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Reckful & Olympus

Guest Skateezy

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Guest Skateezy

A lot of you are aware of Reckful (A very popular World of Warcraft streamer in his streaming infancy) taking his life today.

He was a manic depressive that suffered with depression for years.

For those of you who are not aware of Reckful's community they were well aware of his manic depression and would still retort comments like "Kill yourself" all the time in his chat and on twitter.

Lo and behold Reckful is now dead after posting a proposal on twitter where he was ridiculed by his "fans", and not an hour after he takes his own life.

I understand a lot of you are younger on Olympus, I am only 19 myself, but I do feel like we could use this situation as an example as to why we should not be too extreme on the shit-talk here. 

We post montages from different games here, we look forward to talking to people we meet on the server and creating true online friendships, we no-life the forums because we just simply love the community, so why don't we try to be more positive in said community?

I notice a lot of visceral insulting going on lately and I just want to remind everyone that we are all apart of the same community, play the same game, and we all depend on each other to genuinely make the game fun.

And if any of you for any reason need someone to talk to about -anything- please feel free to private message me on here or message me on Discord. Chase#2111

Let us be better to one another here at the Mecca For Gamers. 🙂


Edited by Skateezy


Many comments on twitter and lsf like this were posted on the proposal while he was still alive.... Its fucked 

Guest Skateezy
Just now, Billeh said:

Many comments on twitter and lsf like this were posted on the proposal while he was still alive.... Its fucked 

I agree and don't get it twisted. I have said countless amounts of abhorrent comments to individuals on the internet when I was younger. I think we have to realize there are really young kids on here that adopt these behaviors from online circles and will stick with those behaviors until they're shown hate isn't the right way to go. Olympus has been a thriving community for years and there is no reason we shouldn't provide a good class-act example of leadership and emotional deceny to others.

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Unfortunately people focus more on flaming and talking shit other than playing games nowadays. 

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Guest Skateezy
3 minutes ago, Masoooooooooon said:

Unfortunately people focus more on flaming and talking shit other than playing games nowadays. 

Man. The thing a lot of these younger kids realize is that to really piss someone off just be extremely nice. Frustration at a game is one thing, attacking people's physical attributes, personality, or anything personal to an individual not relating to the game is just low.  A lot of the older guys do not realize there are 13 year olds that look up to the older dudes because they have the "cool stuff" in the game then they go out of their way to call them squeakers or retards. It is not too hard to be a good person.

Good post, @Skateezy. I can meme as well as the next guy, but you are 100% correct when you say attacking people unrelated to the game is just low. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for people between ages 15 and 24, which I would confidently say encompasses a large percentage of the community of Olympus. The thing about depression, anxiety, and other factors that lead people to take their lives is that YOU do not get to determine what justifies their actions in their head. Your off the wall "Kill yourself" comment can seriously keep somebody up at night, and if I had to guess, probably has at one point in your gaming career. Unfortunately, it is human nature to disregard these things until something happens that hits a little too close to home. 


In-game beef is all fun and games on this light roleplay platform, but let's try to leave it there as a community and imagine other REAL people's situation from time-to-time before making unnecessary comments. This server specifically bans racism, but there is a hell of a lot more out there that makes people tick than racism. Real-life threats, rape, promoting self-harm, and the list goes on. Let's be better than that. +1 Skateezy. 

  • Like 3
Guest Skateezy
11 minutes ago, DubbedSoap said:

Good post, @Skateezy. I can meme as well as the next guy, but you are 100% correct when you say attacking people unrelated to the game is just low. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for people between ages 15 and 24, which I would confidently say encompasses a large percentage of the community of Olympus. The thing about depression, anxiety, and other factors that lead people to take their lives is that YOU do not get to determine what justifies their actions in their head. Your off the wall "Kill yourself" comment can seriously keep somebody up at night, and if I had to guess, probably has at one point in your gaming career. Unfortunately, it is human nature to disregard these things until something happens that hits a little too close to home. 


