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Linka's Mental Health Thread

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4 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Pinning and featuring this. Mental Health is important and typically overlooked with men. This community is overwhelming male dominated. There should be no shame or judgement passed on someone who is going through a rough time. Don’t bottle up your emotions, talk to someone whether it be a friend, a teacher, a parent or a doctor. You’re not alone in what you’re going through. Break the stigma of the past, that’s the only way we ALL grow and get better. 

100% agree! Gonna expand on this.

Talking to someone is very important- however it's not easy. Talking to someone for help is hard especially if you do not know what you are feeling. Doing a lot of self-evaluation is important. Don't talk to someone just because you feel you have to- talk to someone with a goal. I personally talked to a lot of people when I was struggling in the beginning and though I didn't know anything when I started- I learned a lot about myself once I got started talking and was able to analyze my situation. 

fun fact, @ ThatNerdyGuy  was one of the main people that I was able to talk to, and he helped me so much just by listening and being unbiased about what I was saying.  Don't be afraid of someone telling you the negatives of your personality, as it helps you grow and you need to take it to heart and not get upset by it! 

Get help, but make sure you are READY for help. It's one of the first steps and as difficult as it may be, super important.

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ngl this is a memed upon topic when it should be taken seriously. everyone's mindset is different, some people grow to not care when others grow to take things personally. im not trying to say this meaning to roast anyone, im saying this because its a genuine problem people hide. some people are just way more sensitive and it could be anything from how they were raised to how they were treated by ones they thought they could trust. obvy most of you all know how everyone likes to come in at my families tragic event but i dont let that ever get to me because i know the person telling me these things is hurt inside and expressing their anger in some fucked up way. in conclusion keep your head up kings, no matter what anyone says everyone is perfect in their own way, if you learn to love yourself then nothing else will matter.

Edited by proud
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34 minutes ago, proud said:

ngl this is a memed upon topic when it should be taken seriously. everyone's mindset is different, some people grow to not care when others grow to take things personally. im not trying to say this meaning to roast anyone, im saying this because its a genuine problem people hide. some people are just way more sensitive and it could be anything from how they were raised to how they were treated by ones they thought they could trust. obvy most of you all know how everyone likes to come in at my families tragic event but i dont let that ever get to me because i know the person telling me these things is hurt inside and expressing their anger in some fucked up way. in conclusion keep your head up kings, no matter what anyone says everyone is perfect in their own way, if you learn to love yourself then nothing else will matter.

I agree! However, a lot of people believe loving and accepting yourself means that you don't have to change. I think an important thing it love yourself while realizing you have to work on yourself constantly.

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Although, I think many already know it but I'm a mom and grandma and old af. I've been through a lot of serious life stuff and I'm always happy to at least listen and add my thoughts when asked for them. Shoot me a message here or in game. Weird messages will be met with equally weird responses for you sarcastic assholes already scheming to take advantage of this. 


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Great job bringing this to light @ Linka . It takes a bigger person to admit things like this and be comfortable talking about it. I have no shame in saying I suffer from depression and anxiety as well as abandonment issues from when I was a child. I see a therapist for the more rough side of life I've seen and dealt with. There's no shame in doing that and it really helps to talk to someone about things. No matter what anyone tells you or how the media/social platforms/your peers portrays how a man or woman should act or be in the public eye, the fact remains that we are all still human. Hope that whoever sees this can relate, and if they need to then reach out, there is a hand waiting to help you back up. 

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4 hours ago, Linka said:

nd being good at a decade old game with 2,000 concurrent players it not a reason to have an ego and talk down to people.

best thing said in this thread. Egos seem to get blown up in this community just because you hit a sick clip in a pvp area on a arma 3 roleplay life server.

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Glad I got a tag from Ryan on this one. 

 I remember talking to @ Linka about this sort of thing ages ago. Judging from this post, looks like you’re runnin’ and jumpin’ over all the hurdles thrown at you buddy. Love to see someone bring the good and the positive out of everyone. 

Though I haven’t gone through some of the more difficult obstacles as some have, life will always be riddled with ups and downs in all sectors. Don’t be afraid to open up, talk about what’s going through your head. Sometimes, just putting it all out there might help. Everyone has their own battles that they’re fighting whether it’s mental/physical/financial/etc, and it’s important to have some empathy when it comes to others. Never know what they might be dealing with

Extremely well written, Linka

back to my hole I crawl, see y’all @arma4

Edited by Phizx
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Dealt with this shit since back when I first started playing here. Major depressive disorder, suicide attempts, anxiety, the whole deal. I played olympus as a coping method and I've grown out of video games and am stuck in the real world battling everyday. Shit's important. I've tried alt-f4ing twice, dont do what I did. Talk to someone or cope in a way that helps you. I'm not a huge fan of life but I'm holding out. GLGL

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17 hours ago, ScreaM said:

Dealt with this shit since back when I first started playing here. Major depressive disorder, suicide attempts, anxiety, the whole deal. I played olympus as a coping method and I've grown out of video games and am stuck in the real world battling everyday. Shit's important. I've tried alt-f4ing twice, dont do what I did. Talk to someone or cope in a way that helps you. I'm not a huge fan of life but I'm holding out. GLGL

I love you man!

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Love you linka, definitely a needed thread as people from everywhere suffers from mental health issues and its ignored quite easily amongst gamers.

