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Who would you choose to be the next chief?

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  • Lord of Tickets

Since I’ve come back to the server all I’ve read or heard in channels is a whole lot of whining/venting about Winters. I haven’t been back long enough to know if any of it has any merit. The chief position is the most criticized role in the server from my personal experience. But, since so many are calling for his head, I wanna know who everyone would choose as their next chief. Could be anyone actively playing on the server right now. 

I’m not going to make a poll because I don’t want this to be limited to only dep chiefs (I’d be a hypocrite since I chose an LT to be the next chief when I left 😌). 

So let’s hear it. Winters stepped down today, who gets your vote? Current APD votes mostly but curious about everyone else as well. 

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There really aren't many great picks, but that is also his own fault, as previously I have heard him say he and Mako feel stuck where they are as dep chief & chief because no one can replace them, which is their own fault of not setting the APD up for future success with who they promote. That was also probably a year ago that he said that though.

As for merit, the dude literally didn't touch a cop slot for almost a YEAR. 

He literally didn't play from 7/4/2022 - 5/5/2023. and the reasoning I have heard from other Sr. APD is he has a job and stuff... like everyone else doesn't.

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  • Lord of Tickets
1 hour ago, Millennium said:

He literally didn't play from 7/4/2022 - 5/5/2023



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None of the current sAPD. They are honest to god all bad. All repeats of the Mita/Rabid sitting in a virtual cop car e-flirting while everybody else just wants to play the game.

The current sAPD summarized are all valorant couples.

@ Iceman should be re-instated and put in as a chief as he is not a try hard at the game and genuinely just likes the community. All the other people are grinding stats because their real life goals are lackluster and they attempt to find meaning in something that will be gone in <5 years.

How much "experience" do you really need for a virtual police chief role? I mean get real.

If not someone neutral then just slam an admin into the role. I never liked @ Headless or @ ThatNerdyGuy too much but at the very least they have a very good knowledge of the faction and understanding of what makes people want to play it. Put one of them in that role for two hours a week and it'll be eons better than what it is now.

The current APD is complete dogshit. I just got deputy a few weeks ago to play a bit and I couldn't get pulled for a PO quiz even with all seniors on. You used to get those tests the literal minute after you had enough time.

When I was on civ council a long time ago everyone there hated @ ThatNerdyGuy and @ Headless because they would deny nearly every single civ council change over APD changes. They absolutely love that faction and it was unironically thriving when they were playing/active.

Edited by Skateezy
27 minutes ago, Snake said:

LT Snake


here is my 8 year old resume https://www.twitch.tv/videos/42203998?filter=highlights&sort=time

As former SGT of APD back in 2015 there's no one more accomplished then LT Snake and he would be a perfect choice as chief.

36 minutes ago, Snake said:

LT Snake


here is my 8 year old resume https://www.twitch.tv/videos/42203998?filter=highlights&sort=time

Make Olympus Great Again. Bring it back to its glory days. Vote Snake for Chief

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