In-game beef is all fun and games on this light roleplay platform, but let's try to leave it there as a community and imagine other REAL people's situation from time-to-time before making unnecessary comments. This server specifically bans racism, but there is a hell of a lot more out there that makes people tick than racism. Real-life threats, rape, promoting self-harm, and the list goes on. Let's be better than that. +1 Skateezy. 

Thanks for the write-up, man. I do not think we should censor everything but I do feel like it is our obligation to foster a better community, not just for Olympus, but for society as a whole. I do not by any means blame the individuals attacking Reckful. They are absolutely wrong and I think they absolutely provided a factor into Reckful's suicide but I think they themselves were told to "kill themselves" or some iteration of the sort throughout their time online and have normalized said behavior. I know there will be a few people that read my post and go "that's stupid, just have thick skin". I get it. I will not get insulted by anything you can think of but that is ME. You never know what someone goes through online. You could have a kid that gets his ass beat everyday by his father and escapes to Arma 3 to have some fun with his pals and you immerse him right back into his abusive household when you insult him. It is easy to be a dick. It's super simple, but is that really who you want to be at the end of the day? Do you want to be hailed as the "funny" guy that tells people to kill themselves or as the guy that is super kind to others?


Edited by Skateezy

Mad respect for posting this @Skateezy

People are always going to be toxic and be dickheads for no reason but to be a dick, Just the reality of the internet. Unfortunately, The only way to really make a change is to first look at yourself and try and spread more positivity and hope people do the same. It's a shame to see him pass like that..


R.I.P Reckful  


  • Like 1

I couldn't have said it better myself. Its aids that alot of people feel the need to shitalk to self inflate their egos nowadays.

I just finish fighting come on the forums then i see this post and I think back to the fights 5 mins ago remembering Aussie kids spamming the n word in gang chat and saying kys 

  • Like 1

There is no finger pointing this matter I'm sure all of you (including myself) have said shit that is fucked up or that could really hurt someone. People can say all they want "its the internet get over it" or "you are a pussy" but you have no clue what is going that persons mind or how they are feeling and I am sure that the majority Olympus players would feel terrible if they knew someone took their life because of something you said to them. I don't want to be someone's mother but please take into consideration what you are saying to someone and how it could affect them. I understand it sounds stupid because I am someone that shit talks quite often but you have to really think about it and say to yourself "how if this benefiting me or anyone around me?" and the truth is that it isn't it may give you some satisfaction in the current moment because you think you won an argument or something stupid but in the long run you get nothing out of it and you could be potentially hurting someone. Me personally I have recently been trying to change myself into a better person for myself or for anyone I have hurt in the past and I challenge anyone who uses offensive slurs or is just really rude daily to try and be a better person not only will you make yourself a better person and maybe go further in life but you may potentially save a life. I know this looks cringe and feel free to clown me if you want but I just wanted to make it public that I no longer want to be a part of the problem and want to help and I encourage anyone who wants to change and be better person to do it. But don't get it fucked up banter and casual shit talk is still a go just really think about what you say before you say it your words can really do a number on someone. If anyone is struggling with anything IRL and need someone to talk to I'm not a professional by any means but I been through a lot as a kid and I can help so feel free to contact me via forums or my discord I promise anything you say to me that you don't want to be told will not be. Love you Olympus.



Also big ups @Skateezy someone needed to post about this.

  • Like 8

I hadn’t heard of Reckful before this point but it’s obvious just how many people talked shit to him on a daily basis, however he also had plenty of fans and supporters who help boost his confidence rather than drain it. Playing online no one knows what’s truly happening in others lives so we have no idea the real impact of what we say. Reckful wasn’t the first person to kill themselves while being constantly degraded online and won’t be the last, hopefully though people can learn from this tragedy and help to have people minimize what they say online that could hurt somebody.