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On 8/31/2021 at 8:34 PM, Ryan said:

Absolutely love this thread. Came out of hiding just to respond to this thread, because its something I preach a lot believe it or not. Believe it or not, regardless of what people think of me or how my life is outside the internet, I personally have been struggling with mental health for the last 3-4 years, this year being the worst of it. When it comes to my online relationships I would also sit down and talk to @ Viper , @ Xeltini , @ last , @ Phizx , and @ Panda :)  on a daily basis and most of the time it would last for weeks on end. Before I found people to speak to outside of this community, if I didnt have these guys I dont know where I would be by now, and its why ill always call them my day 1 homies.

This year has been tough on a lot of people... hell ill even be the one to admit its the reason why Olympus sees me come and go from time to time, or even hear me speak about drinking alcohol non stop. Its been a real struggle and im currently in the process of dealing with what is currently my peak of problems. 

Now remember, people on the internet act completely different as opposed to how they are in real life. Someone could be having a really rough day with peak anxiety and stress, and wants to go home to have some relief. The last thing they want is to login and have someone yelling at them to go kill themselves just because you made them lose a loadout. Having someone to talk to, or even addressing the problem, is the best thing you can do, or even start to do. Now I cant promise to reply to PM's as I rarely check them, but if you happen to send me something and I do end up seeing it, I will try my best to respond as well. Remember guys, you are not alone, and if there is one thing I have noticed with this community for the last 6-7 years I have been part of it, its that when someone really needs the help, there is always another person here willing to do so.

I was gonna say keep my name out of your mouth haha but thank you for everything. I know ive been one to shit on you constantly but I never meant anything to hurt you and I hope you know that. Ik we dont play as much as we used to or at all but you've helped me through a lot and I happy w who I am and where I am so thanks for everything. If anyone needs someone to talk to trust me ive been shit on plenty, I used to be a fat fuck with a huge forehead and now im just a dumb fuck with a huge forehead that doesn't care. were nothing more than the memories we remember, so surround yourself w people who build you up. 

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On 8/31/2021 at 9:34 PM, Ryan said:

Absolutely love this thread. Came out of hiding just to respond to this thread, because its something I preach a lot believe it or not. Believe it or not, regardless of what people think of me or how my life is outside the internet, I personally have been struggling with mental health for the last 3-4 years, this year being the worst of it. When it comes to my online relationships I would also sit down and talk to @ Viper , @ Xeltini , @ last , @ Phizx , and @ Panda :)  on a daily basis and most of the time it would last for weeks on end. Before I found people to speak to outside of this community, if I didnt have these guys I dont know where I would be by now, and its why ill always call them my day 1 homies.

This year has been tough on a lot of people... hell ill even be the one to admit its the reason why Olympus sees me come and go from time to time, or even hear me speak about drinking alcohol non stop. Its been a real struggle and im currently in the process of dealing with what is currently my peak of problems. 

Now remember, people on the internet act completely different as opposed to how they are in real life. Someone could be having a really rough day with peak anxiety and stress, and wants to go home to have some relief. The last thing they want is to login and have someone yelling at them to go kill themselves just because you made them lose a loadout. Having someone to talk to, or even addressing the problem, is the best thing you can do, or even start to do. Now I cant promise to reply to PM's as I rarely check them, but if you happen to send me something and I do end up seeing it, I will try my best to respond as well. Remember guys, you are not alone, and if there is one thing I have noticed with this community for the last 6-7 years I have been part of it, its that when someone really needs the help, there is always another person here willing to do so.

when u forget a name😢 but tbf i also talked to u ab my problems n turns out ur advice along with many others turned out to be just what i needed.❤️

Edited by proud
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37 minutes ago, proud said:

when u forget a name😢 but tbf i also talked to u ab my problems n turns out ur advice along with many others turned out to be just what i needed.❤️

Hey man let’s not forget how many hours I spent talking to you and giving you advice on what you should look out for and do. I even stepped away from work for some of those moments. You know how to message me if you truly need me 🙂 

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Hey Olympus. I super happy that this thread was made. 


On August 24th 2021 my sister Nicole had taken her life. She was 24. She was battling with mental heath issues due to her being diagnosed with chronic crohn's disease since age 11. She was always a out doors, animal loving kind of person. She used to always take care of me when my parents were at work and basically raised me for a few years. She loved to hang out with friends and loved taking me places during the summer months. When she was 16 her crohn's had put her in the hospital. She was on her death bed but she fought hard and made it through. Around a year later she attempted suicide by OD'ing on meds. I had heard her crying to her due to our rooms being close to each other, that night I was able to save her and get her help. Since then she had struggled with finding what she wanted to do with her life. and then she met her husband, Cody. They got married a year and a half ago and she finally looked like she had figured her life out. She was finally going to college and was surrounded by support and love. on August 23 2021 10:09 PM she called me and we chatted about how life was going. After around 20 minutes of talking she ended the call with the last words I will ever get to hear from her. "I love you buddy, I always will." I wish I would have been able to save her again but I wasn't. She sounded joyful and happy and I would have never guessed something was going on. What I'm trying to say is even if someone looks happy, there might be something you don't know about happening behind the curtains. If you have friends or family who have struggled mentally, give them a call once in a while and let them know someone is there for them. And for those of you struggling mentally. Someone will always be there for you. ALWAYS.


Stay safe and healthy everyone. If you need someone to talk to I am more than happy to speak with any of you guys. ❤️ 

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