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Civ Round Table 2/18/18



Just like the last update, Jesse is recording our Civ Round Table Discussions for you all to watch and listen to so you guys have a better idea what we Civ Reps do at the meetings and have a better understanding of the whole thing. I will be listing in the topics below whether the idea was Passed or Rejected, if it was rejected I will leave a time stamp in the section so you can go listen to the reasons as to why it was rejected.

  • Proposed Warzone Rebel locations - https://imgur.com/a/5GWnr - To Be Determined. The time from bottleneck to Rebel to OG is 3 minutes with the new locations compared to 1 minute at the current. The time has been tripled to get gear and comeback making fighting someone fun again.
  • MK200 mag price decrease and gun price decrease - Passed, Prices to be determined
  • Arms cartel rotates between church and OG - Passed
  • Personal GPS upgrade in vehicle shop under Security - Passed, Price to be determined
  • Vehicle upgrades come into effect when selling a car. For example, if you sell a hatchback with Full insurance, Full Security and Tier 4, when you sell the car it gives you X% of the total value of all. - Passed
  • Dope added to all clinics - Denied Discussion starts @1:50
  • Blood bags added to clinics - Passed
  • Blackfish price reduce - Passed, Price to be determined
  • APD Facility - Denied Discussion starts @17:50
  • Type 115 added to warpoint shop - Passed, point value to be determined
  • Have an auto script that kicks players from group chat when in lobby during server restarts - Denied Discussion starts @20:35 
  • VPN system that allowed players to use VPN under certain conditions - Denied. Discussion starts @9:30
  • The Great Pyrgos Bridge - Denied Discussion starts @27:25


If anyone has any ideas or comments please feel free to msg me or leave a comment. If anyone has a Civ idea and Deadpool or I aren't around, please put on his spreadsheet so he can log it. Click Here

If anyone is able to attend the Civ meetings on Saturdays, I encourage you to come and voice your ideas and opinions. 

Link to the whole video is here


Recommended Comments

Maybe have hard interview times for applying to the APD, R&R, etc not even long times just like an hour where you're guaranteed at least an interview. Right now it seems like a total crapshoot and even if you get on while they are interviewing people they may not get to you. I understand they're entirely volunteer based and based on when they have time but some amount of consistency would be amazing.

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1 hour ago, Trollstomper said:

Maybe have hard interview times for applying to the APD, R&R, etc not even long times just like an hour where you're guaranteed at least an interview. Right now it seems like a total crapshoot and even if you get on while they are interviewing people they may not get to you. I understand they're entirely volunteer based and based on when they have time but some amount of consistency would be amazing.


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