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Everything posted by Sociopathic

  1. I am quite curious to how many of the 14,000 members or so that are registered are active, as in have logged in and posted something in the last 30 days, staff always say that they can never watch all "14,000 members" at once, and I'm not putting it on them to do so, but I always see that as a gross exageration, if all accounts that havent logged in and posted something in the last 30 days were removed, how many members would actually remain, and how would this affect the number of members if this was done regularly?
  2. I support it, but I agree the APD can have the favor in it, in most hostage situations I've seen/heard/done, the conversations typically circulate around offering the hostage takers really low offers so they refuse to take it and work up slowly to failing it instead of giving them what they ask for based off how reasonable it is, and most of the time, a hostages life is valued on how much gear he has, odds are you'll get alot for 3 semi geared civilians than you would for 3 fresh spawns. I just think that there should be a more focus towards having the hostages lives matter more than the gear/money we'd be gearing out to save them.
  3. @Bow @SPBojo Sit Down
  4. Can confirm.
  5. Oi, congrats on admin, woulda said something earlier but I got moderated by a very angry brit.



    Was totally the petition... @Fedot

  6. Man, I love being unrestricted so I can make posts and send messages.... oh wait. I can't send messages...



    @Grandma Gary @McDili @Tman15tmb @Doc @Bubbaloo Burrito @Dezree

    Any help would be great...

    1. Sociopathic
    2. Sociopathic


      @Poseidon, Any chance you could help with this, since @Grandma Gary is harder to find on the forums than @Lucki is to find on the teamspeak :P

  7. @Tman15tmb if this is a roast thread, can I post 10 million digits of pi if directed towards someone in a hostile manner?
  8. Yo @Tman15tmb Just got unmoderated and cant send messages still, button isnt there still. 

    Help me fam.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sociopathic


      Aight, thanks mate. Worst comes to worst I'll post a couple million (or 10 million?) digits of pi if I get bored. :P

    3. Tman15tmb


      Gary issued your last ban. You would have to ask him why you're not able to send messages. I honestly have no idea.

    4. Sociopathic


      goddamit gary.

      @Grandma Gary

      I cant send messages, please help. :C

  9. Still same if he didn't say they changed
  10. I have 32GB of ram. x3
  11. From back in the day when I had a fresh 0 blacklists. @Krisskross
  12. @snipeZ Your basically a nobody. @Frank Castle Strafe is my nigga @Strafe Stop bitching, some people are fuckboys. Never even heard of WAR but I get the feeling they are noobs. Shadowplay has little to no negligible effect on FPS until you have it record the last 5 min, because at that point the CPU encodes and processes the video which destroys arma 3 frames.
  13. You know what imma recommend strafe....
  14. Not like this snipeZ
  15. INTP-T
  16. Sting was a vigilante weapon before it was a cop weapon ;), deputies had PO7s. The BW cop weapons are lethal.
  17. I'm say to you what I say to other vigilantes and deputies. Spray the fucking legs. A few rounds from a 9mm will taze someone in the legs, and with the high rate of fire that the sting has, if you are dumb enough to try and shoot through their vest, you deserve the death you will get after you empty your clip to no avail.
  18. The guns aren't free man, to my knowledge the CPL bipods are 500k
  19. 1. Yeah, they do. 2. I said that Tier 2s should have 200k bounties to encourage them leaving the city and letting Tier 1s have the cheaper bounties. 3. My point exactly, vigilantes have little regulation and you say give them fuckin MXCs? If we are making this a Teired system, then the higher tiers should be a whitelist system simply to prevent abuse, you abuse it, you get removed. Cops regulation is insane compared to Vigis, with Vigis, you have to submit a player report that tends to take anywhere from 3-7 days in my experience then they get banned, cop reports typically get replies within hours.
  20. 1. I wasn't saying they shouldn't get it, I was stating the fact that CPLs don't even get that much. 2. His whole argument for increasing the bounty for tier 2 is to give tier 1s a chance to make money, and let's be real, 200k isn't that much, that's like 6 regular kills. Anyone scatting in Kavala would rack that up pretty quick. 3. To prevent abuse, I'm not saying make it hard, just know the short list of Vigi rules and the rules of engagement and your good to go, the whitelisting part is to prevent more heavily armed vigilantes from abuse.
  21. 1. CPLs don't even get %50 of bounties. 2. If Vigis get MXCs, make them 150k and make the minimum bounty 200k since their targets would be rebels. 3. If you are gonna add a tier 2 license, make it a whitelistable one that you have to earn and won't be allowed to use if you abuse it.
  22. When @ThatRandomGuy's first post has to be him telling you guys that something that obviously was a joke is a joke.
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