Toxicity is part of the game. Nothing I say should be taken seriously or really anyone. I don’t believe people in the community really wish death or mean anything that they say. I just go off and say mean shit cuz it’s funny. If I have hurt your feelings In the past or made you feel lesser I apologize but I’m not gonna change for anyone. However with saying that, we as a community should stray away from suicide jokes and things in that nature. Mental health is not a joke and we really don’t know what people are going through in there real life. Some people use video games as an escape and when you are being abused verbally while trying to escape just think about how that makes the person feel. 

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I think the biggest part of this is the kids who look up to the older guys.  You set the example, and they will always take it two steps further than you.... so start from two steps back. 

Suicide jokes are a small part of it.  Some of these younger kids base their entire self worth on games like this.  Go look at the forums ffs.  

People ask honest and sincere questions and get ganged up on, called names, ect.   This is the most toxic gaming community I've ever been involved with, and I was in the conan exiles bet.a lol

Maybe, just be nicer to eachother. 

Everytime someone say 'good fight' after a fight, they set the bar forward 100 feet.

That's not even to mention the things women have to endure on olympus.  I've yet to see a single active woman on server one that hasnt been called 'fat' or 'tranny' 100 times.  

1 hour ago, anti said:

Suicide jokes are a small part of it.  Some of these younger kids base their entire self worth on games like this.  Go look at the forums ffs.  

People ask honest and sincere questions and get ganged up on, called names, ect.   This is the most toxic gaming community I've ever been involved with, and I was in the conan exiles bet.a lol

Maybe, just be nicer to eachother. 

Everytime someone say 'good fight' after a fight, they set the bar forward 100 feet.

That's not even to mention the things women have to endure on olympus.  I've yet to see a single active woman on server one that hasnt been called 'fat' or 'tranny' 100 times.  

Sucking dick for rank gets u insulted 

unpopular opinion and not throwing shade on reckful or anyone going through the same shit but lets be honest.. the internet is a double edge sword.. if u cant handle it then dont use it.. 

some people have no moral compass and there is nothing u can do about it. expect this shit to happen.

besides, next time someone insults u personally just remember they themselves are very insecure hence them bringing others down with them. FAKT











just turn off ur PC :4head:


Guest Skateezy
30 minutes ago, N7Zero said:

unpopular opinion and not throwing shade on reckful or anyone going through the same shit but lets be honest.. the internet is a double edge sword.. if u cant handle it then dont use it.. 

some people have no moral compass and there is nothing u can do about it. expect this shit to happen.

besides, next time someone insults u personally just remember they themselves are very insecure hence them bringing others down with them. FAKT











just turn off ur PC :4head:

I would agree with you when I was younger but it is not that simple anymore. Social media was created to connect people yet it does the exact opposite.

Look at the dates when Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat respectively came out and compare them to the Anxiety Rates and Suicide Rates.

You do not have an option to -not- use the internet in a first world country. You're typically required to for school, to connect with friends, or to not be seen as a social outcast among other issues. I personally do not use any social media and keep all my contacts on my numbers. 

The fact that people have "no moral compass" is exactly from this issue though. If we keep teaching people that they simply need to "toughen up" then more and more will die everyday because we cannot do a simple thing: be human.

I agree though, insecure individuals will project and flame others, don't blame them though but instead be a good person to them and they will come around eventually.

I absolutely do not blame those individuals for Reckful's death, he committed suicide and it very well could have been a genetic chemical imbalance due to the fact his brother also killed himself years prior.

It's much like a wounded dog being averse to you until you coax it into being friendly.

It is up to an individual if they want to be a toxic person on the internet or a kind person on the internet. Realize though that there is no seperation of who you are on the internet behind anonymity and who you are in real life. I can guarantee you that you are a bad individual in real life if you are also online.

It is not hard to be kind to others.

