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Roundtable Summary 2024-01-21



Approved Ideas

House Lockdown Kit

  • 2 Million to purchase at Rebel Outpost
  • 10 Minute duration until house is locked down
    • Can be defused by APD, takes 30 seconds to defuse
  • Allows players to place a item (similar to HQ takeover terminal) inside their own house that locks the house from any and all interactions in regards to house inventory / windows key by the player 
    • After being locked down the doors can be opened freely by anyone
  • House cannot be searched / raided by APD after duration is complete
  • Item cannot be stored inside houses

APD Federal Event Requirements Revision

  • Deputies still count as 0.5 but if there are x amount of unique officers online x event can still be started.
    • 7 Unique officers (or 5.0 "requirement" filled) for Evidence Locker
    • 8 Unique officers (or 7.0 "requirement" filled) for Blackwater

Handcuff Changes

  • Not consumed on use
  • 10 Minute restraint timer
  • Boltcutter / Lockpicks to break
  • Dropped on death
  • Only useable to T4+ Vigis

Purchasable Spawn points at each individual Vigilante Outpost

  • 50 Vigi Points to unlock
  • Unlocks the ability to spawn at a vigilante outpost of your choice
    • You can purchase all of them and have all outposts available as a spawn location
  • T3+ Exclusive
  • Requires active license (not available when stored)

HEMTT Device

  • 750 storage base
  • Not slingable
  • 750 000 to purchase - $750k
  • Would use unused HEMTT variant (Hemtt Cargo)

Advanced Rebel Drug Licenses Changes

  • Combine the licenses for a illegal drug (aka the 2 for weed becomes 1 weed license)
  • Price will be what 1 license costs now (Ex: Advanced Weed License will have the perks listed below and cost 4 225 000 to purchase)
  • New perks:
    • 15% Increased Processing Speed
    • 5% Increased Drug Sell Price
    • Normal processing bonus gained will not time out like normal (unless the player logs off / server restarts)

Reduce Capture Zones Area for Church and Alpha

  • Reduced to 75% of current area
    • Might receive further reductions to better fit



Coffee / Redgull / Lollipop Hud Display

  • Timer in corner of screen showing how much time is left on coffee/redgull (all factions).
  • A display in corner of screen showing how many coffee/redgulls you have (all factions)
  • Can be toggled on / off in settings

Ability to resolve stolen vehicle dispatches through windows keying the civ that reported the vehicle stolen. 

  • If a civ has reported a vehicle stolen the APD will be able to windows key the civ and select an option to “Resolve Vehicle Stolen Dispatch”. 
  • The civ will receive a notification and choose to “Accept” their vehicle stolen dispatch has been resolved. 
  • Provides a 20% increase in money gained by APD Officers in the area for resolving the stolen vehicle dispatch through windows keying the civ rather than impounding the vehicle.

50% Pharmaceutical Vehicle Drop-off timer increase

  • Increased from 30 to 45 seconds.

Pharmaceutical Vehicles being used at federal event changes

  • Pharmaceutical vehicles will be destroyed while within active Federal Event rings for 45s driver of both vehicles gets notified



Add a R&R boat shop behind Sofia Hospital

Ability to pull ground vehicles from APD garages

Change base pay per player responding to a fire from 75k to 100k

  • 0 & 1 crater (receive 2.5% of house cost)
    • $450,000 (Lowest Price)
      • $11,250 
  • $750,000 (Highest Price)
    • $18,750
  • 2 & 3 crater (receive 2% of house cost)
    • $1,000,500 (Lowest Price)
      • $20,010
    • $1,550,000 (Highest Price)
      • $31,000
  • 4 crater (receive 1.75% of house cost)
    • $2,200,000
      • $38,500
  • 5 crater (receive 1.5% of house cost)
    • $4,250,000 (Lowest Price)
      • $63,750
    • $15,000,000 (Highest Price)

Change water amount needed for different house sizes

  • 0 & 1 crater ( 600 gallons => 400 gallons )
  • 2 & 3 crater ( 600 gallons => 500 gallons )
  • 4 & 5 crater will remain at 600 gallons
  • Does not make sense that all buildings require the same amount of water and time needed to put them out. This change to the system will also help incentivize medics to go to fires.


Denied Ideas


Prowler AA to BW Vehicle Loot Pool

  • Has no commander gun
  • Just a prowler with a Titan on it
  • Same rarity as AT vehicles

Reason for denial: Balancing concerns


When you kill a person and they break NLR you are given a notification 

  • The person breaking NLR has to be inside the circle for 2 minutes or longer for the notifications to be sent
  • Only sent to the person who killed them that caused the NLR circle to spawn

Reason for denial: Too many avenues for bad tracking, essentially leads to witch hunting + dispute and report even if it's not clear whether the person got Arma'd.


Gang Perk Addition

  • When 2 or more people are capping a cartel the speed it takes to capture said cartel is increased by 10%
    • Would only affect when 2 or 3(or more) people are capping a cartel
    • 5 Points to purchase

Reason for denial: Caps are already insanely fast, there isn't need to reduce the time taken further.



The ability for APD Officers to seize stolen legal unprocessed/processed items.

  • Legal unprocessed/processed items that have been picked up or robbed will have a flag next to them as misappropriated and the civ’s name they were taken from. 
  • APD Officers will be able to seize these items from a civ’s inventory through another seize button option eg. “Misappropriated Items”. 
  • Upon seizure these items will be added to the APD Officer’s inventory if there is enough space or deleted. This allows APD Officers to give the items back to the civilian they were stolen from. 
  • Seizure of these items would follow the usual processing rules eg. S in LIST. 

Reason for denial: Insanely development heavy, not optimal for usage/needs vs. time invested into making this system.


30 minute cooldown for repurchasing vigilante licence if seized by the APD.

Reason for denial: Civs will just resort to other tactics, not worth the time invested to implement cooldown based on the amount of ways to circumvent this.


FTOs (Staff Sergeants) being able to utilize the 9mm/.45 suppressors in their arsenal regardless of a Federal Event being active.

Reason for denial: No point in adding further buffs to FTO at this period given the recent implementation of Mk-1 at Federals. 


FTOs (Staff Sergeants) being able to utilize Staff Sergeant level gear at Airdrop events

Reason for denial: APD are guests at the event, participation itself is a priviledge.



Nothing 🤷‍♂️


Recommended Comments



Purchasable Spawn points at each individual Vigilante Outpost

  • 50 Vigi Points to unlock
  • Unlocks the ability to spawn at a vigilante outpost of your choice
    • You can purchase all of them and have all outposts available as a spawn location
  • T3+ Exclusive
  • Requires active license (not available when stored)

    Cum,  im gonna have all the spawns and not just athira no way man
  • Haha 1

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