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Everything posted by swrvy

  1. about time congrats on corp @Zurph

  2. ez win for the unstoppable PLAGUE but TI and Prime should be able to fight regardless of whether each of them makes the hour req so that we can get a little bit of competition
  3. The Last Kingdom, That 70's show, Parks and rec, Entourage, Black Mirror, Survivor, The 100, Narcos, TURN, Black Sails
  4. is it a requirement to get cop now that you have to be terrible at the game?

  5. hands up or die
  6. cringe
  7. how dare you anthony henderson
  8. thats no ordinary panda thats the dragon warrior
  9. no love for the lice today
  10. big facts #nerfcop
  11. ez claps, where's the competition?
  12. The only way to progress in factions is to log a disgusting amount of time on it every week without getting on the seniors' shitlist
  13. add me on xbox @ sw6rvy to play sea of thieves

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JuanDeaged


      Ur so gay swervy only gay people do this shit 

    3. 1-800TryHards


      ill add you since i got the game recently 

    4. swrvy


      @JuanDeaged get off my dick pussy

  14. ez claps
  15. @sped
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