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Everything posted by Sociopathic

    1. Jonn


      Shortly after they all got rdmd by me


    2. sandman


      Tear gas should solve the problem.

    3. heyday


      "Free Box"

      "Black Lives Matter"

  1. They were written before the disciplinary guide was removed from public view
  2. I always just PMed the cop in TS as I assumed since it was not in game it wasn't breaking RP I like this new rule though
  3. glad I put my LOAs in for everything cause the day after I did a waterline burst in my apartment.

    tfw you wanting to take a break turns into a legit LOA Reason.


  4. tbh, poll is going better than expected
  5. Heya guys, I am taking a break from the community for about a month or so. Gonna be back soon but everyones doing those cliche leaving posts I thought I might as well get in on the action eh? @Mercury @Isaac Newton Can I get the R&R LOA link please? @OutCast Can I get the support team LOA please? Thank you. Peace!
  6. @Doc Welcome back to the APD

    I hope you are here to stay :D

  7. @Mercury

    Roses are RED

    and so is the STATE

    Let us be comrades

    because YOU are great!

    1. Regal


      With great labor we will fulfill the plan!

  8. o7 Why is everyone leaving?
  9. I clearly should have tagged @hadi mokdad
  10. @G.O.A.T.
    1. iPopsicle


      We're already at war? I shot a couple of these yesterday...



    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Those are droids Ignis you tit not bots.

      @MC now those are bots HEHEXD

  11. Enough to lead to a ban.
  12. took me like a fucking week when I applied
  13. Bippity Boppity, @TheCmdrRex is my property

  14. 8b54f66a9f3329e80e3318cdbe964155.png

    @hadi mokdad's true side is exposed

    1. Guest


      fake!!!! that's not me

  15. My bad, guess I should use the default anti-virus like you
  16. I think you have Avast confused with Nortan
  17. Yeah, so will any decent free anti-virus. I recommend Avast

    Here's 5 lootboxes for Overwatch

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sociopathic
    3. Majed


      1 minute ago, Sociopathic said:


      is there another code?

    4. Sociopathic


      Unfortunately not, that's all I had.

      Sorry mate.

  19. o7 don't become a stranger fam, pop in from time to time.
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