. (I have made a support ticket) 

I have done many things to try to get this out of my account. If I drop it in Kavala someone picks up the money and abuses it. I put it in my gang bank (where no one can use it) and now apparently I should get banned for “trying to hide that I have hacked money” by putting it into my gang bank. Please just end this. I love the server but now with all this hacked money I’m worried for the future. I’d rather a complete server wipe then see the economy like this.

But at the same time I know the staff team is probably doing the best they can! :) Keep up the great work guys and I hope we can fix this issue soon

33 minutes ago, Zachory Pond/Staceyjsa said:

I have 1 billion in my gang bank, I have 1.5 billion in my bank. Please take this away from me. (I have made a support ticket) 

I have done many things to try to get this out of my account. If I drop it in Kavala someone picks up the money and abuses it. I put it in my gang bank (where no one can use it) and now apparently I should get banned for “trying to hide that I have hacked money” by putting it into my gang bank. Please just end this. I love the server but now with all this hacked money I’m worried for the future. I’d rather a complete server wipe then see the economy like this.


9 minutes ago, Zachory Pond/Staceyjsa said:

But at the same time I know the staff team is probably doing the best they can! :) Keep up the great work guys and I hope we can fix this issue soon

Good save :). A wipe wont happen, Olympus would die, even though I personally think it should happen.

The money is gonna be removed and right now people are just having fun with it. 

Shutting down the server doesn’t make them code any faster

1 hour ago, Zachory Pond/Staceyjsa said:

I have 1 billion in my gang bank, I have 1.5 billion in my bank. Please take this away from me. (I have made a support ticket) 

I have done many things to try to get this out of my account. If I drop it in Kavala someone picks up the money and abuses it. I put it in my gang bank (where no one can use it) and now apparently I should get banned for “trying to hide that I have hacked money” by putting it into my gang bank. Please just end this. I love the server but now with all this hacked money I’m worried for the future. I’d rather a complete server wipe then see the economy like this.

Go to the middle of no where and drop it or just jump out of heli over water and than bam all gone 

Get a fix to whatever is going on when that fix is found use a save before all this shit and compensate players a few mill, warpoints etc... 

I think you're right they do need to shut down the server for a day or so so they can work on a fix. Its completely ruining the server for me as most of my friends dont wanna play anymore as they believe the server is gonna rol lback and all our shit will be gone. Also every fucking day i hear that cunting airhorn and get billions in my account like hello?? They even gave everyone on server 1 blackscreen yesterday

3 hours ago, NokiaStrong said:

Are your ears bleeding due to cheaters ear rape?

How to fix 

1 press escape

2 abort

common confusion:

making a forums post calling to shut down the server wont work as if you are being ear raped then you can just leave the server

I think something might have been lost in the translation for you. It's hard to do that when my ears are already fucking bleeding. Thanks for trying dou...

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