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Everything posted by Sociopathic

  1. Got me good.
  2. smh, I wish I knew what bot meant and why I am a box. @chino Brih Elaborate me person I've never met nor heard of.
  3. Stop it, get some help.
  4. Chapter III - Use of Force
  5. Happy Birthday Doc!

  6. Meth Dealers>Gas station robbers

    1. Sociopathic


      Imagine just the fuel costs of this.


    2. QKSILVR73


      I have seen this guy perform in person. Nice guy


  8. Server 4? Pssh

    Server 4-10?

    1. SPBojo


      Server 69 Altis gone sexual plz? 

  9. I'm going to be an EMT, I start classes this September. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DeadPool
    3. RambleR


      Hope you have a strong stomach xD 

      You will see some crazy shit

    4. Tman15tmb


      You will definitely have a gut check moment at some point in time. It's a fun program but stressful as fuck. I'm sure you'll do fine, just prepare yourself both physically and mentally. I suggest taking an Anatomy and Physiology class before you start your EMT. Also I recommend getting your professional CPR cert before you start classes. Make sure your all caught up on immunization records.

  10. Happy Birthday Muthinator. 

  11. Sociopathic


    Welcome, ignore the shitters. @Ares Found you a friend.
  12. tfw your status update gets deleted.


    1. Randyy


      they h8in cuz my skriptz r sik

    2. mur


      i actually wanted to see what people said :(

    3. Randyy


      i gave u the script

  13. You are right, let's also either move the hospital outside Kavala or start giving medics warning shots and ticketing them.
  14. 7c3abf86860d4cdf7e2e6ebf63c82678.png

    Gonna be lit!



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -dante-


      Small venues are the best. People go insane and the rules are limited. The bigger/more popular the venue, the more rules. Seeing a show at the House of Blues is dog shit compared to watching it at a local venue.

    3. Orgondo


      Oh absolutely man, I can't stand some of the bigger venues straight up. "No Moshing" like da fuk why are you playing a Hardcore or deathcore band at your venue then.

    4. Sociopathic


      Agreed, one of the venues I go to has a section for people who want to drink as well.

      Albeit it's not super big so when a large band comes to town it is literally packed to the brim with people all pushing to the front.

  15. 9cd544586f282d716f2c50bdbd5781c9.png

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Homicide


      Is it funny that I read that in my head with the lil bill voice 

    3. OlympusAccount


      @860homicidehartfordOkay good I thought it was just me.

    4. Homicide


      @OlympusAccount which lil bill voice did u read with his or the cartoon cuz I read it in his lol 

  16. Mercury, your new profile picture makes me confuse you for @Lucki


    1. Lucki


      Wtf Mercury! You commie bastard


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