9 minutes ago, Skateezy said:


Look at the dates when Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat respectively came out and compare them to the Anxiety Rates and Suicide Rates.


im sure thats partly due to a lot of users living vicariously through others post which leads to depression n anxiety (pretty sure it was scientifically proven but take my word with a grain of salt)

11 minutes ago, Skateezy said:

I can guarantee you that you are a bad individual in real life if you are also online.

also pretty sure people who get harrased/bullied IRL cant take out their anger on perpetrator therefore they take it online as an escape mechanism. but ur right with that 1

Good Times Create Weak Men. Weak Men Create Bad Times. Bad Times ... this image is very true in life. and think with political correctness has soften people up for sure. 

STILLYEP | Know Your Meme

1 hour ago, N7Zero said:

unpopular opinion and not throwing shade on reckful or anyone going through the same shit but lets be honest.. the internet is a double edge sword.. if u cant handle it then dont use it.. 

some people have no moral compass and there is nothing u can do about it. expect this shit to happen.

besides, next time someone insults u personally just remember they themselves are very insecure hence them bringing others down with them. FAKT











just turn off ur PC :4head:


I see where you are coming from but to turn off the pc you have already heard something that may push you over the edge and as for reckful it wasn’t as easy for him that was quite literally his life he streamed to make a living and someone correct me if I’m wrong but he also said he endured all of that pain daily in hopes of of raising awareness for others.

I’ve thought long and hard about this topic because I’ve dealt with mental issues in the past and am still currently dealing with them. It’s very true toxicity culture on the internet is only getting worse, and it’s because day by day the internet has grown. Like @N7Zero said, there are people that have almost zero moral compass. There’s nothing we can say that can change how these people act.


that being said just because there are those who don’t have a moral compass, doesn’t justify treating others poorly. it’s very easy to say some awful things to someone and then say it’s just a joke. but there is almost zero way of knowing what’s going on in real life. mass bullying isn’t cool, it isn’t funny, it’s fucked up and if you think otherwise you are a fucked up person and should look for help. 

what happened to reckful is awful. for people who say it’s not, he was someone who put twitch on the map. the internet was his job, and for someone with depression the smallest slices hurt, yet he stayed strong. when your entire community is shitting on you and quite literally to tell you to go kill yourself, it’s gonna hit hard. especially with manic depression where at points in your life you have no control over your action. 

olympus is a toxic community. that’ll never change, but it’s mostly all jokes. take @buckie for example, he will be the first to go at someone’s neck, but he’s one of the most down to earth people on the server and the first to offer an ear when you need it. toxic jokes, shit talk, ect is funny to the right group of people. Let’s stop normalizing telling random kids to kill themselves and if you want to joke with your friends, all power to you. I will forever always do it with mine, and if you guys have jokes, again, go crazy. but most of us here have brains, and at the end of the day we come here for a community. 


TL;DR: stop justifying telling someone to off themselves as a joke or saying others say worse. keep the jokes to people you’re friends with.

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Being in the Olympus community is a mix between high school clique culture and a abusive relationship. Let's start with the first one cause it's the more obvious of the 2 If you are apart of a group you will be associated more with that group than who you are as a person and thats kinda shitty. Along with the conflict between these cliques Sapd hates DB, 5 sAPD hate the other 5 shit like that. It created a toxic ass environment to log into every day where the best part of the server became doing paperwork and that gets me to the second part of my analysis. Arma 3 is like 90% of the time like sleeper I have like I think 1.3k hours on cop and I would say 90% of that was sitting in the back of a orca or hatchback watching youtube. When we did find somebody almost always we would try to find something to fight them over to get some entertainment. That is the gameplay loop I would say in retrospect after playing and going back to several other games it was kind of shit all you did was chase the next fight like a drug high. So why would anyone do this well I would say because of your friends I would say alot of people I met inside Olympus didn't play with many people outside of it. The friends I had on Olympus were the only people on the internet I talked to on a regular basis and it's hard to just leave... I did it and I dont regret quitting the game and sometimes you do need to take that jump to maintain your own sanity.

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