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About HeadAss

  • Birthday August 28

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Happy to see this server and community still strong after all this time been here for 8 years and proud
  2. bruh why was my previous status update taken down ?؟

    1. 1-800TryHards


      Because it’s kinda considered giving someone in game money for actual real life money which is against sever rules or Bohemia something idk

    2. HeadAss
    3. indian


      Against Bohemia TOS. Dont publicly advertise buying/selling in-game goods. Can result in bank wipe and/or a ban if reported and staff cares enough to do so.

  3. @McDili when you step down before you give me my corporal test :FeelsBad:


  4. Congrats to my boi @OutCast on sergent, i remember when you first joined the APD and i was your po and i taught you how to play lol, i think i am a good teacher huh.

    and also congrats to @TheCmdrRex you earned it mate <3

  5. Congrats on LT mate @Goodman well deserved :D


  6. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و الصلاة و السلام على .رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم 

     اما بعد فا بإذن الله تعالى سوف نقضي علي جميع اعدأنا الكافرين و احدآ واحد و سوف تعلو راية الاسلام و المسلمين في جميع انحاء العالم بآذن اللة تعالي و سيعلو صوت الاسلام فوق جميع العالم و سيعلو صوت المسلمين فوق جميع من كفرو بالله و نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم  فا يوما من الأيام سوف ينتصر المسلمين علي جميع من عادوة و من حاربوة و حاولو ازالتة فا سيظل السلام شامخآ عاليآ فوق العالمين مهما حاول الكفار هدمة فا الاسلام اقوي من كل شي و بأذن الله تعالى سوف نهزم الاعداء فتعلو دولة الاسلام كما علت من قبل و ستظل عالية مهما حاربوها 

    و السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.

    1. Outcast
    2. JSTN
    3. User_0000


      أنشالله وثم باْذن خالق البشر 


      لعنت الله علی قوم ظالمین


  7. عيد ميلاد سعيد @G.O.A.T.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snare


      happy birthday according to google translate.

    3. User_0000



  8. And they say corporals cant fly....


  9. I don't understand why would anyone consider getting rid of the news team its not doing any harm to the server it actually gives the server a lot of fun rp and its a nice way to see the server from someone else eyes, all what the news team need is a good leadership that will actually care about the news team and try to make it better.  

    I have a lot of ideas in my mind for the news team and i hope i don't see it go away 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. TheRandomOne


      Yeah, because you can tell someone's RP from a picture kiddo.




    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      @TheRandomOne Nah, because I wasn't the one who took the picture, and stood there and listened to it though was I?

    4. TheRandomOne


      And your point is supposed to be proven by a single still image with no audio or video. I'm sure that's always how proof works, right? For example, that's why the people with no evidence always get their RDM player reports approved I'm sure....

  10. Get off the forums
  11. HeadAss


  12. i understand that he have the right to do anything he want but is it fare ? a lot of good APD members that waited a good amount of time until they got there Po test and i am sure if you asked those people a CPL or a SGT re-eval test questions they would answer so why will you favorite someone and give them po test when she don't even have 1 minute on APD why will you cause all this
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